1. 800.973.1177
Marcia Meekins: Legislative Assistant, Rhumb Line, LLC, Richmond, VA [By Judith Earley] Although Marcia Meekins entered college with her career goals focused on music education, these days, the law is music to her ears.
Currently, she works for government-affairs
process up close and personally. “I listen as
According to Meekins, some of the most
consulting firm Rhumb Line, LLC, in Richmond,
legislators discuss current bills and how each
important issues facing the legal community
VA, and functions primarily as the legislative
side of the aisle presents his or her position. I
today are the equal application of the judicial
assistant to the principals of the company and
like the challenges of researching issues to
process, educating the community about their
secondarily as a paralegal for a sole-proprietor
support the position,” said Meekins. On the flip
legal rights, and increasing the number of
criminal attorney.
side, the most difficult challenges she found
minorities working in the legal field.
were familiarizing herself with the legislative “The environment is fast-paced, and it is
process and the Virginia General Assembly
important to be flexible, resourceful, and
membership and understanding how clients’
efficient,” said Meekins. “My day-to-day
interests may conflict with personal views.
activities include legislative tracking and monitoring of regulatory developments that
The emotional highlights of Meekins’ career
would be of interest to our clients. I conduct
are many. She returned to school while raising
Over the course of her career as a paralegal,
research and attend legislative hearings. I
three children and taking care of a house with a
Meekins has noticed the cyclical nature of the
also schedule meetings, coordinate travel
supportive husband behind her. She graduated
legal field. “A practice area that may be ‘hot’
itineraries, and assist the principals with
with honors, which involved being nominated to
today may not be as hot tomorrow. The country
managing multiple projects. My paralegal
the American “Who’s Who Dean’s List,” induction
has faced many challenges since 9/11, and the
duties require me to do research and
into the Golden Key National Honor Society, and
legal system continues to make adjustments with
communicate with lawyers, clerks, clients,
graduating magna cum laude from the University
each issue,” said Meekins.
and judges. I request and review records,
of Richmond in 2005. The pièce de résistance
organize client files, and conduct preliminary
was having her employer tell her that she had
Meekins joined the Richmond Paralegal
an impressive resume, in spite of the fact that
Association (RPA) as a student member while
she did not have the confidence to send it out for
attending the University of Richmond in order
many months.
to become familiar with the legal community.
Along with her love of music, Meekins has always had an interest in law and legal research; she
“I view the association as a very large support
said that she enjoys conversing with friends about high-profile legal cases and the diligent research that paralegals conduct for attorneys. “I was very interested in the research aspect of these cases because I knew the addition or omission of minute details could change the course of someone’s life,” she said. “My decision to become a paralegal was made solely to test the waters to see if I, literally, had the stamina for the research.”
system to network, garner advice and Q. What do you do for fun? A. I love to brainstorm ideas with my best friend and create clothes.
information about different practice niches,” said
Q. What CD was most recently in your CD player? A. Prince, Musicology.
types of legal fields, as well as provide us with
Q. What is the last magazine you read? A. Martha Stewart-Outdoor Entertaining.
Meekins. “As a member of RPA, our monthly meetings allow guest speakers to discuss many recent updates and changes in legislation. The organization provides continuing education while forming CLA study groups, which allows for further certification.”
Q. What is your favorite TV show? A. House.
When asked how her education and life/work
She passed the test with flying colors.
Meekins responded, “My education taught me
Meekins said that the aspect of her job that
Q. Who is your role model? A. My mother, Rosetta A. Baugh.
she enjoys the most is watching the legislative
experience prepared her to be a paralegal, how to research. My determination, diligence, and dedication pushed me to go beyond what continued on back
1. 800.973.1177
was required. In my research class, I assisted
do with race or ethnicity. “I believe we all must
me into business for myself while my children
fellow students with their research projects,
embrace the diverse cultures of our country.
were still young enough for me to use them as
which helped perfect my research skills. My
Minority professionals-not just paralegals-from
models. In addition to sewing, I love to cook,
life/work experience prepared me to never omit
all fields generally experience the same types of
garden, crochet, and create handmade cards
small details and to know the importance of
issues that transcend race.”
and invitations. I enjoy planning theme parties. I
maintaining a sense of organization. Being a
love to decorate. I am creative in every aspect of
mother and former designer of children’s wear, I
Meekins’ advice for students who are preparing
my life. I enjoy reading (presently reading Words
learned to adapt to changes on a daily basis.”
to become paralegals is to experience total
That Work by Frank Luntz). I appreciate each day given to me and the colors, feel, sound, and smell of nature. I love to laugh and truly dislike wasting a good joke on someone without a sense of humor.”
immersion. “Research the school and the Meekins said that if she had her career to do
course of study you wish to pursue. Subscribe
over again, she would start sooner and attend
to professional magazines and join a paralegal
law school. Who has significantly influenced
association. Read, read, read. Stay informed;
her life and career? “My mother!” Meekins said.
be aware of local, national, and world events.
“She is and always has been a very hardworking
Perfect your writing and proofreading skills. Set
woman. She believes in fair and equal treatment
up an internship in your area to gain practical
of all people and demonstrated that when she
experience. Find a mentor.”
participated in the March on Washington with
On the Net Rhumb Line
Martin Luther King in 1963. Her zest for life is
Meekins and her husband have been married for
unmatched. Her energy and support of others
almost 24 years. They have three children, ages
Richmond Paralegal Association
will make the best of us very weary.”
22, 19, and 11, and three dogs. “I love all kinds
of music, with a fondness for classical. I began As for other influences in her life, Meekins said
college some years ago in music education,
University of Richmond
she prefers not to dwell on incidents she has
majoring in clarinet with a minor in piano. I
experienced-positive or negative-that have to
started sewing at an early age. This hobby led