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THE LAW AND TERRI SCHIAVO [by James Kilpatrick] In the sad case of Terri Schiavo, there are no good answers. Florida’s highest court has authorized the best of the bad ones: Pull the tubes and let the young woman die. The relief act that President Bush signed on Monday is an affront to the rule of law.

By this time, every sentient American is

tinue providing Theresa with food and vital

her behalf in the U.S. District Court in Tampa.

familiar with the facts. Theresa “Terri”

fluids. Six months later, a trial court ruled

On what meat does this our Congress feed?

Schindler was born in Pennsylvania on Dec.

that the lawmakers and the governor had

3, 1963. In November 1984 she married

overstepped their powers. Last September,

This jerry-built act gives the U.S. District

Michael Schiavo. In 1986 the couple moved to

Florida’s Supreme Court unanimously af-

Court power to rule “without delay,” regard-

Florida. On Feb. 5, 1990, their lives irrevoca-

firmed that decision. Speaking through Chief

less of state proceedings, on the merits of

bly changed. She suffered a form of cardiac

Justice Barbara Pariente, the court found

the case as a whole. However, “Nothing in

arrest and lapsed into unconsciousness. For

clear and convincing evidence that Theresa

this act shall be construed to create substan-

the next three years her parents and her

is in a persistent vegetative state. If she were

tive rights not otherwise secured by the Con-

husband enjoyed an amiable relationship, but

competent to make her own decisions, “she

stitution and laws of the United States.” This

eventually that collapsed into bitter recrimi-

would elect to cease life-prolonging proce-

is hokum. Neither may the act be construed

nations. Terri’s fate has been in litigation

dures.” Neither the governor nor the legisla-

“to confer additional jurisdiction on any claim

ever since, as her parents have sought to

ture could set aside the court’s decree.

related to assisting suicide.” Finally, “Noth-

asked the courts to let her die.

Said the chief justice: “The continuing vital-

with respect to future legislation, including

ity of our system of separation of powers

the provisions of private relief bills.” This is

Florida judges so far have sided with the

precludes the other two branches from nul-

worse than hokum. Of course a precedent

husband. In 1996, a guardianship court

lifying the judicial branch’s final order. If the

has been created, and a bad one it is.


legislature, with the assent of the governor,

ing in this act shall constitute a precedent

keep her technically alive, and Michael has

can do what was attempted here, the judicial

To some of us old states’-righters, the life

“The evidence is overwhelming that Theresa

branch would be subordinated to the final

or death of Terri Schiavo is simply no proper

is in a permanent or persistent vegetative

directives of the other branches ...

business of Congress or the federal courts. Congress doubtless has power to regulate

state. She has cycles of apparent wakefulness and apparent sleep without any cogni-

“Also subordinated would be the rights of

the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme

tion or awareness. ... CAT scans of her brain

individuals, including the well-established

Court, but it has no power to overrule the

show a severely abnormal structure. Much

right to self-determination, No court judg-

orders of a state supreme court. Florida’s

of her cerebral cortex is simply gone and has

ment could ever be considered final and

judges have listened compassionately to

been replaced by cerebral spinal fluid.

no constitutional right secure, because the

the parents’ dramatic appeal, and they have

precedent of this case would hold to the con-

found in the husband’s favor. No substantive

“Medicine cannot cure this condition. Unless

trary. Vested rights could be stripped away

federal question remains. Let the curtain fall.

an act of God, a true miracle, were to re-cre-

based on popular clamor.” (Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by

ate her brain, Theresa will always remain

e-mail to

in an unconscious, reflexive state, totally

With Monday’s emergency legislation in

dependent upon others to feed her and care

Congress, this sad chronicle presumably will

for her most private needs. She could remain

enter its final chapter. The act just signed by

in this state for many years.”

the president, titled, “An Act for the Relief of


the Parents of Theresa Marie Schiavo,” is a

This feature may not be reproduced or dis-


The parents appealed. More litigation

legislative abomination. The bill was cobbled

tributed electronically, in print or otherwise

ensued. In October 2003, Gov. Jeb Bush and

together without hearings. It is a throwback

without the written permission of uclick and

the state legislature intervened with orders

to the bad old days of legislative privilege. It

Universal Press Syndicate.

effectively commanding a hospice to con-

gives standing to the parents to bring suit on


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