Exim bank ltd

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At the very beginning I would like to express my deepest gratitude to almighty ALLAH for giving me the strength and the composure to finish the task within the scheduled time.

I am deeply indebted to my internal guide Mr. Shahriyar Anam Head of the Department, Business Administration; The University of Asia Pacific (UAP) for his whole-hearted supervision to me during the practical orientation period. His suggestions and comments to make the report a good one was really a great source of spirit for me.

I am profoundly grateful to Mr. Shah Md. Abdul Bari, (Senior Vice President Human Resources Division, Head Office, EXIM Bank Bangladesh Ltd.) for his kind assistance to provide me the opportunity of the practical orientation in this bank.

My sincere gratitude goes to Mr. Tariqul Islam Choudhury (Senior Assistant Vice Precedent and Manager), Mr. Md. Abu Sufian Mazumder (Executive officer) who gave special attention to me right from the very beginning of my stay at EXIM Bank Ltd. I am very grateful to the officials of Mirpur Branch of EXIM Bank Ltd. who extended their whole hearted cooperation from during my orientation period. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Mohammed Mohshin (junior officer), Finally, I would like to convey my best regards to all officials of the Mirpur Branch, EXIM Bank Ltd.

Lastly, I like to give many special thanks and inexpressible greets to my both senior and fellow UAP students, for giving me good advice, suggestion and for inspiring me in some cases. Thanks for all from the core of my heart.

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