The University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law

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The University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law [By Kenneth Davis] The University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law (also known as the University of Memphis School of Law) has been shaping top legal minds for more than 40 years and boasts more than 4,500 graduates since its founding. The law school was formed as a college within Memphis State University in 1962 in response to a widespread interest in developing a full-time legal education program to serve Memphis and the mid-South. The school was created to replace two local private law schools, the University of Memphis Law School and the Southern Law School, which offered parttime education. It is currently the only law school in Memphis and was named in honor of former University’s president Cecil C. Humphreys, a distinguished educator. The law school has approximately 460 students and 23 full-time faculty members. The Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law

opportunity to gain practical experience

Many of the students participate on moot

has been recognized frequently for its

and to specialize in areas of interest. The

court or mock trial teams. The school’s moot

contributions to its community and to legal

required first-year curriculum introduces

court team recently finished second in the

education. Through its legal clinic, the school

students to the building blocks of American

national moot court finals held at the New

provides legal services to juveniles, abused

law: civil procedure, contracts, criminal

York City Bar Association headquarters.

women, the elderly, and others who might

law, property, and torts. The Legal Method

The competition, which was sponsored by

otherwise be unable to afford legal advice or

program teaches the basics of legal analysis,

the American College of Trial Lawyers and


research, and writing.

the New York City Bar Association, pitted 186 teams from 129 schools divided into

The school’s graduates include federal and

The required second-year courses expose

14 regions. The moot court team consisted

state judges, trial attorneys and corporate

students to other fundamental areas

of law students Todd Richardson, Shannon

lawyers, advocates for the poor, and

of law and to diverse aspects to legal

McKenna, and Mark Thompson. Law

environmental attorneys.

analysis. Second-year students take the

professor and Associate Dean for Academic

following courses: Business Organizations,

Affairs Barbara Kritchevsky coached the

In 1965, the law school was accredited

Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure,


by the American Bar Association and has

Decedents’ Estates, Evidence, Income

maintained its accreditation. The school

Taxation, and Secured Transactions. These

Also, a number of students are involved with

changed its name to the University of

courses introduce students to many of the

the school’s two law journals, the University

Memphis pursuant to state legislation in

subjects tested on the bar examination


and ensure that students who choose to

of Memphis Law Review and the Tennessee Journal of Practice and Procedure.

specialize in an area of law are aware of the The law school’s faculty have distinguished

diversity of legal practice. Students must

In addition to the law journals and the moot

themselves by their commitment to teaching,

also complete the course in Professional

court and mock trial teams, the following are

legal research, and scholarship. Thirteen

Responsibility and satisfy the advanced

other organizations in which students can

faculty members have earned graduate law

writing requirement.

participate: Association of Trial Lawyers of

degrees (LL.M.), and five faculty members

America, Association for Women Attorneys,

have served as graduate law clerks for

Beginning in the second year, students

Black Law Students Association, Christian

federal appellate and trial judges. In addition,

can utilize the law school’s wide range of

Legal Society, Environmental Law Council;

several faculty members have been elected

elective offerings. These courses permit

Federalist Society, International Law Society,

to the American Law Institute, and others

specialization in specific areas of law, such

Law and Technology Society, Jewish Law

serve as consultants to judicial commissions

as taxation or labor and employment law, or

Student Association, Memphis Tax Law

and are active participants in state and

enable students to gain exposure to diverse

Council, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, The

national bar associations.

aspects of legal practice. Students may also

Sports and Entertainment Law Society, and

take advantage of the law school’s extensive

the Student Bar Association.

The law school offers a rigorous curriculum

Clinical Program and various externship

that provides students with a solid foundation


in diverse areas of law and an ample PAGE

The school’s dean, James R. Smoot, earned his law degree from Yale Law School in

continued on back


1974. He was Executive Editor of the Yale

Law Journal from 1973 to 1974. Additionally, Smoot served as Deputy General Counsel for the The Readers Digest Association, Inc., in New York from 1980 to 1989. He joined the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law in 1990 as an Assistant Professor of Law and was named dean last year. Smoot’s teaching interests include Banking Law, Business Organizations, Contracts, Corporate Finance, International Finance, and Securities Regulation.

ON THE NET The University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law American College of Trial Lawyers American Bar Association


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