The Spence Law Firm

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The Spence Law Firm [By Aundi Howerton] Among the writings of the founder of The Spence Law Firm, Gerry Spence, are the words “To survive, we must set aside the religion of corporate omnipotence and tell the truth for once,” and this largely sums up the man’s theory on the practice and teaching of law.

Born in Wyoming—the seat of his law

of the father and children of plutonium-

The organization was formed in 1991 and

firm and one of several states in which

contaminated employee and American

continues to serve the public interest of

he practices—Spence graduated from the

labor union activist Karen Silkwood after

Wyoming and several other western states.

University of Wyoming in 1949 and completed

she mysteriously died in a car accident. He

Spence has also structured a curriculum

law school at the same university in 1952.

earned similar high-profile recognition with

out of his vision and heads the Trial Lawyers

His early successes as a prosecutor and

big-dollar verdicts against Penthouse for

College, dedicated to training and educating

big-business defender offered both the mind

Miss Wyoming and against the McDonald’s

lawyers and judges who are also invested

fodder and material resources he would

Corporation for an oral breach of contract

in protecting the individual from powerful

need to ultimately fulfill a greater vision.

with a small, independently owned ice-

social machines. Spence’s quarterly journal,

Spence writes, [T]he warriors for the people

cream company. He later defended Randy

The WARRIOR, is a similarly intentioned

are trial lawyers.” And, indeed, the title of

Weaver in a criminal case in which Weaver

publication for judicial practitioners.

“the people’s warrior” is Spence’s banner

and another man were acquitted of murder

after almost half a century of practice.

charges in the self-defense shooting of a

On the Net

U.S. Marshall in Northern Idaho. Spence His goal is to represent the common citizen,

followed this up with a successful civil suit

The Spence Law Firm

especially the one with limited resources

against government agencies for the deaths

who may be suffering at the hands of big

of Weaver’s wife and son.

business or government. Spence, the author

Gerry Spence

of 15 books on the art of the law soldier and

To supplement his self-proclaimed battle

related topics and a self-proclaimed poet and

for the “justice of the ordinary man,” Spence

photographer, is equal parts adamant and

and his firm’s partners created the nonprofit

The Karen Silkwood Story

eloquent regarding his mission and insists,

L.A.W. organization to “provide quality legal

despite his firm’s high-profile status, that

representation in defense and promotion of


“affordability” is no concern. “If we do not

the public’s interest on substantive issues

win a monetary award for clients, we charge

of health, safety, consumer rights, and civil

nothing for our services,” he said.

liberties to Wyoming citizens as well as other individuals who are unable to secure a

Spence first gained notoriety with a $10.5

lawyer due to the nature of the controversy

million verdict against Kerr-McGee on behalf

or financial inability.”


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