A Good Lawyer Becomes a Successful Lawyer Only Through Relationship Marketing

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A Good Lawyer Becomes a Successful Lawyer Only Through Relationship Marketing By Surajit Sharma Relationship marketing is the key to building a successful practice and knowing your law is not sufficient to be a successful lawyer. You need to understand and practice relationship marketing with all the flair, science, and art that goes into it.

As there are no shortcuts to becoming a good lawyer, and you have to spend hours of studying and careful application of logic, similarly there is no shortcut to building a successful practice. There are many successful law firm owners and senior partners who rarely visit a courtroom, and there are many good courtroom lawyers who keep on striving for success through their lives. This article offers clues to relationship marketing that can help you to build a successful legal practice. So, if you see building and marketing your practice, from the standpoint of relationship marketing the product you are marketing is your firm. You need to understand this in order to easily understand principles of relationship marketing and apply them to your needs. You are in the business of providing service, and with this understanding let’s find out how principles of relationship marketing apply to your situation.

in the targeted market space. A definite strategy with a set of visible goals needs to be in place to follow and execute. Most lawyers rarely think about this aspect of building their practice. They just take it for granted that getting cases and winning cases would automatically find their firms the market space they wish for. Sometimes, it does work that way. But in most cases, with a definite market strategy, you can attain success far more swiftly and in a more lasting manner than letting things work out by themselves. 3.

Here the word ‘’product’’ includes everything, your firm, your getup, your firm’s stationary, your office, your employees, and everything that you can think of that is an integral part of the social front of your firm. Even using a new style of dossier for providing client files can be an innovation. Virtual online conferences that are branded with your firm’s name can be an innovation. A big AC van with a mobile office inside on court premises (if legally allowed where you practice) can be an innovation. Whatever you do, in each visible act, and thing of your firm, there needs to be those little touches of care and application of mind that make clients feel they are in the hands of a professional. One of my friends made a group account with an educational portal to offer free access to the children of his clients. It made his clients sit up and think that he was really taking his practice seriously. That is what matters. At the end of the day innovations create the impression that you are extremely serious about your practice and instills client confidence. Of course, if they are innovations good enough for your clients to talk about, you get free publicity thrown in.

Regis McKenna, in his famous and authoritative book, ‘’Relationship Marketing: Successful Strategies for the Age of the Customer,’’ points out certain truths and principles that we often miss out in building our business. Let’s dissect some of these principles and see how they apply to general situations related to building a legal practice. 1.

All successful products are adapted to specific markets or are altered to meet competitive challenges. Flexibility is the sign of life and vitality. According to McKenna, then, to build a successful law firm you need to adapt it to a specific market and then make the necessary changes to meet competitive challenges in that market.


Writing your strategic marketing direction in one sentence or ten is not the issue. The real question is ‘’Do you have a strategy?’’ It is extremely important to define concretely your strategy to build your firm’s brand and place it properly


Product improvement and innovation is a leading indicator of success.



Service has become a way of differentiating products and building strong relationships with customers.

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