The Paralegal Education Program at Auburn University Montgomery

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The Paralegal Education Program at Auburn University Montgomery [By Devon Pryor] In the heart of Alabama, the capitol city of Montgomery boasts a university with the largest and most affordable paralegal studies program in the state. According to its website, Auburn University Montgomery has been offering an American Bar Association-approved Paralegal Certificate program for nearly 20 years. Offered through the university’s Department of Justice and Public Safety, three ABA-approved certification options are available to students interested in legal careers.

The Bachelor of Science in Justice and

and well-rounded individuals” with advanced

consideration to the student. The MAT is

Public Safety-Legal Studies is the first of

preparation for careers as paralegals or

offered through the psychology department

these options. This track requires students

court or justice administrators, as well as

at Auburn University Montgomery. For those

to complete a four-year, 120-semester-hour

for admission to law school. It requires

who are unfamiliar with the MAT, this test

program, which awards each graduate with

students to take courses in legal research

is, according to the MAT homepage, a “high

both a bachelor’s degree and a Paralegal

and writing, human resource management,

level mental ability test requiring solutions

Certificate. Like most bachelor’s degree

computer applications in the law, and

of problems stated as analogies” designed

programs, the Bachelor of Science in

administrative instruction. Students who

to measure verbal comprehension and

Justice and Public Safety-Legal Studies

complete this track also earn ABA-approved

analytical thinking.

track at Auburn University Montgomery

Paralegal Certificates. A competency evaluation is also associated

requires students to complete general education, or GE, classes in addition

The second track within the master’s degree

with the Master of Judicial Administration

to their legal studies coursework. The

program is the Justice and Public Safety

(M.J.L.) program at Auburn University

curriculum for the legal studies track

option (M.J.P.). This track offers coursework

Montgomery. In order to satisfy the

includes classes in business organization,

that provides students with the skills

competency evaluation requirement, each

legal research, legal writing, civil

necessary to succeed in several areas of the

student must choose one of the three

litigation, court and judicial administration,

criminal justice field, including planning,

evaluation options. The first of these is

alternative dispute resolution, legal ethics,

management, and ethical skills in specifically

the comprehensive examination, which

computer applications in law, and business

targeted areas such as law enforcement,

is taken by students during the final

and professional writing, as well as six

security, corrections, and juvenile justice.

semester of enrollment at Auburn University

relevant electives. Internships completed

This option does not offer a Paralegal

Montgomery. Instead of taking the exam,

by students enrolled in the program are

Certificate, but students who decide to

students can elect to fulfill the specialization

considered electives.

pursue the M.J.P. do earn master’s degrees

option, which requires an additional six

in a field relevant to any legal career.

hours of coursework and is available only by permission to students with GPAs of 3.5

Auburn University Montgomery also offers a Master of Science in Justice and

Admissions requirements for both of the

or higher. The third option for students is

Public Safety. Graduate students can

master’s degree programs at Auburn

writing a thesis; thesis topics must be pre-

choose from two track options, both of

University Montgomery are possession

approved, and theses are subject to strict

which provide instruction in management

of a bachelor’s degree (or its credit

guidelines and evaluations.

and administration. Graduate courses

equivalent) from an accredited university

are offered during the day, at night, and

and satisfactory performance on either the

All faculty members of the Department

on weekends. The first of the graduate

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the

of Justice and Public Safety at Auburn

tracks is the Judicial Administration option

Miller Analogies Test (MAT). If an applicant’s

University Montgomery have experience

(M.J.L.). This track is ABA-approved and,

undergraduate grade point average is below

in their fields. They work or have worked

according to the program website, is

2.75, the GRE or MAT must be taken before

as prosecutors, defense attorneys, law

designed to “produce extremely competent

the screening committee will give any

enforcement administrators or officers,


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