Workers hold key to creating better workplace

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Workers hold key to creating better workplace [By Michael Kinsman] Workplace consultant and coach Robert Flower has blunt advice for employees who want to be more productive.

“It is the responsibility of workers to tell

Workers, the study says, often make a

that are worthwhile and relevant to their

their managers that they are stupid,” he

worst-case risk assessment of speaking up


says. “Who isn’t going to pay attention when

and determine that their psychological and

they hear that?”

material well-being are more important than

“A lot of times people are unsuccessful

helping to make the company better. They

because they don’t understand how

Flower really doesn’t intend to sound so

are afraid for their livelihood should they

their managers are being measured


speak up.

and rewarded,” he says. “That’s a good

“Obviously, you can’t say it like that,” says Flower, the New York-based author of “Decoding Potential: Pathways to Understanding” (Central Plains; $20). “You have to find a way to show how changing your job makes sense for the company. Managers will listen to that and appreciate it.” In other words, actions and carefully crafted strategic plans speak louder than words when you’re trying to get the attention of the boss.

conversation to have with your supervisor Flower says workers need to be engaged

because it will help you understand what will

in their jobs and motivated to be more

make them respond.”

productive. He places the responsibility on individual workers to detect problems,

He also thinks that engaged workers who

develop plans to correct them and then sell

look upon supervisors as peers can wipe

the plans to their managers.

away the intimidation that holds back others.

“Unfortunately, most workers think they

Flower suggests that workers be more

are only responsible for what’s on their

methodical about how they approach dealing

desk,” he says. “A lot of them don’t want the

with the boss. They need to understand their

responsibility for making better companies.”

own strengths and weaknesses, as well as be able to demonstrate how their ideas fit

Duncan Mathison, managing director of

into the corporate mission. His book offers

executive coaching in the Western states for

exercises to help develop these skills.

Flower believes that employees are the key

outplacement firm Drake Beam Morin, thinks

to making better workplaces but that they

that many workers don’t possess all the tools

Flower describes this as the worker being

will have to step up to that responsibility.

needed to accomplish this.

part of something rather than just a part.

“The whole notion of the boss and the

“Many, many great ideas die in our

“If you are seen as a committed employee,

employee that we have in America is

workplaces because of the failure of people

the boss will pay attention,” he says. “But

polarizing, and it shouldn’t be,” he says. “We

to communicate those ideas effectively to

don’t expect this to be easy. The best way

view each other as the enemy.”

their supervisor,” he says. “It doesn’t matter

to change anybody or anything is to come to

whether it is the rank-and-file employee

them with a solution to their problem that

A recent study by professors from Harvard

trying to communicate with the midlevel

makes the company better.

Business School and Pennsylvania State

manager, the midlevel manager trying to

University found that workers are not

communicate an idea to an executive, or the

“One thing in the world we all share is

encouraged to speak up or communicate

president of the company dealing with the

problems. There can be no argument there.

ideas on the job. The result, according to

board. It’s just not easy for some people.”

But a lot of people with answers don’t give

the study, is that employers don’t get to

themselves enough credit. They need to

share in valuable employee knowledge and

Companies are interested in solutions to

figure out how to make sure somebody hears

experience that would make their companies

their problems, but Mathison says workers

their ideas.”

operate more efficiently.

must learn more about how to present ideas


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