Samuel Estreicher, Professor, New York University School of Law

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Samuel Estreicher, Professor, New York University School of Law [by Regan Morris] Samuel “Sam” Estreicher is well known as a scholar of U.S. employment and labor law. LawCrossing speaks with Mr. Estreicher about his busy career as an attorney, law school professor, writer, and volunteer.

Estreicher is an expert at juggling tasks. As

employment disputes, which is done nowhere

never park their common sense at the door.

the head of New York University’s Center

else in the world. It’s very expensive. And

They’ve got to start believing in themselves,

for Labor and Employment Law, Estreicher

what that means is that claimants cannot

and they’ve got to start believing in their

teaches several courses while maintaining a

get lawyers. Claimants cannot get lawyers,

instincts because, ultimately, they’re going to

caseload through Jones Day, where he is Of

and most claimants feel separated from the

be paid for their instincts,” he said.

Counsel in the firm’s Issues & Appeals and

process. Historically, this is what unions did.”

Labor & Employment practice groups.

Too many young lawyers doubt their Estreicher, who also co-directs NYU’s

instincts and act like “automatons,” he said.

A prolific writer, Estreicher says the blend

Institute of Judicial Administration and is

Estreicher calls his common sense theory

of academia and private practice is a perfect

secretary of the Labor and Employment Law

Holmes 101, in honor of Oliver Wendell

fit for his interests. Estreicher’s interest

Section of the American Bar Association, said

Holmes, Jr., the oft-quoted former associate

in labor preceded his interest in law. The

labor unions need to find a way to become

Supreme Court Justice.

son of a factory worker, Estreicher knew he

more relevant.

wanted a career in labor relations, but he

Estreicher’s third bit of advice for young

wasn’t sure in what capacity. After college,

“I think it’s a big challenge to figure out a

attorneys is not to focus too much on the

he attended the Cornell School of Labor and

new role for unions. I think it’s still a case

race to make partner in a firm, but to build

Industrial Relations and took his first law

that workers need representation,” he said.

a solid and dependable reputation for

course. After earning his master’s degree, he

“What we’ve done now—because of the


enrolled in law school.

decline in unions in part—we rely more on lawsuits. And the problem with lawsuits is

“They shouldn’t just be saying to themselves,

“What turns me on about the law to

because they’re done after the fact, they

‘I’m just here for two years; I’ll put in the

this day is that you work with ideas, but

can’t do anything to fix the relationship.”

number of hours that people want me to put

you’re also very practical,” he said from

in, and then that’s the end of it,’” he said.

his office at NYU. “You solve problems

Estreicher, who is also on the boards of two

“They should be saying to themselves, ‘This

working in litigation and negotiation. It’s

theater groups in New York and hopes to

is my name; this is my product. I’m going to

the combination of ideas and practical

find time to write plays one day, said young

take pride in it.’ They should try to befriend

stuff making things happen, which is very

attorneys need to become better writers.

everyone. I tell my students, and I tell all the


He recommends that all attorneys and

young lawyers at Jones Day every person

law students buy and study a copy of The

they meet—I don’t care if it’s the janitor—it

Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr., and E.B. White.

could be a future client. Treat people as

create a new role for themselves, Estreicher

“I work a lot with young lawyers, and they

Estreicher clerked for a judge on the DC


need to work on their writing,” he said,

Circuit for a year after law school and then

adding that he learned a lot about writing

spent a year in private practice before

“We have to do something about the litigation

while working on his master’s thesis and

clerking for Lewis F. Powell, Jr., on the

system. There’s been this movement on the

editing the Columbia Law Review.

Supreme Court. When Judge John Roberts

Labor unions in the United States are in serious trouble with decreasing membership

future clients.”

and power, and the organizations need to

company side for arbitration; so there might

was nominated for the Supreme Court,

be opportunities for lawyers in arbitration,”

“Writing is extremely important; so that’s

Estreicher wrote an article for the website

he said. “We’re using the ordinary courts for

one thing. And two, I tell my students [to], predicting Roberts would likely


continued on back




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mark a shift to the right for the court, but not

casebooks in labor law and employment

way to make a relationship more valuable,

a seismic shift. When asked who he thought


professional, and personal. And the best way to add value is to choose what interests you

would be the next judge nominated to the

and develop an expertise, he said.

court, Estreicher predicted U.S. Attorney

“I could get away with doing the absolute

General Alberto Gonzalez. (Estreicher

minimum, but I don’t do the minimum.

teaches a course in Supreme Court practice

I’m trying to add value to myself,” he said.

“Develop an area of specialty—whatever it is,

and has an appellate practice through Jones

“That’s one of the reasons I love teaching,

whatever turns [you] on—and really become


I get to write a lot. Plus, I like to shoot my

known in that area,” he said, “because it’s

mouth off; so I’m in the right job. If you write,

very important to have portable value in any

Writing is a passion for Estreicher, not a

you make it a habit, and it gets easier for

relationship, even in a marriage.”

professional obligation. He’s been a tenured


professor since 1984 and has already lived the publish-or-perish years. He has

Estreicher is keen on “adding value” and

published several books, including leading

said the key to success is to always find a


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