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Field Work On Coastal Environment at Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar, Saint Martin And Its Hazard Identification NOAKHALI CHHARA A naturally evolved area in the hill which is influenced by hilly stream and create flowing path of water seasonally. Location and extent: One of the major investigated section, the Noakhali chhara lies on the western part of the structure and extents from 20 0 55' 56'' N to 200 53' 35''N latitude to 920 15' 30'' E to 920 15' E longitude. The total studied portion of the section was 0.72 km Topography, relief and drainage pattern: Numerous hills, vertical cliffs, valleys and gorges characterized this section. The drainage pattern of the chhara is consequent in nature, follows towards the Bay of Bengal. The stream is highly active and young; and dominated by numerous joints on the streambed. Facies type: The section provided a complex stratigraphy column in which sandy shale where the main lithofacies inwhich shale with some streaks and calcareous sandstone bands were to major sub-facies. Tectonic features: Tectonically the section was affected by numerous interesting structures including drag fold, overturned folds, joints [vertical & oblique joints] and micro faulting. Abnormal attitudes were observed, which was the main evidence of faulting. Sedimentary structures: The section was also rich in sedimentary structures. Flaser, bedding, wavy bedding, lenticular bedding, micro-cross lamination, bioterbation were major sedimentary structures. Other features: The stream is geomorphically young and active. The beach was characterized by ripple and random orientation of boulders.

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