The Boston University School of Law

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The Boston University School of Law [by Carina Zaragoza] Ranked 23rd by U.S. News & World Report and the 2004 BCG Attorney Search Guide, the Boston University School of Law is not only a tier-one law school, but also a distinguished institution.

available. At BUSL, help, support, and guid-

The Boston University School of Law (BUSL)

ance are always accessible.

attracts a diverse student body of top stu-

BUSL’s world-class library, The Pappas

dents from across the nation and around the

Law Library, contains one of the largest law

world. Forty-three states, Washington, DC,

school research collections in the United

BUSL is home to respected centers for ad-

Puerto Rico, Guam, and 21 foreign countries

States. Students have access to the library’s

vanced research, scholarship, and service to

are represented. Alumni then take their

collection of more than 500,000 volumes and

the public and the legal profession. Profes-

BUSL educations across the country and

microform equivalents, as well as a wide

sors Robert and Ann Seidman developed

worldwide, with 18,700 alumni in 50 states,

range of law-related CD-ROM titles and

BUSL’s first distance (Internet) learning

Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, the Virgin

educational interactive materials from the

course, The International Distance Legisla-

Islands, and 73 countries worldwide. BUSL is

Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruc-

tive Drafting Program. The program teaches

a community of top legal scholars, teachers,

tion (CALI). The library’s resources also

legislative drafting to third-world and

students, and alumni dedicated to provid-

include state and federal primary materials,

transitional countries who wish to research,

ing the finest legal education in the nation.

legal periodicals, and a major collection of

draft, and implement effective legislation for

Students learn all about the law in a rigorous

treatises, as well as specialized collections

their countries. The Morin Center for Bank-

but supportive environment. Since its found-

in international law, intellectual property

ing and Financial Law conducts specialized

ing in 1872, BUSL has welcomed qualified

law, health law, banking law, taxation, and

research and provides continuing education

men and women, without regard to back-

U.S. government publications.

in banking and financial services law. The center publishes the Annual Review of Bank-

ground or belief. BUSL’s founding principle is that legal education should emphasize not

BUSL understands the demands put on

ing & Financial Law, one of the six student-

just theory and analysis but practical applica-

students. Far from leaving them to their

run scholarly journals at BUSL. The other

tions. This idea still governs the curriculum

own devices, the Pappas Law Library has

journals run by J.D. students include the


designed programs to assist students with

Boston University Law Review, the Ameri-

their classes, assignments, and writing. All

can Journal of Law & Medicine, the Boston

Since recent entering classes have usu-

first-year law students are required to attend

University International Law Journal, the

ally been slightly smaller than 300 people,

library-sponsored training. The First Year

Journal of Science & Technology Law, and

the student-faculty ratio is superb: 10 to 7.

Writing Program requires students to attend

the Public Interest Law Journal. As writing is

Classes are small, and the faculty’s attention

several training sessions which will prepare

an integral aspect in the field of law, journal

to students is renowned. In order to enjoy

them for their research assignments. This

membership fosters research, writing, and

such attention, students must meet the high

training includes an overview of the library

analytical skills.

standards that have been set by past classes.

collection, an introduction to online legal

The average GPA of the class of 2007 was

research, and Lexis Nexis and Westlaw

Although clinical programs are offered by

3.59; the average LSAT score, 164. Even if

hands-on training. The Pappas Law Library’s

most every law school, the clinics at BUSL

students do garner such high scores, the

website features tutorials to assist students

differ greatly. BUSL was one of the first

chances of their being accepted are still slim.

with their research projects. One tutorial,

law schools in the nation to staff its clinical

BUSL admits less than 20% of applicants on

“Research Road Map,” provides step-by-

programs with full-time faculty, and most

average. But the end result of a BUSL legal

step instructions on how to select a topic,

of the current clinical professors now

education is virtually unmatched: 100% of

conduct research, and write a final paper. If a

have more than 20 years of courtroom and

students are employed nine months after

student needs more personalized assistance,

teaching experience. In the clinics, students


reference librarians and elective classes are

perform the work of professional attorneys,


continued on back


representing real clients in real cases, from initial interview to final courtroom summation. These programs provide a rare opportunity to practice law while receiving close, personal supervision and training from highly qualified, full-time faculty. The student-faculty ratio here is 8 to 1, allowing faculty to closely supervise student work and serve simultaneously as mentors and as colleagues. The clinical experience for BUSL is a cut above other clinical programs. The Boston University School of Law has no need to toot its own horn. BUSL has received rave reviews from some top authorities. The Best Law Schools, a Princeton Review Guide, has named BUSL’s faculty “The Best Teaching Faculty in America” for five consecutive years. BUSL’s programs have consistently ranked among the top 10 in the nation. The training given to students in ethics and moral and political theory ranks among the top six in the country. The students themselves sing the praises of BUSL. The Princeton Review recently surveyed the opinions of more than 7,000 students at 117 law schools about the quality of their experiences. Based on the students’ responses, BUSL scored 6th in Best Overall Academic Experience and 4th in Best Career Prospects. The nationally recognized Boston University School of Law is an excellent choice for a superior legal education.


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