LawCrossing Law Firm Profile
The Vibrant Life of the Great Robyn Ginsberg Robyn Ginsberg was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a triplet and has one brother, who is two and a half years older. Although her siblings live all over the country, she is very close to her family. Ginsberg is especially grateful for her sisters and accredits them for their support and unconditional love, which, among other things, gave her “the freedom to be adventurous, to learn and to try things without fear of reprisal or judgment.” While growing up in the city of “Brotherly Love,” Ginsberg enjoyed eating a juicy Philly cheese steak, soft pretzel, and you could have caught her eating a mango water ice at the well renowned chain called Rita’s water ice. She has since cleaned up her eating habits and has gone fully gluten free, but Philly has its food-based nostalgia. Two crucial attributes embodied
why she purchased a Vespa motor scooter immediately
Ginsberg throughout her life,
after seeing one in motion in the streets of Richmond,
hard work and discipline. She
Virginia. The outspoken attorney processes fears by
was the captain of her basketball
“confronting them head on.” Ginsberg reflected on her
and softball teams. The young
Vespa experience. “When I bought my Vespa I was
woman also excelled in literature
pretty much petrified of it and did not know how to
and has earned an astonishing
ride it (I am not a huge fan of motorized vehicles).
four degrees at two institutions.
But instead of just locking it away, I signed up for a
Ginsberg has a B.A. in English Literature, a B.A.
motorcycle licensing class even though I do not need
in Women’s Studies, and a Masters in English and
a license to ride my Vespa. I took the classes, bit it on
American Literature from Washington University in
the bike a few times, but got the license and learned
St. Louis, Missouri. She also earned a J.D. from the
how to safely ride my Vespa. That’s pretty much how I
prestigious University of Pennsylvania, cum laude.
handle anything that scares me.”
Ginsberg received several awards and scholarships, which includes being on the dean’s list in college and
But we are all human, and there must be something
won a partial merit scholarship for graduate and law
that scares Ginsberg? She admitted she gets totally
freaked out about being in cars on highways, too much speed and uncertainty and too many people not
Someone who is as intelligent, disciplined, and hard
paying attention to what they are doing! Ginsberg also
working as Ginsberg must be extremely confident
revealed she is scared of creepy crawlers. She doesn’t
in life. What’s her secret? Ginsberg believes her
like bugs and was disgusted when she found out ants
confidence derives from her upbringing just like her
infested the bathroom of her brand new home. The
two other significant traits, hard work and discipline.
warm hearted Ginsberg could have fumigated her
She said, “I was always encouraged to be myself and
home, but decided to go easy on the ants by getting rid
was never made to feel like I couldn’t accomplish what
of them organically.
I set out to accomplish. I have very supportive family, friends, and loved ones and I believe the great majority
After graduating from law school, Ginsberg had the
of my confidence comes from surrounding myself with
privilege to work for Latham and Watkins LLP in the
positive, encouraging and fearless people.”
firm’s Washington, D.C. office as a civil litigator. During her four year tenure at Latham and Watkins, Ginsberg
Perhaps Ginsberg is fearless herself. That would explain
worked on various litigation matters, including anti-
continued on back
LawCrossing Law Firm Profile
trust, environmental; litigation, and computer fraud.
booth to change into Superman, they are both getting ready to conquer the next task. Does Ginsberg even
Ginsberg also had the honor of working for Zuckerman
have a weakness? She stated, “My greatest weakness
Spaeder, a well-respected mid-sized litigation firm,
may be the fact that I am too responsive sometimes – I
before becoming Managing Director for the East Coast
cannot leave an email unresponded to and that often
at BCG Attorney Search. What motivated a tough
means that people learn to expect an instant response
civil litigator to work as a recruiter? Ginsberg said, “I
from me. It makes it difficult to get any downtime!”
wanted to do something in the legal industry that made me feel like I was making a difference. Specifically, I
So where does she go to escape her iPhone and enjoy
wanted to do something where I felt tangible progress
a little rest and relaxation. The former civil litigator
on a daily basis as a result of my efforts. That was very
admitted it was hard to go on a long vacation, but
rarely the case while I was litigating in the big law firm
took a quick getaway to a place called the Inn at Little
context, but it has been consistently so since I have
Washington located in Washington, Virginia. It was a
been recruiting.”
peaceful two day vacation with no cell phone reception – something she previously thought was impossible
The former civil litigator finds her profession rewarding
to find! Ginsberg had the chance to indulge in “an
because the position involves constant interaction with
amazing culinary and wine adventure.” Ginsberg is
candidates, law firms, and colleagues. The outgoing
very passionate about wine and has earned various
Ginsberg continued to say there is never a dull moment
advanced wine certifications. When she gets some
in her line of work and believes her occupation is a
downtime, she visits as many wineries and different
perfect fit for her personality. She is a gregarious
international wine regions as possible or, if she is
person who isn’t afraid of challenges. Remember those
pressed for time, at least tries to stay current on trends
two significant qualities Ginsberg grew up utilizing?
in the industry by visiting with, and tasting at her, local
Discipline and hard work also played a critical role “to
wine shops. She has a weakness for Old World wines,
being successful in this industry, but when a recruiter
particularly those from France and Italy.
uses those tools the job is really fun and is always changing.”
Ginsberg is also passionate about books and writing. She enjoys reading fiction and some of her favorite
Where will the legal market be in the next five years?
authors include John Irving, Nabokov and Dostoevsky
Ginsberg believes “mid-sized and regional law firms
and she also recently enjoyed reading Haruki
will continue to excel and successfully woo highly-
Murakami’s, 1Q84. Ginsberg’s greatest achievement
credentialed attorneys of all levels away from ‘big
was purchasing her “kick ass” home in Richmond. The
law’ firms with higher rate structures.” Big law firms
house includes a koi fish pond, a big tree-covered yard,
will continue to prosper and grow strategically and
a real white picket fence, and an office in a sun room.
thoughtfully, but will likely be more conservative in
She described the atmosphere as “mellow and not
their growth plans, especially in light of recent events
stuffy and just perfectly cozy.”
at Dewey & LeBoeuf.” Ginsberg has accomplished so much in a short period of time, it’s like she is Clark Kent after he enters a phone