Business plan of M/s HAVELL’s Bangladesh.
Business Idea: More frequently used sources of ideas for new entrepreneurs include consumers, distribution channels, research and development and so on. I am trying to introduce HAVELL’s to our country from India, so thereby acting like entrepreneur as distributor. New ideas of lights and fans are excellent because of our familiarity with needs of the market. And also help in marketing the entrepreneurs newly developed lights and fans. My idea was first generated by my senior brother Palash Bahi who is Graduate from Khula BIT on EEE (Electronics and Electrical Engineering). He has been working in an Engineering Firm for couple of years. He has been recently made an analysis of demand of energy-saving-home-appliances and found that it would be a great idea to sale energy saving products to our country. He told his brother Mr. Jewel who is a student of Department of Finance. He told his brother’s idea to his friends then a group of seven people is made who wanted to implement the idea. I followed brainstorming process to make the business idea into a viable one. The process can be summarized below:
No negative comments made by my group of friends during the brainstorming session.
Improvements and Combinations of ideas are encouraged to finding other contingency strategies.
Finally, I decided to import the energy saving HAVELL’s- light and Fan and sale it to our domestic consumers.
As distributor of HAVELL’s, I will introduce lights and fans to the domestic consumers. For this purpose, I will form a partnership organization. It’s quite normal to be unconscious of the problem that may arise to implement the project. So to overcome these problems I tried to build the overall business plan by discussing with my close friends. It ensures that the