Michael Greco, President, American Bar Association

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Michael Greco, President, American Bar Association [by Nikki LaCrosse] As the current president of the American Bar Association (ABA), Michael Greco has set an ambitious and far-reaching agenda for himself and the Association. A longtime advocate for pro bono work, Greco’s first task as ABA president was to appoint a commission called the Renaissance of Idealism, which focuses on finding ways for more attorneys to be able to perform pro bono work. It’s a project that he is passionate about. “I’ve learned from my travels in the last

work that lawyers do and the funding from the

seven years of his life in war-ravaged Europe.

couple of years that the one lament that

government.” He goes on to add, “The state

After his family moved to the U.S., it became

lawyers younger and older have is that

of affairs is that we are not doing right by

clear to Greco that lawyers held an important

it is becoming harder—there are more

the poor of our country. We even have above

place in molding society and providing stability

obstacles—to their doing the public service

the Supreme Court entrance in Washington,

to governments and countries.

and pro bono work that they expected to do

‘Equal Justice for All.’ That’s what we stand

when they became lawyers,” Greco says. “So

for. But when you look at the reality of it…the

In private practice, Greco has been a

the Renaissance initiative is addressing that

needs of the poor aren’t being met.”

successful trial lawyer for more than 30

lament; and more than that, we are finding

years, specializing in the areas of business,

ways to persuade the decision makers in law

Despite the issues he sees in the current

employment, and real estate law. He has been

offices across the country about the need to

U.S. legal system, Greco indicates that it is

a partner in the Boston firm of Kirkpatrick &

free up more time so lawyers can develop

applauded overseas. “I’ve been doing a lot of

Lockhart Nicholson Graham, LLP, since 2003

more public service and pro bono work.”

traveling as president of the ABA. In country

and was a partner at Hill & Barlow, where he

after country where I go, the respect for

practiced for 30 years before the firm closed

The commission is chaired by Washington,

what the American lawyers and judges do is

in 2002.

DC, attorney Mark Agrast and has Supreme

immense,” Greco says. “There is a great deal

Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and

of admiration for American lawyers and judges

Another topic that Greco is dedicated to is

former special counsel to President Kennedy,

and our legal system. And the ABA is the voice

the separation of powers in the government.

Theodore Sorenson, as active honorary co-

that speaks to lawyers all over the world.”

An ABA poll and the Terri Schiavo case

chairs. Greco feels that pro bono work offers

in 2005 reaffirmed his decision to form

immense benefits to all the parties involved.

Greco has been active in the ABA for

the Commission on Civic Education and

“It’s a wonderful development thing for young

most of his legal career. He earned a B.A.

the Separation of Powers. The poll, which

lawyers to represent people in need. They

from Princeton and a J.D. from Boston

concluded about two weeks after he became

develop their skills, develop a very strong

College. After a federal clerkship in D.C.

president, stunned him when it revealed that

sense of community involvement and helping

and a fellowship in Italy, he returned to

40 percent of people polled did not know

other human beings.” Greco continues,

Massachusetts to begin private practice and

there were three branches of government;

“So, it’s good for the individual lawyer. It’s

joined both the Massachusetts Bar Association

22 percent thought that the three branches

good for the law office to make the morale

(MBA) and the ABA. In 10 years, he was the

were Republican, Democrat, and Independent;

higher. The lawyers in the firm are serving

president of the MBA and began to get very

and 40 percent misunderstood judicial

their community. It’s good for the profession

involved in the ABA. He has been on several

responsibilities, thinking, for example, that

because we all feel better when we know we

important ABA committees, including the

judges can declare war.

are doing things to enhance society’s needs.

ABA Task Force on Terrorism and the Law

Certainly, it’s in the interest of the public that

and the ABA Standing Committee on Law and

“That was after the Terry Schiavo debacle, in

will be receiving that pro bono help.”

National Security, and he even chaired the

which members of Congress were criticizing

Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary

state court judges and enacting law to take

Greco has also appointed a taskforce called

and the Section of Individual Rights and

the case from the state courts to the federal

Access to Civil Justice. “Seventy to eighty


courts. And when the federal courts decided

percent of the legal needs of the poor on the

it the same way as the state court, then the

civil side go unaddressed year after year,”

Greco knew early on that he wanted to be a

federal judges were attacked by Congress and

Greco notes. “And that’s after all the pro bono

lawyer. Born in Italy in 1950, he spent the first

others across the country.” Greco remembers.


continued on back





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“And I thought, ‘Holy smokes!’ There is such

collapse if we say, ‘That judge decided that

or resources. It’s irresponsible because it

a lack of knowledge and understanding about

case on that hot-button issue wrongly, so let’s

cuts right to the heart of our government and

how our system of government works that the

get rid of him or her.’ That creates disrespect

our democracy. And I’m hoping that those

ABA has a role here to educate people, and

for the judiciary, creates instability in our

members of the legislature will think twice

that’s the purpose of our commission on Civic

most important branch of government of the

about continuing those efforts and instead

Education and the Separation of Powers.”


look at how judges can be protected to do

How to keep judges and courts safe from

Greco hopes that his Commission’s findings

have to toe any ideological lines that people

attacks by special interest groups or

will sound a note of warning to those

want them to toe.”

individuals is one answer that Greco hopes

who want to influence the courts. “It is

the Commission will come up with. “In a

irresponsible for members of one elected

democracy, we all have the right to speak

branch to attack the judiciary and threaten

out,” Greco says, “But the whole system will

impeachment or the withholding of salaries

justice and to be fair and impartial and not


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