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Inside Legal Blogs [By Jeff] Each week, I am charged with the task of compiling a list of the best and the worst of the Internet’s legal blogs. I feed this list into a large computer, which was designed by NASA and is known as Deep Blog. The computer processes the information into a refined database of the week’s most noteworthy blogs. I take this database and travel deep into the Himalayas, where I seek the counsel of a wise old man who lives atop the treacherous mountainscape. Armed with the advice of the learned sage, I prepare this column on the latest law blog news for LawCrossing.
As of late, the hot-button word in the law
Carrol replied that all bloggers link to other
Lay and former executive Jeffrey Skilling
blogosphere is metadata. It’s all over the big
blogs and that it is a fixture of blogdom.
deliberately mislead the public about Enron’s
law blogs, but the definitive post about it comes
from Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips Blog.
I’m going to have to side with O’Keefe and
Apparently all those little blinking, beeping
Carrol on this issue. I was once in a similar
While the Business Law Economics Society
ones and zeroes of computer language mean
situation, where I faced imprisonment and fines
blog Conglomerate predicts full acquittals for
something, and there are some people who
of up to $500,000 for broadcasting football
at least one of the defendants, Prawfsblawg,
can actually make heads or tails of it. Every
games without express written permission
a consortium of law school professors, is
electronic document is filled with encrypted
from the NFL. Although in that analogy, I guess
predicting that the trial will suck. The real bad
data, much like a Three Musketeers bar is
the NFL would be the bloggers, and I would be
guys have already copped pleas and nobody
packed with delicious nougat. When you send
USA Law. So I guess I don’t know what to think.
really understands Enron anyway, argues
a text file, the recipient can open the file’s
I just don’t want to go to jail.
Prawfblawg. The complexity of the crimes in
properties and view its revision history. This
question could lead to a confused jury. Who
poses a major problem during the discovery
Last week, I forecasted that the Enron trial
process, wherein opposing counsel may access
would be better than the O.J. and Michael
things that were deliberately redacted from
Jackson trials mashed together and slathered
The Enron trial has taken a backseat to
electronic files.
with a creamy sauce of Bush v. Gore. I hate
the big news story of the past few weeks,
to admit it, but I was wrong. It’s even better
those cartoons that caused mass rioting and
The Florida Bar’s Board of Governors declared
than that! The Houston Chronicle’s Enron
violence abroad. I am speaking, of course,
metadata mining to be unethical. Tech Law
TrialWatch blog is offering hourly updates on
about Garfield. His passion for lasagna has
consultant Dennis Kennedy finds the Florida
the happenings in the courtroom. Quite frankly,
caused uproarious bouts of chaotic laughter
Bar’s determination to limit a burgeoning
it’s fascinating. Highlights include former
worldwide. Actually, the real story is the
technological area baffling. The PDF for
executive Ken Lay offering his handkerchief
Danish newspapers that printed and reprinted
Lawyers blog says the decision sounds like
to his attorney, Daniel Petrocelli, an audio
anti-Muslim cartoons under the banner of
something from The Onion. I’ll admit I’d never
recording of Lay saying the word “a-hole,”
free speech, sparking widespread and deadly
heard of metadata before, but neither had the
and Judge Sim Lake revealing that the jury
protests. While the story has received a lot of
Florida Bar’s Board of Governors. That doesn’t
had tacos for breakfast. That’s right, tacos for
attention in the law blogosphere, the analysis
mean I’m not techno-savvy, however. I was just
from American law-minded bloggers has been
too busy trying to set the clock on my VCR. Do people still use VCRs?
cares? More tacos, please.
a little weak, as pointed out at Dawg’s Blawg, a The trial has actually gotten off to a painfully
Canadian law blog. That is understandable. At
slow start, which is hardly surprising for a
the core of the debate is a lesser-of-two-evils
The law blog fracas of the week took place over
white-collar trial involving financial fraud. So
argument over racism vs. censorship. Ann
USA Law, a blog portal that publishes several
far, the prosecution has spent a lot of time on
Althouse takes the middle-of-the-road position
legal-themed Web logs. Kevin O’Keefe of
direct examination of former Enron investor
that the rioters ought to argue against the
LexBlog cried foul over USA Law’s publishing
relations chief Mark Koenig. According to
ideas behind the cartoons rather than endorse
his content without permission. He was joined
Houston attorney Tom Kirkendall of Houston’s
the suppression of speech.
by Dennis Kennedy, who claimed USA Law had
Clear Thinkers blog, this strategy backfired,
implied that he endorsed the blog network by
as the defense got Koenig to admit in cross-
The latest development in the story reveals
including his material. USA Law editor Nick
examination that he wasn’t really sure if
that when the cartoons were dispersed
continued on back
1.800. 973. 1177
throughout the Muslim world, additional forged
available for viewing here, is that they are not
law blogs, pondering the tough issues, and
cartoons were added, presumably to fan the
funny at all. I’ll take Hagar the Horrible any
preparing keen and insightful analysis so you
flames of hatred. Blawg God Eugene Volokh
don’t have to.
As new developments in this story and all
Jeff is a writer from Los Angeles, CA.
other matters blogworthy arise, I will keep you
Currently, he is the moderator of the
apprised. I’m out there every day, scouring the
message boards at Judged.com, the largest
has declared a fatwa on whoever added the three new fake cartoons. As someone on the Judged message boards mentioned, the most shocking aspect of the cartoons, which are
insider source of law firm information.