Chapter 1

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Commercial Banking Activities & Performance Evaluation of IFIC Bank Ltd.

CHAPTER-ONE Introduction 1.1.Introduction: Commercial Bank implies that banks devote most of their resources to meeting the financial needs of business firms. This institution offers the public both deposit and credit services as well as a growing list of newer and more innovating services, such as investment advice, security underwriting, and financial planning. In recent years however to consumers and units of government around the world. The result is the emergence of a financial institution that has been called a financial department store because it satisfies the broadest range of financial services needs in the global economy. The importance to commercial banks may be measured in a number of ways. Banks are still the principal means of making payments, through the checking accounts, credit cards, and electronic funds transfer services they offer. Banks are important because of their ability to create money from excess reserves made available from the public's deposits. The banking system can take a given volume of excess cash reserves and, by making loans and investment, generate a multiple amount of credit. Bangladesh is developing country. After liberalization, we achieve a poor economic growth in last three decades. This is because of number of micro and macro factors as density of people. Bangladesh is a ple; lack of proper education; we saw, what a poor political stability; Political instability in the major factor in Bangladesh that makes a vital hazard to achieve the economic growth. All of above, banking industry brings a little bit hope that can be a better flavor to accelerate the economic growth in our country. This is the only sector (especially private banking) that getting a continuous develops from last two decades. 1.2 Functions of Commercial Banks: The essential characteristics of the banking business may be described within the framework of a simplified balance sheet A bank's main liabilities are its capital. (including reserves and, often, subordinated debt) and deposits. The latter may be from domestic or foreign sources (corporations and firms, private individuals, other banks, and even governments).

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