Legal Staff Profile
Abbie Citron By Donna McGill Never before have the legal and medical sectors come together the way they do in contemporary day. Abbie Citron, founder of Citron & Associates Legal Nurse Consulting, is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant who combines her extensive knowledge of all things legal with her impressive background in the medical field. She incorporates this knowledge to ensure expert critical analyses for attorneys around the country. She’s also this week’s Legal Staff Profile.
Abbie Citron is a registered nurse who works closely with plaintiff and defense attorneys, insurance companies, government agencies and private hospitals and businesses in an effort to link both the legal and medical fields in courtrooms around the country. Specifically, her company will: • • • • • • • • •
Screen medical cases to determine their merit Organize and tabulate medical records and provide clarification on various medical terms and procedures Attend medical examinations Conduct medical interviews with patients and or litigants Review billing records Assess injuries and damages Identify possible tampering Identify contributing medical factors Locate expert witnesses
From the discovery phase to client interviews and through to the settlements, the goal is to increase profits, save valuable time and decrease the frustration factor - both for the attorneys and those victims whose livelihoods, if not their lives, are at stake. Her clientele are devoted, saying, ‘’Abbie is my link to the world of forensic medicine, solving complex medical-legal issues...Abbie is a valuable partner in any complex injury or malpractice case’’. Abbie is a member of the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants, a member of the American Association of
Legal Nurse Consultants and now specializes in IME-DME RN Observer Services. So devoted is she to her career, her ability to put clients at ease is unmatched. Her ethics are stellar and she is careful to avoid any conversations that could potentially jeopardize a case. She serves as an advocate for clients during exams, asserts her authority to ensure stipulations are maintained and observes, documents and records an examination in its entirety. She is at ease with both physicians and attorneys and can easily identify various testing procedures and then testify they were performed properly. She is aware of the inconsistencies that an untrained eye would miss and has served in the role of a rebuttal witness when required. She takes great pride in her career and building her practice. Her company continues to grow as her reputation grows and moves forward within both the legal and medical communities. Her clientele currently boasts more than thirty law firms; this is quite remarkable since her business, while no longer in its infancy, is still considered relatively new. Make no mistake - it is a testament to her ethics, education and experience. One refreshing aspect of Citron and Associates is its transparency in fees and budgets. She insists on meeting with each of her clients during the initial consultation so that the case, fees and requirements are front and center. She typically bills at an hourly rate, making it that much more convenient for a law firm. She guarantees her services and is happy to provide references for those who ask. Clearly, Abbie Citron is the new face to watch in this ever growing arena. Her compassion and gentle approach in her nursing background melds seamlessly when in a legal setting and she is required to assert the facts while maintaining the
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