Susan Robinson Mentoring law students at a prestigious school

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Susan Robinson Mentoring law students at a prestigious school [by Teresa Talerico] When she worked as a general commercial litigator, Susan Robinson realized she loved helping novice associates blossom as they embarked on their careers. In 1997, she parlayed that love into a job as Assistant Director of the career services office at Stanford University School of Law, ranked as the No. 3 law school in the country by U.S. News & World Report. Today she is the law school’s Associate Dean for Career Services.

“When I was practicing law, one of the things

part. If they already had a strong interest in

what they do in those different practice areas.

I really enjoyed was mentoring the newer

a particular area before they came into law

They can use their summer experiences or

associates,” she said. “I was looking for

school, that’s fairly easy. For instance, if

externships to explore different areas as well.

a career that would allow me to do more

someone was working for an environmental

counseling, more focus on helping people on

organization before they came to school and

Q: How has your own experience helped you

their own personal journeys. I really wanted

really loved it, it could be an easy choice to

guide students in their career planning?

to have a job where I felt like I was helping

stick with environmental law. But if a student

people move forward.”

has no idea what kind of practice area they’re

A: For most of my students who are looking

interested in, first of all I’d suggest reading

for fairly traditional legal jobs, whether that’s

A 1992 graduate of Columbia Law School, Ms.

“The Official Guide to Legal Specialties” (Lisa

in government, law firms or public interest,

Robinson worked as a litigator for two San

L. Abrams and The National Association for

having gone through the process myself,

Francisco law firms, where she also recruited

Law Placement, Harcourt Brace Legal and

having been on the other side when I was at

law students, mentored associates and

Professional Publications, 2000). It’s got a

the firms - I interviewed for my employers

served on the hiring committee, before going

great overview of some of the different prac-

and served on the hiring committees there - I

into career services.

tice areas and what people do within those.

was able to better inform students as to what

Q: What do the most successful job hunters

Students can get an idea through the classes

to see on a resume or hear in an interview.

do in their searches?

they take, what things they find interesting.

Having practiced and been involved in recruit-

They can talk to professors who are focusing

ing has been very helpful for that.

employers are looking for, what they expect

A: Networking is key. So is preparing a very

on a particular area. I suggest they talk to

strong resume and a specific and directed

their career services office and see if there

For those people looking for alternatives,

cover letter. Doing research on the employer,

are alumni practicing in that area to whom

having gone through the process of trying to

really understanding who the employer is,

they might be able to speak and do an infor-

decide what I wanted to do and gone through

who they typically represent, so they can re-

mational interview to find out more.

the process of shifting gears, I’m able to better empathize with those students and

ally discuss in an intelligent way why they’re I would suggest before they do informational

alums who are trying to make that choice

interviews, that they have a pretty good idea

and provide helpful information about how to

Q: What’s the biggest mistake law school

of what it is they’re looking for, what sort of

make that transition.

grads make in their job searches?

characteristics they want to find in the type

interested in that employer.

of practice they want to do, so they know if A: That’s a little bit of a hard one. Most of our

they’re getting the right kinds of answers.

students graduate with jobs, which is fairly unusual. At most law schools, that’s not the

Q: And they should start that as early as the


first year?

Q: How can law students find the right spe-

A: Yes. Most law schools put on panels and

cialty for them?

presentations. At Stanford, we do a Day in the Life series where we focus on different prac-

A: It requires some real research on their


tice areas and bring in attorneys to talk about

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