Sidley Austin, LLP

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1. 800.973.1177

Sidley Austin, LLP [By Douglas May] Sidley Austin, LLP (formerly Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood, LLP), one of the world’s largest law firms, is a legal powerhouse with several branch offices spanning the globe. The firm has offices in Beijing, Brussels, Chicago, Dallas, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, and Washington, DC.

Employing more than 1,600 lawyers, Sidley

estates, healthcare, and bankruptcy. The

The events that transformed the company

Austin is one of the world’s premier law

firm’s website states, “Each of our local

were the involvement of Barry Sternlicht and

firms. Sidley combines experience, in-depth

practice groups…work[s] closely with [the]

the Starwood Capital Group and the resulting

knowledge, and quality to supply a broad

other[s] as well as with our other U.S. and

reorganization and recapitalization of the

range of legal services to meet the needs of

overseas offices to ensure that our clients’

company, which involved its acquisition of

its clients.

expectations are not only met but exceeded.”

other huge resorts and hotels, including The

Sidley’s global network of offices provides

The California team has been involved in

and Caesars Palace and the Desert Inn in Las

integrated multi-jurisdictional and cross-

a number of Chapter 11 cases, acting for

Vegas. Sidley Austin was involved in all of

jurisdictional legal services, and Sidley

shareholders and secured and unsecured

these transactions, and Sherwin Samuels was

lawyers work collaboratively to offer

creditors. Richard Havel, who holds a J.D.

the principal client contact, both as outside

outstanding service to the firm’s local,

from the UCLA School of Law, heads the

counsel and inside for about six months as

regional, national, and international

Los Angeles team and has a solid Chapter

interim general counsel. Samuels’s main

clients. It is a full-service law firm, with

11 practice; he often acts for equity groups

focus is “assisting companies and their

vast experience in transaction and litigation

and hedge funds. Sally Neely, a graduate

boards,” and his efforts clearly transformed

matters. As the sixth-largest U.S.-based

of Stanford Law, is another Sidley lawyer

this into a landmark case for Sidley Austin

corporate law firm with offices in 16 cities

universally known as a “wonderful”

and helped generate billions of dollars for

worldwide, Sidley generates more than $1

bankruptcy attorney.

Starwood Hotels and Resorts.

Westin Hotels, the Sheraton, the St. Regis,

billion in annual revenue. Sherwin Samuels, senior counsel for

The firm often appears at the top of

Established in 1980, Sidley’s Los Angeles

Sidley Austin, has been involved in many

various industry rankings. In 2005, the

office has more than 150 lawyers and is

important cases for the firm. Samuels

BTI Consulting Group named Sidley to its

among the top 10 largest law firms in

earned his undergraduate degree from

Client Service Hall of Fame, and Sidley

the city. Located at 555 W. Fifth Street

Harvard University and obtained his law

was also named “No. 1 Power Elite Firm”

in downtown Los Angeles, its client list

degree from Boalt Hall at the University of

for the same year. The firm was placed in

is envied by its peers. The firm’s clients

California-Berkeley at the young age of 23.

14 categories on The American Lawyer’s

include Fortune 100 and 500 companies,

He went on to become one of the top lawyers

Corporate Scorecard, landing in number-

financial institutions, professional firms,

in the nation. He is most proud of the case

one positions as issuer’s counsel in equities

associations, and individuals in a diverse

involving the Starwood Hotels resorts,

offered by U.S. corporations, issuer’s and

range of industries.

which helped the organization go from “a

underwriter’s counsel for investment-grade

struggling, beaten-down company with a

debt, and underwriter’s counsel for REIT

In addition to corporate law and finance, the

total market capitalization of less than $10

debt. Another recent honor was the 2005

firm’s areas of expertise include litigation,

million in 1994…to the current market cap of

Catalyst Award, conferred in recognition of

real estate, commercial and intellectual

$15.6 billion.”

the firm’s initiatives to retain and promote

property, taxation, securities, trusts and


women attorneys.

continued on back



1. 800.973.1177

Some famous alumni have been involved

legal career at Sidley. Newton Minow, the

“sponsoring, public-interest law fellowships

with Sidley Austin in recent years. Barack

chairman of the Federal Communications

at UCLA and USC law schools, and numerous

Obama was a summer associate in the

Commission under President John F.

public-interest fundraising events.” Sidley

Chicago office and met his wife, Michelle

Kennedy, was a partner in the Chicago office

combines the personal attention of a

Obama (an associate at Sidley at the time),

from 1965 to 1991 and continues to serve as

medium-sized office with the sophistication,

during his time at the firm. John Zeglis,

senior counsel to the firm.

resources, and power of one of the world’s

the former chief executive officer of AT&T

largest firms and offers superior personal

Wireless, was an associate and partner in

Sidley Austin has also established itself as

and results-oriented service to members of

the Chicago office during the late 1970s

a premier California law firm that devotes

the community.

and early 1980s. David S. Tatel, a judge

time and capital to the communities it

for the United States Court of Appeals for

serves. The firm participates in a variety of

the District of Columbia Circuit, started his

pro bono and charitable activities including


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