Your first job is all about attitude

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Your first job is all about attitude [by Michael Kinsman] Until a few days ago, I almost had forgotten just how harrowing a first job can be.

But I found myself watching a flustered

or family to lean on and you have to handle

I felt sorry for the girl at the drive-through

17-year-old scramble at the drive-through

issues smoothly as they arise.

window because I could see she was flustered, but still trying to do her job.

window of a fast-food restaurant just trying to do her job. Her actions clearly communi-

This is a great jumpstart to maturity, but it

cated that she was scared and baffled.

also can be intimidating.

Now, we all know that working the counter

I like to tell people that in my first job, I was

at a fast-food business isn’t the toughest or

in charge of paper clips.

Even when she shortchanged me a few cents, I couldn’t say anything to her because she was obviously shaken. Employers who hire young people have a

most challenging work out there. That’s one of the reasons tens of thousands of American

At the time, I had just started as an 18-year-

responsibility to us all. These are the future

teens each year get their first jobs doing just

old copy boy working for a newspaper. My

workers of our country and employers need


department used hundreds of paper clips

to instill proper workplace values and expec-

each week, but the penny-pinching publisher

tations in these young people.

But it can be the toughest job in the world

rarely let the newsroom have new supplies. It might seem academic to older people that

if you lack the preparation or confidence it requires.

That meant that someone had to figure out a

teenagers need to learn about job expecta-

way to recycle paper clips.

tions and opportunities when they start out. They also need to understand corporate

That’s an easy thing to forget as we look back.

I simply traced the path of paper clips after

culture and how they contribute to it.

they left our department and found those Job performance is tied directly to training,

spots where they would accumulate. Each

These things are givens. But employers also

temperament and confidence. If you feel that

day, I would take some from here, some from

have a responsibility to make sure that when

you understand your job duties, have been

there and my department would have an

they hire young people, they have given those

trained to perform them and like the work

adequate supply for its needs.

people the proper training and education they will need to handle the job.

you are doing, you probably will be a success in that job.

This wasn’t brain surgery. It also wasn’t exciting work. Yet, it was a job that needed

Employers need to make certain that young

to be done and I did it. Because I was suc-

hires have a chance to succeed in their first

cessful in that, they soon gave me additional

jobs. It can set a tone for their entire career

How many times have you seen a new em-

jobs that were more important and more

and it’s simply a good business strategy.

ployee in a retail shop asking for assistance


Yet, things often are not that black and white.

© Copley News Service

to complete a simple task? How often have you seen new employees take interminable

Your first job is all about attitude. Nearly

periods to complete a transaction?

everyone has a job early in their career with mundane tasks, yet they still must be done.

Your first job is often a very important life

Our willingness to deal with those tasks as

event. It could be one of the first times

part of the whole job can often set a tone for

that you have been in the world alone with

our tenure in that job.

responsibilities. Often, you don’t have friends


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