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Villanova University School of Law, Villanova, PA [By Heather Jung] Villanova University School of Law was founded in 1953 after the prominent New York attorney Eugene Lester Garey donated $1.2 million to Villanova to establish the school. Villanova is associated with the Augustinian monastic order of the Roman Catholic Church. As such, the school is deeply dedicated to the Catholic credo that, according to the school’s website, “emphasizes the unique value of individual human lives and our endowment with free will. It inspires us to provide a professional education emphasizing honesty, integrity, and responsibility.” In his letter of welcome, Dean Mark Sargent says that community, justice, service, and excellence are not just catch-phrases, but integral parts of the school’s foundation.
Villanova is ranked number 60 on U.S.
20 percent of the student body is involved
“You will find much more than a
News and World Report’s list of the Top 100 Law Schools. According to the school’s admissions website, of the 2,834 applicants for the 2006 entering class, 248 are currently enrolled. The median GPA was 3.44 and the median LSAT score was 162. The website also says that 95% of the class of 2005 has reported that they are employed or seeking post-J.D. education nine months after graduating.
in the program. Other pro bono programs
conglomeration of unrelated specialties
at Villanova include VITA (Volunteer Income
and separate programs. You will find a
Tax Assistance), the PIRC Habeas Project,
commitment to a coherent plan of general
and the Chester County “Street Law” Legal
legal education offered by deeply engaged,
accessible teachers,” Dean Sargent said. “You will find a sophisticated advanced
There are 34 organizations for students to
curriculum that will prepare you for practice
get involved in. The school’s website says
in transactional law or in litigation, in a
that “student life at Villanova Law is enriched
big firm or a small one, in a DA’s office or
and diversified by its student organizations,
a public defender’s, in a federal agency in
extracurricular activities, and sense of
Washington or a general counsel’s office in a
One of the emphases at the school of law
community and tradition.” Organizations
large corporation, in an office on Main Street,
is “experiential learning.” To that end,
include the American Constitution Society;
U.S.A., or in a multinational firm in Paris or
students are encouraged to learn through
the Tax Law Society; United Front; and Men
Dubai. You will find Villanova graduates in
hands-on and out-of-classroom experiences,
Against Violence, Rape, Intimidation, and
all those places. We take pride in knowing
such as externships, clinics, national
that Villanova Law prepares our students splendidly for any legal career they choose
competitions, and volunteer opportunities. The Villanova Law J. Willard O’Brien
This summer, the School of Law and the
American Inn of Court is a group of judges,
University of St. Thomas School of Law will
lawyers, students, and other people involved
host the first annual Summer Law Study
in academia who meet monthly in order to
Abroad Program in Rome. The program,
network and discuss matters important to
which will run from July 2 through August
lawyers such as ethics and professionalism.
4, will allow students to earn up to six hours of credit while exploring all of the sights
As students at a Catholic institution, students
and experiences the Italian city has to offer.
at Villanova are encouraged to participate
Each year, four rotating classes will be
in pro bono work. To make pro bono work
offered. For the 2007 program, the classes
important to the students, the school has
offered will be Complex Litigation in the
created the Lawyering Together program,
United States and Abroad; International Art
which pairs law students with practicing
and Cultural Property Law; Modern Catholic
attorneys to help work on a pro bono case.
Teaching on the State, Society, Justice, and
According to the school’s site, more than
Law; and Religion in Public Life.
to pursue.” ON THE NET Villanova University School of Law Pro Bono at Villanova publicinterestprobono History of Villanova