The University of Colorado Law School

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The University of Colorado School of Law [by Christina Poon] The University of Colorado has it all - prestige (it consistently ranks among the top 50 law schools in the country), atmosphere (its beautiful Boulder campus boasts the Rocky Mountains as a backdrop), and, most importantly, a sense of community and a top-notch education.

The University of Colorado School of Law was

class. Narrowing down the pool of candidates

Unique to the university is its Lend-A-Law-

founded in 1892 and has since maintained a

even further, out of those 165 students, at

Student Program. The program primarily

solid history of higher education and excel-

least 55% must be residents of Colorado (in

serves pro-bono Colorado attorneys or

lence. Ranked 40th on the annual U.S. News

line with policy as a public institution).

nonprofit organizations by making CU law students available for any jobs or projects.

& World Report list of tier-one law schools, the university continues to be one of the

The University of Colorado bases its admis-

strongest public law schools in the nation.

sions decisions heavily on LSAT scores and

search, investigations, brief writing, or any

undergraduate GPA. As of 2003, the median

other related tasks. Involvement in the legal

The University of Colorado stands apart from

LSAT was 162, and the median GPA 3.62.

community encourages students to build

its competitors, in particular for its pristine

While scores may be slightly above average,

relationships within Boulder and achieve

location. Lying at the foot of the Rocky Moun-

other factors are taken into consideration,

hands-on experience before beginning their

tains, the Boulder campus overflows with

including background, experience, and

legal careers.

greenery and an abundance of beautiful trees

interests. In order to increase cultural and

and lakes, creating a most serene atmo-

ethnic diversity, the University of Colorado

The success rate of legal placements after

sphere-a Utopia for the average frazzled law

abides by a policy of affirmative action. The

graduation is excellent. More than 97% of the

student. The 215-plus buildings add an extra

small School of Law, therefore, represents a

school’s graduates find employment, with

dimension of beauty to this perfect campus-

diverse community of talented individuals.

approximately 46% joining legal firms, 20% becoming judicial clerks, and approximately

with Italian-style architecture, sandstone walls, and red-tile roofs.

Students volunteer their time doing re-

If you can make your way into this selective

13.5% finding positions within the govern-

pool of candidates, you’ll be sure to enjoy the


The School of Law lies in the southwestern

small student-to-faculty ratios (14:1), the

part of campus in the Fleming Law Build-

beautiful panoramic views, and, best of all,

Apart from academics, quality of life is good

ing, with an adjacent library that houses an

the low cost of attendance.

in Boulder. Living in this natural environment definitely has its perks. Aside from absorbing

extensive collection of works and research materials. Wireless Internet is available to

The University of Colorado boasts the lowest

the beauty that embodies the campus, many

all students within both the law building and

tuition and fees in the nation--$7,645 for

students take advantage of the mountainous

library. Plans are underway for the con-

Colorado residents and $22,781 for non-

area to hike, bike, or backpack during the

struction of the Wolf Law Building-another

residents. While the fees may be low, the

warmer seasons and ski during the snowy

beautiful addition to the series of Italian

education the school offers is nothing short


Renaissance buildings. The designs of the

of excellent. Classes are often smaller than

new building and its surrounding landscape

85, allowing for uninhibited discussion. In

The campus is beautiful and the academics

are gorgeous.

order to further encourage the students to

are first-rate at the University of Colorado

familiarize themselves with professors, the

School of Law. Entering its 112th year, the

The admissions process at the Colorado

university also places its first-year students

university will continue to build a strong

School of Law is selective, and gaining en-

in at least one class of 30 or fewer students.

community of scholars and maintain its long

trance may be particularly difficult for a non-

The university is known for its strong net-

tradition of excellence.

resident. Out of more than 3,000 applicants,

work of relationships among students and

only about 700 are offered admission, with

faculty members.

an average of 165 students in each entering


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