Michael J. Bowers: Partner at Balch & Bingham, LLP

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Michael J. Bowers: Partner at Balch & Bingham, LLP [By Charisse Dengler] Michael J. Bowers is a true Southern gentleman, complete with the accent and the good manners. He is also a partner at Balch & Bingham, LLP, the former Attorney General of Georgia, and chairman of the Georgia Judicial Nominating Commission. In addition, Bowers was named by Georgia Trend Magazine as one of the “100 Most Influential Georgians” for eight consecutive years (from 1990 to 1997) and received the honor again in 2003.

When asked what made him want to become

As attorney general, Bowers worked with

Bowers’ advice to law students reflects his

an attorney, Bowers took a trip down

hundreds of other full-time and part-time

Southern values.

memory lane to the dusty bases and sticky

attorneys to provide legal representation to

concession stands of a Georgia baseball

the state’s executive branch. He also headed

“This will sound hokey to you, I’m sure, but


up investigations concerning misconduct

rule one on being a successful lawyer, I

within the state government, in addition to

believe, is ‘live within your means.’ That’s

managing other duties.

so critical, and it’s violated so often,”

“I had a baseball coach when I was a boy,

he said. “Be willing to tell clients ‘no.’

50-something years ago, who was a court of appeals judge here in Atlanta for the state

Currently, Bower is a partner at Balch &

Remember that law is a business as well

of Georgia, and he has always been one of

Bingham. He started working at the firm in

as a profession. You’ve got to make money.

my heroes,” he said. “I guess that was my

1998 and was named partner in 2000. He

You’ve got to take care of the business end.

first contact with the law, and I thought that

works primarily in the area of general civil

And always tell the truth-in court, to your

what Judge Townsend did just seemed so

litigation, and his favorite part of going to

clients, to the other side, always tell the

interesting to me, and that was where I first

work every day is getting ready for and going


had the thought of becoming a lawyer.”

to court.

Bowers earned his J.D. from the University

“It’s a wonderful way to make a living,”

of Georgia in 1974, and upon graduation, he

he said. “I’m 65 years old, and if I had the

interviewed for a job as an assistant attorney

chance, I’d do it all over again.”

On the Net

the job were getting to go to court frequently

In addition to serving as a partner at Balch

and working on a wide variety of interesting

& Bingham, Bowers is the chairman of the

Georgia Trend Magazine www.georgiatrend.com

litigation. He worked as an assistant

Judicial Nominating Committee, a committee

attorney general for seven years until he

appointed by the governor to advise him on

Balch & Bingham, LLP

was appointed attorney general, a job he

how to best fill judicial vacancies for the


described as “extraordinarily interesting.”

state court, superior court, court of appeals,

He was reelected four times and served as

and Supreme Court.

Bowers is married, has three grown children, and currently lives in Commerce, GA.

general and was hired. His favorite parts of

attorney general from 1981 to 1997.


University of Georgia www.uga.edu

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