University of Minnesota Law Students See Courts in Action Through Judicial Externship

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University of Minnesota Law Students See Courts in Action Through Judicial Externship [by Erica Winter] Dave Nardolillo chose to attend the University of Minnesota Law School in part because of its clinics and externship program, and now he is one of 60 law students this summer taking the law school’s judicial externship course.

The Minneapolis-based law school’s pro-

time with the courts. Students also write one

a great opportunity” to work with a judge and

grams are strengthened by its location.

long essay, says Chomsky, discussing judicial

decided to do both. It’s expensive to lose paid

Specifically, being very close to several state

decision making and the role of clerks in that

hours to pay for a law school course at the

and federal courthouses makes its judicial


same time, Ewald says, but “I’m getting my money’s worth and then some,” she says.

externship program vibrant and the school itself a “really attractive” choice, says Nardo-

Ewald, who will be in her second year at Min-

lillo. The externship course places students

nesota Law in the fall, is doing her externship

So far this summer, “I’ve been pleasantly

with a federal, state, or tribal judge.

with the Hennepin County District Court,

surprised by both,” Ewald says, and cites

Fourth Judicial District, a state trial court.

the wide range of legal experience that she

And in the judicial externship itself, see-

The judge will be retiring next January, so

is packing into one summer. On one hand,

ing the law move from the theory of the

he is only hearing criminal cases now, not

there is a gang-related murder trial; on the

classroom to the reality of the courtroom is

lengthier civil cases. At the start of her ex-

other, banking laws. “I like both for different

very interesting, says Ashley Ewald, another

ternship, Ewald saw some basic cases, such

reasons,” Ewald says, adding that it will be

current externship participant. She now feels

as sentencing in a domestic violence case,

difficult to make a career choice between the

she is studying for an applicable purpose,

she says. Then, the court started a more

private and public sectors.

“not just to ace the final,” she says.

complicated murder trial.

Students must complete at least 100 hours

The judge Ewald works with is “very open

wants to pursue a career in prosecution,

of externship work to receive 2 credits, and

with what he lets me see,” she says. For ex-

preferably in the arena of federal white-collar

at least 150 hours to receive 3 credits for

ample, she was surprised to be told to sit up

crime. Now finished with his first year of law

completing the course. The summer extern-

next to the judge during proceedings, having

school, Nardolillo was a bond trader on Wall

ship runs from early June to the start of the

expected to be out in the gallery. The judge

Street for six years before coming to Min-

fall semester in August; the course is also

will tell her his thoughts on the case and the

nesota Law. Both the September 11 attacks

offered during the academic year.

proceedings afterwards. There is another law

and the Enron scandal motivated him to go

Nardolillo, on the other hand, is sure he

clerk, but the judge, she feels, treats her as

into the law, he says, and he hopes to focus

In the summer, students’ hours must be

though she is also a clerk. “It’s been very nice

on corporate wrongdoing as a U.S. Attorney

spread out over at least six weeks, to get a

that way,” Ewald says.

some day.

choose to work for the judge for the whole

The judge is “an excellent mentor,” Ewald

This summer, Nardolillo’s externship is

summer “and get a great experience out

says; and she is enjoying doing a lot of

with a federal magistrate judge, who assists

of it,” says Professor Carol Chomsky, who

research. “I’m learning how much I don’t

the district court judge with the caseload of

teaches the course. Also, some students have

know,” she says, and seeing “how difficult a

the federal district court. Nardolillo is not

concurrent summer jobs or take other law

judge’s job is.”

working as closely with the federal judge as

sense of the breadth of cases. Some students

school courses.

Ewald is with the state judge, but this is not Ewald is splitting her time this summer be-

surprising. Instead, Nardolillo is assisting the

For the externship, there are no class meet-

tween the judicial externship and an intern-

federal judge’s clerks in their work, watching

ings, as there are during the course in the

ship with the legal department of MoneyGram

proceedings, and helping with memo writing.

academic year. There is a reading packet, and

International. Most students signed up for

The judicial externship is “absolutely” good

instead of discussing it, students write essays

the externship before hearing whether or not

practical writing experience, says Nardolillo.

and send them in to Professor Chomsky.

they had gotten other jobs, she says. Ewald

“I really needed to get some real exposure to

Students keep journals recording their im-

considered dropping the externship to take

how things unfold” in a courtroom.

pressions and experiences throughout their

the corporate job alone, but she “knew it was


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