Credit policy & practice of banking sector in bangladesh

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An Analysis on Credit Policy & Practice of Banking Sector in Bangladesh

1.1. Background I am the student of Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A), I study the subject's related to major in Accounting, Management, Finance, Marketing, Mathematics and little about other subjects. The schools of business at home and abroad try to familiarize each student as they move comfortably in the business environment. But only the theoretical study in the class room is not enough rather a research oriented experience. In the business environment at home & abroad there are lots of financial institution, business firms, and industries which provide this facility towards us. If we could not get this facility of collecting data and information it would not be possible to complete this study. I think this is an extremely valuable asset for us. We the students of business do this usually for a certain period of time. In our country there are many banks such as Specialized Banks, State Owned Banks, Private Banks Incorporated by Bangladesh, Private Banks (Foreign), Private Banks (Islamic). In this respect I have done my research and make a thesis report on 48 several types of Banks of Bangladesh. 1.2 Rationale for Choosing Topic Credit Policy and Practice is most important division in the banking sector. Almost maximum works are done by the bank with this topic. Without Credit Policy and Practice cannot think and also have not much work. Most of the Banking activities are related credit. Now every banks give importance to their customers. So banks like to fulfill customers’ wishes, aspiration, and demand of their personal life. In our study all of Banks in Bangladesh are offering very distinguish and attracted financial product to their customer and all are the credit related even in normal financial activities they provide

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Credit policy & practice of banking sector in bangladesh by lawjuris - Issuu