9 10drr bulletin march april 08

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DRR Column Calendar

DBO Column Rotary: Recruit


Yes, we can Q & A


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TOR for Directors RYLA Uganda Tips for a better life Jokes RYLA Kenya

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issue 9

march-april 2008

D9200 Newsletter

A Bulletin of the Rotaract District

ats off to the RYLA Kenya Committee for a great RYLA Event! It was also an excellent forum to Celebrate “Rotaract@40” An attendance of 320 RYLArians and several Rotarians at senior levels of PDG, DGE, DRO and AG is a commendable collaboration of Rotaractors and Rotarians. Representation from Rotary Community Corps, Guests and Speakers is also worthy of note. More than 10 Trophies were up for grabs. Congratulations to the Winners! Kindly send your moments on how you celebrated “Rotaract@40” to District Rotaract Webmaster <d9200webmaster@yahoo.com> I also recount the ROTS that have been taking place under the guidance of DRRE Hudson. I managed to attend the Dar-es-salaam session and was enthused by the motivation injected and the boosting of morale. ROTS does energise the In-coming Club Officers and I urge you to engage your planning guides now. April is Magazine Month and I invite you to visit http:// rotary.org/en/MediaAndNews/TheRotarian/Pages/ ridefault.aspx for an insight on the content of the Official Rotary Magazine including opportunities to learn and grow in service and Fellowship. I find the Rotarian Magazine an inspirational tool in understanding broader issues relating to culture and building an International acumen. Administratively, April is the month in which you ensure the following: • That your Club has submitted your District dues. • That you have registered for the 20th DCA at USD75 by April 12th. The deadline is to guarantee reservation for accommodation. Because Paradise Resort is in demand you do not want to miss a room due to tourist bookings. Visit http://www.rotaract9200.org/dca/registration.htm download the form, fill and hand-in with your fees. Kindly Note that Registration guarantees you room reservation. Encourage all to attend. • That your Club submits the Presidential Citation

form to your Rotary Club President for signing and onward Transmission to the DG before 5th April • That you have registered for the Rotaract Pre-Convention in Los Angeles http://rotaract2008. com/housing.html • That your Club President has submitted the 3rd Quarter Report to the District Secretary at Rotaract District Secretary dsec9200@gmail.com • That your Club submits a Nomination report for consideration of the District Awards. The DS will be sending the circular soon. I take the opportunity to invite you to the 20th District Conference and Assembly at Paradise Beach Resort Bagamoyo. The Conference Team has lined up thrilling Entertainment during the evening sessions and informative plenary sessions during the day. Visit http://www. rotaract9200.org/dca/dcaprogram.htm. The Rotaract Clubs of Nairobi will be hosting the DRR Dinner/Banquet showcasing true Kenyan Hospitality similar to the Tanzanian Hospitality to be experienced all through the Conference. It is at this Event that District Awards will be bestowed for the onerous work that Clubs have been doing. The District Conference offers you an opportunity to experience the cultures of the people in the 5 Countries that form our District. You get to engage in a Milestone event of Resolution-making for the fastest growing program of Rotary International; You get to meet Dr. Robert S. Scott, Rotary Foundation Trustee, Chairperson, who is the R.I President’s personal representative to our Conference; You make friends- some of whom will be life-long; You network with future decision-makers and establish International (cross-border) professional contacts; Last, but not least, you widen your Social circles which is important in the current age of Globalisation. - Lawi Sultan

‘So many of our DREAMS at first seem Impossible, then they seem Improbable, and then when we Summon the Will, they soon become Inevitable.”

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