Following the Career Paths of Your Law Role Models

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Following the Career Paths of Your Law Role Models [By Mary Waldron] Remember when your professors told you that average grades would not carry you to a successful law career? Well, this can be true, but they left out one thing. There is a popular phrase that you should jot down on a sticky note and live by: “It’s not about what you know; it’s about who you know.” Sure, in the law world, the schools you attended and the grades you earned are important-even more so than in many other professions. However, when it comes down to it, you need to make valuable connections with and learn from those who have accomplished the kinds of career success that you aspire to. There is really no other way to get it right, unless you plan on experimenting with your career for the next decade.

Concocting the perfect law resume requires

virtually any attorney who is working in the

last forever. It is a small world, and you

you to engage in this same kind of career

United States.

never know what may sprout from that brief meeting. Try to plant as many seeds as you

shadowing. The key to excelling in the law career that you pursue is tracking a

Next, contact them and ask to set up brief

can now because doing so will allow you to

professional’s path and following in his or her

lunch or coffee meetings (on you, of course!)

reap a good reputation and career benefits

steps. Many professors, counselors, friends,

to discuss their career paths, their mentors,

later on in life.

and family members will give you their takes

and advice that they can offer to you. Many

on how your resume should look, but to really

professionals are flattered when others

Besides meeting with accomplished law

get the job you want, you must identify what

take interest in their careers. You would

professionals to pick their brains for advice,

needs to be done by talking to someone who is

be surprised at how many high-powered

taking action to jump into the world of law is

already where you want to be.

attorneys will spare a moment for a good

important. Interning and clerking as soon as

cause. Just remember to be humble,

you can will get you in touch with the people

A prominent theater professor, author, and

gracious, and respectful of their busy

who run the businesses before you are even

CEO once explained this quite simply. He


looking for a full-time job as an attorney. It is far better to explore your career options

said that the most strategic way to get ahead in any profession is to make connections with

If the attorney you are meeting with can

while you are in school; that way, if you decide

professionals who have already reached the

see you are eager to learn from his or her

you want to pursue a career in a different

types of career success you are aiming for.

background, the experience will be very

sector of law, you can make the change and

rewarding for both of you. Just make sure

start building relationships early on. If you

As soon as you can, start examining the

to emphasize that the meeting is about

establish working relationships and prove

careers of influential law professionals in a

him or her sharing knowledge with you. If

yourself early on, you will eliminate all the

branch of law that attracts you. Watch CNN

you go to a meeting and start talking about

hassle of getting someone to hire you after

and read many law articles to find out which

yourself and eventually ask for a job, you will

law school. Law students who perform

names and jobs are hot. Once you find a

have shot yourself in the foot. Of course,

aggressively and eagerly in their internships

couple of lawyers who fit the bill, take note

job offers and professional relationships

and clerkships will already have offers waiting

of the schools they went to, the places they

may develop but only at the established

for them when they graduate.

clerked, and the kinds of firms they worked

professional’s discretion. Never shut the

in. Piece together what they did to succeed.

door on an opportunity, but do not try to pry it

Once you are able to get career advice

open yourself.

from those who know best, you can begin to shape your own route. A meeting with

Now, one could just stop here, but if possible, you should make contact with these

Even if a meeting does not result in an

an exemplary lawyer can teach you what

people and learn firsthand how they became

instant job offer or relationship, at least the

employers will be looking for and what is

so noteworthy. Look up their contact

person you have spoken with will know your

acceptable. It can really give you the upper

information online so that you can reach

name and face. Making a good impression

hand as you pursue your career, allowing you

them. You can find contact information for

on a reputable person is like gold-it will

to plan accordingly as soon as possible.


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