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Going Over to the Business Side of the Fence [By A. Harrison Barnes] Several years ago, I was at a seminar and a brilliant lawyer introduced himself to the group. The lawyer had recently retired; however, he had spent the better part of his career working for a major motion picture studio. He was a Harvard Law School graduate and one of the most relaxed and carefree attorneys I had ever met. He lived in Malibu, CA, on a street where I estimate the houses ran somewhere around $5 million and up. He was so “unlawyerlike” that I approached him and asked him what sort of law he practiced. I had never met an attorney like him.
The man was very happy but often mumbled
attorneys about their careers. There is a rare
If you take a hunting dog out in a field and
to himself from time to time as he thought. I
breed of attorney out there that does not
show it a tennis ball, the dog will likely
do not think he had ever been married, and
practice law and simply practices business
start shaking out of excitement. The dog
he had a lot of presence, but it was not the
in an advisory capacity inside corporations.
will know that if you throw the ball, it will
sort of presence a law firm or corporation
In many respects, I believe this is one of the
have the opportunity to chase it and return
would want to show off to the outside world.
rarest sorts of attorneys out there. It is as
it to you. The dog is like this because it is
He also was not the savviest dresser; for
if these attorneys are taking the skills of
in its blood. The dog is bred to chase, and
example, his socks did not match. Moreover,
the best litigators (oratory skills, the ability
psychologically, emotionally, and in every
he did not seem to have the best hygiene. He
to read people, the ability to understand
other way, it wants to chase the ball. Some
probably shaved and/or trimmed his beard
the motivations underlying what people
hunting dogs, such as Britney Spaniels, will
no more than a couple of times per year.
are thinking, and the ability to package
chase balls over and over again until they
and market ideas) and corporate attorneys
die. Their love of the chase is so strong that
What made the man interesting to me was
(the ability to understand business issues,
it is quite literally in their bones.
that whenever he said something or made
the ability to see small details and their
an observation, he seemed dead-on. He
significance, and the ability to negotiate
When an attorney who is more interested
would watch people in our group and make
effectively) and combining them with an
in the business side of things is presented
observations that were incredibly accurate.
understanding of forces that operate in the
with any legal issue—be it a case or a
market and how they shape events.
transaction—he or she is likely going to be
“I practiced for one year at Irell,” he told me.
most interested psychologically, emotionally,
“Then I went to work at a major studio. They
The purpose of this article is to examine the
and in every other way in what is going on
very quickly figured out I was not that good at
characteristics that make someone a good
from a business point of view. If it is a drug-
practicing law but had a real knack for very
attorney-businessman. The better you are
dealing criminal case, the attorney will most
good opinions about what the other side was
at something (e.g., business or the practice
likely be concerned with questions about how
going to do in a negotiation. Essentially, all
of law), the more likely you are to move
much the dealer paid for the drugs, the profit
I did throughout my career was spend the
toward doing it. For the attorney desiring to
he or she sold the drugs at, and the chain of
majority of my time writing memos about
go in-house, I think this is an exceptionally
possession in terms of where the drugs came
what I thought the other side was going to do
important examination of a very important
from. This type of attorney might even think
in a studio negotiation—just my opinions and
topic. If you have no business on the business
in terms of cost-benefit analysis and reach
no law. In fact, I got very rich doing this.”
side of things, you are in for trouble and will
conclusions about the efficacy of dealing
likely not do well. If you have a good head for
drugs as a business venture.
He went on to tell me that he had been in
business, you should be in-house.
magazines like Vanity Fair and that he had
You see, some people are born to do certain
frequently attended parties and befriended
Below, I will describe the major
things, and others are not. It is all about what
numerous stars. He would mumble about
characteristics of the attorney who belongs
you love. I like to do yoga, and at the studio
how so and so was crazy, so and so was
on the business side of the equation.
I go to, there are a bunch of people who get
generous, and so forth. He was almost, in
up at 4:00 a.m. every day to go there to do a
many respects, like a comic jester of sorts—a
1. The attorney who belongs on the
special type of yoga. For the time being, this
very interesting person to have around.
business side of the equation is more
is not something that appeals to me in the
interested in the business elements of what
slightest, but for others it is.
Throughout my career, I have met thousands
is going on than he or she is in the legal
of lawyers and counseled thousands of
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