Unfair To Those In Service

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Unfair To Those In Service [by James Kilpatrick] If I were a betting man, which I’m not, I would offer a nice proposition. This is it: I would bet you 1,000-1 — make it 10,000-1 — that the Supreme Court refuses to hear the pending appeals in Purcell v. U.S. and Kemp v. U.S.

All right, sucker, send your check in care

At nightfall a Marine sergeant took charge of

invoked the Feres doctrine and her complaint

of this column. Thank you very much. You

the unexpended rounds.

was dismissed. Her appeal to the Supreme

were betting that the Supreme Court would

Court almost certainly will be denied.

abandon 55 years of bad precedent in cases

The exercise resumed the following morn-

involving men and women in military service.

ing. This time the Marines were ordered to

Was there actionable malpractice? This

Forget it! The unfairness imposed upon them

use blanks. Somehow the sergeant erred. He

layman ventures no opinion. It is the kind of

by what is known as the Feres doctrine will

brought two prepared magazines. One held

question that juries routinely decide. Certainly

not be relieved.

blank ammunition. The other was left over

Mrs. Lemp and her counsel believe that differ-

from the day before. Jeremy was killed. Ac-

ent treatment would have saved his life. Now

cidents happen.

he is dead. The doctrine survives.

fire razed an Army barracks in Pine Camp,

Jeremy’s father subsequently sued for dam-

The case law is filled with relevant examples.

N.Y. He left a young widow and a year-old son.

ages based upon the sergeant’s negligence.

At random, let me offer Suzanne Costo v. U.S.

The fire clearly was caused by the negligence

He concedes that if his son’s death had oc-

, dismissed by the 9th Circuit in 2001. The

of a maintenance crew. She sued the govern-

curred during actual combat, he would have

case arose from a Navy-sponsored excursion

ment for the kind of damages that would

no suit. This death came during a routine

on the Nooksack River in Whatcom County,

have been awarded instantly against a civilian

training exercise. It resulted from indefensible

Wash., in July 1995. It was a recreational

defendant. In a unanimous opinion by Justice

negligence. No matter. The Court of Appeals

opportunity for personnel of the Naval Air

Robert H. Jackson, the Supreme Court held

for the 10th Circuit routinely cited the Feres

Station in Oak Harbor. Nollie Costo, USN,

in 1950 that his estate could not recover. His

doctrine. Will the Supreme Court hear his ap-

drowned when the raft on which he was riding

death was “incident to service.” She and the

peal? Don’t bet the ranch.

hit a submerged log and flipped over. There

To refresh your memory: Rudolph J. Feres, a first lieutenant in the Army, died in 1947 when

was telling evidence of gross negligence on

child could live on his pension. In a companion case, Christine Lemp asks the

the Navy’s part.

Thus was born the misbegotten Feres doc-

high court to consider the death of her hus-

trine. In the ensuing years, scores of plaintiffs

band, Army Capt. James Lemp. He died three

No jury ever heard his parents’ suit. You know

and dozens of commentators have denounced

years ago at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., of what

why. The cite is to Feres v. U.S. 340 U.S. 135.

it. Hundreds of tort cases have been hopefully

his widow regards as malpractice on the part

filed and promptly dismissed. In 1987 the high

of Army medical personnel. The story dates

(Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by

court came within one vote of reconsider-

from March 2003, when he developed an acute

e-mail to kilpatjj@aol.com.)

ing the rule. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a

headache, accompanied by vomiting, dizziness

powerful dissenting opinion urging that the

and numbness in his arms. At the Army hospi-


precedent be abandoned. Sad to say, it hangs

tal a CT scan appeared to be negative.


on like a summer cold.

This feature may not be reproduced or disAs the hours passed, more symptoms of a

tributed electronically, in print or otherwise

Now it is hitting the family of the late Jeremy

seizure became evident. According to the

without the written permission of uclick and

Ross Purcell. Five years ago this week he en-

Lemp petition, he fell into “hypoxia, aspiration

Universal Press Syndicate.

listed in the U.S. Marine Corps. Eventually he

of vomitus, respiratory arrest and profound

wound up at Camp Pendleton, Calif. In August

bradycardia.” He was placed on a ventilator

2002 his platoon was ordered to participate in

and transferred to a hospital. There he died

a live-fire exercise with 5.56mm ammunition.

of brain edema. His widow sued, but the Army


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