Finding the Best Attorney Job Openings

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Finding the Best Attorney Job Openings If you are a recent graduate of law school or have been practicing for awhile, you probably are not surprised by how many other people are searching for jobs as well. If you are still in college, you may see several postings for lawyer careers, law jobs in DC, law employment openings, attorney job openings, work for lawyers, and find legal jobs.

Some of these are dead ends, while other pan out and you may actually find something that is meaningful to you. Even if you have been practicing for some time, you probably still have times when you are looking for a different position. What Position are You Searching for? Just because someone goes to law school does not mean they are searching for attorney job openings that are very public and earns them a great deal of money. You may have gone into law to work in the private sector, perhaps a nonprofit where you can truly make a difference and live comfortably but are not looking for riches. Those that are seeking to make a lot of money as an attorney can certainly go down that path. The fact is, neither is better than the other, it all comes down to what you want and what motivates you in lawyer job positions. When searching for attorney job openings, it is best to know exactly the type of attorney you want to be, that way you can search for attorney employment that best suits your career goals. Moreover, you do not waste time looking for legal employment jobs that are of no interest to you. It might actually help to write all your goals down of what you are specifically looking for in attorney job openings. For instance, look at a counsel employment position in your area and look at the requirements, just because you qualify, does not mean you have to apply for the position. If the position is for a nonprofit and you are interested in corporate law, obviously this is not a good match. On the other hand, if you have no experience as a lawyer, the nonprofit position could be a great place to get your feet wet and gain some valuable experience.


It is not uncommon to find attorney job openings and take a position thinking it will only be temporary and then find out that you truly enjoy the aspect of law that the company or nonprofit is about. Many would be corporate lawyers find they enjoy the nonprofit sector and choose to stay in that capacity their entire careers. Doing What Feel Right for Your Career One aspect to keep in mind is that your legal career, is just that, it is yours and you can make up your mind what feels right to you. Regardless of what friends or well-meaning family members think, you have to follow the career path that is suited to your passion. If you do not do so, you will end up not only being bitter but also not feeling fulfilled at the end of the day. In the same vein, you may have entered law school with the idea that you would find nonprofit work fulfilling and make it your life’s work, only to find a job in corporate law and find more fulfilling. The point is, always follow the path that makes the most sense to you. Many attorneys do both, for instance they may work in the private sector and then move to a more corporate role, or perhaps go into partnership with one or more colleagues. What might work well for you, might not work well for someone else and visa versa. Staying true to yourself is where you will find the most fulfillment in the law profession. You have many options for searching for positions and the Internet has certainly made searching for attorney jobs easier than ever. It has also changed the way in which you will seek out potential employers because the initial contact may be via email and then they may call you for your initial interview.

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Feature Final Thoughts One of the best places to search for job listings is LawCrossing. com, because there are literally thousands of jobs listed for all levels of law professionals. You can even sign up for a FREE

trial account and have the opportunity to find the job you have always dreamed about. Remember, the legal jobs will not come and find you, and with the popularity of the Internet, makes the best sense for you to find that perfect position!

EmploymentCrossing is the largest collection of active jobs in the world. We continuously monitor the hiring needs of more than 250,000 employers, including virtually every corporation and organization in the United States. We do not charge employers to post their jobs and we aggressively contact and investigate thousands of employers each day to learn of new positions. No one works harder than EmploymentCrossing. Let EmploymentCrossing go to work for you.


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