The Suffolk University Paralegal Program

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The Suffolk University Paralegal Program [By Aundi Howerton] At its Beacon Hill campus next to the government center in downtown Boston, Massachusetts, Suffolk University recently celebrated the centennial anniversary of its law school. For the last 20 of those 100 years, the school has offered a selection of paralegal programs within the department.

The private university currently offers three

Internships are required for both the

to multi-day conferences. In the past,

programs as legal employment credentials

bachelor’s and associate’s programs and are

these have included panels of experienced

for paralegals. Approved by the American

elective for the certificate program.


options for study include a bachelor’s degree

Students focusing on paralegal studies

Suffolk University originated solely as a

program, an associate’s degree program,

at Suffolk can expect an extensive

school of law, and its department remains

and a nine-month certificate in paralegal

supplementary network alongside their

world-renowned. The school has also been

studies program.

education including career planning and

consistently featured in The Princeton

Bar Association since 1994, the school’s

placement resources, a world-class law

Review’s 350 Best Colleges. As well, Suffolk

Suffolk’s law school gestated as a public

library, cooperative educational opportunities

operates campuses in the cities of Madrid,

service when the founder, Gleason Archer,

with students and alumni in fields such as

Spain, and Dakar, Senegal, and offers one-

began offering courses to working people

business or the arts, as well as access to

year study-abroad opportunities to those

with the belief that people of all backgrounds

the most advanced technological research

pursuing bachelor’s degrees.

and classes should have equal access to

facilities, like Westlaw and Lexis-Nexis,

legal study.


On the Net

The existing paralegal program structure

In addition, Suffolk promotes a Center

Suffolk University

in the department is exemplary of Archer’s

for Advanced Legal Studies, which offers

commitment to valuing diversity in

continuing support and education to its

education and responsibility to its students.

alumni. On average, the center implements

Suffolk University Law School

Evening and day classes are available, and

30 institutes, symposia, conferences,

registration for day, evening, or a mix of

and programs for students and alumni

both tracks is open to all program students,

every year. Many of these offer cutting-

The Princeton Review

enabling working students or those with

edge information to paralegals as well as

families or other complex situations more

ongoing practical applications that range

scheduling options.

from evening forums or one-day colloquia


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