Whose Right To Bear Arms?

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Whose Right To Bear Arms? [James Kilpatrick] In a moment of uncharacteristic ebullience, William Gladstone described the American Constitution in 1878 as “the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.” Like many contemporary commentators, the prime minister had given too little thought to the Constitution’s Second Amendment.

If the Supreme Court agrees to hear a

mostly hooey. Our beloved Constitution is

nature, is a right only against the federal

pending appeal in a New York case, that

riddled with ambiguities, inchoate provisions,

government, not against the states.” He cited

neglect may soon be addressed. The

chameleon clauses. As a die-cut legal

confirming cases in four of the 12 federal

amendment reads, as every schoolboy

document, it is hardly wonderful at all.

circuits. The 5th and 9th circuits have gone


Constitutionally speaking, pray tell, what’s a

the other way. The 9th Circuit regards the old

privilege? What’s an immunity?

Presser opinion as “thoroughly discredited,”

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to

but clearly it hangs on.

the security of a free State, the right of the

More to the point, what is this “right of the

people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be

people to keep and bear arms”? The phrase

Judge Wesley also ruled against Bach’s


dangles clumsily off the end of a poorly

argument that New York’s law violates the

punctuated platitude. Chief Justice Warren

Constitution’s privileges-and-immunities

A Virginia lawyer, David D. Bach of Virginia

Earl Burger once said that the amendment

clause. The law does indeed discriminate

Beach, has embarked upon a personal

must be read as if it began, “Because a

against out-of-staters in their right to travel,

quest to clarify the murky language of our

well-regulated militia is necessary,” and so

but the state’s ban supports a substantial

Founding Fathers. He brings impeccable

forth. Today’s jurists must struggle with the

interest in monitoring the licensing of guns.

credentials to a difficult task. He has served

relevance of the opening words.

In any event, the old Presser case remains

for 25 years as an officer in the Naval

controlling. Neither the Second Amendment

Reserve, including 12 years of active duty as

For starters, it is unclear whether the Second

nor the famous P&I clause can overcome

a Navy SEAL. He returned recently from a

Amendment applies only to federal authority

New York’s power to regulate the licensing of

tour of duty in Iraq. He’s now attached to the

and not to the separate states at all. Almost


Navy’s Office of General Counsel.

all the other original amendments to the Bill of Rights have been incorporated into

My own sympathies lie with David Bach, a

Bach is a citizen of Virginia. He frequently

the familial concept of “due process,” but

solid citizen who poses no known risk to

drives with his wife and children to visit his

the Second has been an orphan at least

the people of New York. My love for “states’

parents in upstate New York. The long trip

since Presser v. Illinois in 1886. The case

rights” pulls me in the other direction. New

takes him through areas where brigands

involved an Illinois activist, Herman Presser,

York’s law may be unreasonably restrictive,

reasonably may be anticipated. He wants to

who organized his own militia company

but that is for New York to say.

be armed and prepared. Wholly apart from

of 400 armed men. When he put them on

his sense of potential peril is his conviction

parade one September in Chicago, the

(Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by

that he has a constitutional right to bear

mayor ordered him arrested. He claimed

e-mail to kilpatjj@aol.com.)

arms. He long ago obtained a license to carry

rights under the Second Amendment, but a

a handgun in Virginia, but when he applied

unanimous Supreme Court upheld the city’s


for a similar permit in New York, he hit a


SYNDICATE This feature may not be reproduced or

stone wall. His repeated applications were repeatedly denied. Nine months ago, a panel

Presser and his $10 fine are long forgotten,

distributed electronically, in print or

of the U.S. 2nd Circuit unanimously upheld

but the precedent lingers on. Judge Richard

otherwise without the written permission of

the state’s unfriendly law.

C. Wesley cited the case at some length in

uclick and Universal Press Syndicate.

ruling against Bach in the 2nd Circuit. The Bach’s appeal to the Supreme Court presents

1886 opinion, he said, continues to stand for

interesting questions of constitutional law.

the proposition “that the right of the people

Gladstone’s after-dinner encomium was

to keep and bear arms, whatever else its


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