Bsb final

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Activities Evolution of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank

CHAPTER-ONE Introduction 1.1 Establishment of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) was established on October 31, 1972 under a statue, called the Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Order, 1972. The (BSB) Order, 1972 was amended subsequently by the Parliament to provide more operational autonomy to the management. Mission Accelerating the process of industrialization of the country by providing financial assistance and equity support. Institutional overview: Established

October 31, 1972


Head Office Division Department Zonal Office Branch Office Manpower

Capital Structure and Sources of Fund Capital Structure Authorized Paid Up Sources of Fund: •

Paid-up Capital

Loan from Government of Bangladesh .

- Dhaka -5 - 21 -3 -15 -745

Taka (in Millions) 2000 2000

• Loan from Bangladesh Bank (Central Bank) . • Different Loan Giving (Foreign) Agencies . • Customers' Deposit Ownership: Presently 100% ownership of the Bank belongs to the Government.

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