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Texas Wesleyan University School of Law [by Christina Poon] Texas Wesleyan’s law school is less than fifteen years old, but it has already proven several things about itself: it offers students an excellent education, it boasts a fun atmosphere, and, most importantly, it is a school on the rise.
Founded in 1890 by the Methodist Episcopal
to class demands.
enter an extensive range of legal practices, from private practice to corporate or govern-
Church, South, Texas Wesleyan University established its school of law just 14 years
The schedules at Wesleyan are flexible.
ment law, and even to the field of academia.
ago, later earning American Bar Association
The school offers both daytime and evening
In 2003, more than half of the graduating
accreditation in 1992. While the law school
classes, giving students the choice of attend-
body entered private practices. Staying loyal
may seem to be a fledgling institution, it
ing either part-time or full-time-an option
to their community, many of the Wesleyan
continues to grow every year, boasting a
not many private law institutions often allow.
graduates actually find themselves practicing
bar passage rate that exceeds the average
The student body is a cozy 710, with 470 full-
within the Fort Worth and Dallas areas.
statewide scores.
time and 240 part-time students. Like many private schools, the small classes are defi-
Students will find a very pleasant but ener-
The Wesleyan Law School is known for at-
nite advantages of Wesleyan’s School of Law.
getic atmosphere here. Located in downtown
tracting career-experienced students, many
The school retains a 28-member full-time
Fort Worth, TX,, only a train-stop away from
of whom have pursued other professional
faculty and a number of adjunct professors.
well-known Dallas, students can get a real
careers before beginning their legal educa-
The faculty is highly qualified, experienced
feel of the culture and history of the city as
tion. With backgrounds in finance, education,
in a variety of professional backgrounds,
they walk down Fort Worth’s center of busi-
real estate, business, and other fields, the
and has graduated from some of the most
ness and life. Art museums dot the streets of
incoming classes give both experience and
prestigious institutions nationwide, includ-
this busy city with some of the most famous
professional edge to the student body.
ing George Washington, Columbia, Harvard,
artwork. Here you can visit the historic
Texas, and Yale.
Stockyards District and, of course, the pic-
admission may not be as competitive as
Yet, the student population is growing rap-
resident of Texas should visit.
some of the top private schools, but it’s
idly, and the continued expansion may soon
getting more difficult, and the median LSAT
pose problems for Wesleyan, as its popula-
Students will also find easy access to the
scores and GPAs rise with each entering
tion rapidly outgrows its allotted space.
bustling Metroplex of Dallas-the center
class. As of 2003, the average LSAT score
With the need for a larger campus and more
of many of the state’s major national and
was 152; the average GPA was 3.19.
classrooms, Wesleyan is currently planning
international businesses. Here you’ll find an
to expand to the top floor of its location, add-
amalgam of art museums, dance theaters,
Tuition is based on its “block tuition policy,”
ing an extra 40,000 square feet. The addition-
musical theaters, and botanical gardens. You
in which tuition and fees depend on the indi-
al space will allow for extra classroom and
can also visit the symphony center and the
vidual course load: $9,480 for 12-16 hours,
office space, in addition to an auditorium. The
66-acre arboretum. The busy city maintains
$6,765 for 9-11 hours, and $640 for 8 hours
school also plans to add space to the bottom
a modern, cosmopolitan feel with its wide
or less (as of 2004). For a first-year full-time
floor, expanding the library and allowing
variety of attractions, and yet, much like
student, tuition and fees average around
further space for any additional classrooms
Fort Worth, the city preserves its warm and
$19,520; for a first-year part-time student,
or offices. Construction is underway, and the
friendly Southern quality.
the average is $14,090. Unlike many of the
school is hopeful that it will be finished by
average private schools, Wesleyan’s tuition
the Spring of 2005.
turesque natural-environment zoo that every
Due to the relative youth of this law school,
Texas Wesleyan University’s School of Law may be young, but its growth is developing at
is significantly lower, and yet it still offers all the benefits of a private school-a low
Still young and growing, Wesleyan’s alumni
a rapid pace. Entrance at Wesleyan’s School
student-to-faculty ratio and better response
base is a small 1,800. Graduates of Wesleyan
of Law is not too competitive, but it offers the
continued on back
highly qualified faculty, small student-to-faculty ration, and a friendly, energetic atmosphere that many students demand. Texas Wesleyan is in its 14th year and will soon make its mark as a well-known law school nationwide.
1.800. 973. 1177