Marketing Strategy of Credit Card, A study of BRAC Bank.
1.1. Introduction BRAC Bank Limited is one of the leading banks in Bangladesh. Since its inception in the year 04 July, 2001 the BRAC Bank Limited has earned tremendous popularity and credibility among the people for its service. Banks are providing various schemes for clients. Credit card is one of them. Credit card of BRAC Bank Limited is gaining more and more popularity which is functioning from the very inception of the bank. BRAC Bank Limited is one of the leading banks who are offering Consumers Credit Scheme (CCS) for the people. It is very helpful to people specially for middle class people and lower middle class people. Under this scheme people can take loan to buy household goods. By installment basis they can repay the loan. As total loan amount is repaid on installment basis it puts less pressure on consumer. Under Consumers Credit Scheme (CCS) people can take loan from banks and can buy their necessary goods. For limited income group Consumers Credit Scheme (CCS) is very helpful. BRAC Bank Limited wants sustainable growth and continues to meet social obligations. Day by day the number of consumers in BRAC Bank limited increases which indicate potentiality of the scheme. I have chosen BRAC Bank Limited, and other two private sector banks to make a comparison between “Credit Polices & Facilities”.
1.2. Objective of the Study To gain the relationship between theoretical and practical learning and the real life situation of BRAC Bank Ltd. in operating its Credit Card Schemes. The various concepts, which I have learnt from different courses during my BBA program, influencing an organization in various aspects, are considered chiefly here.
1.2.1. Primary Objective:
To gain practical experiences of credit card operation
1.2.1. Secondary Objectives: •
To give an overview on BRAC Bank Ltd. and its services.
To detail the Credit Card Policies & Facilities of BBL and its Credit Card Operation System.
To perform a comparative analysis on Credit Card Policies & Facilities of BBL with others two banks.