Final report

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Functions Activities of Exim Bank Ltd.

INTRODUCTION Origin of the Report: Banks play an important role in the business sector and industrialization of a country. Basically bank take deposit from the customers against interest and lend it to the borrower’s interest for a certain period. Under this sphere, the bank offers different interest notes and other options to their customers to remit and deposit their money. Most of the common between the banks, only the customer service and other facilities vary. In the backdrop of economic liberalization and financial sector reforms, a group of highly successful local entrepreneurs conceived an idea of floating a commercial bank with different outlook. For them, it was competence, excellence and consistent delivery of reliable service with superior value products. Accordingly, Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited started commercial banking operations effective from August 03, 1999.The sponsors are reputed personalities in the field of trade and commerce. As a fully licensed commercial bank, Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited is being managed by a highly professional and dedicated team with long experience in banking. They constantly focus on understanding and anticipating customer needs. As the banking scenario undergoes changes so is the bank and it repositions itself in the changed market condition. Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited has already made significant progress within a very short period of its existence. The bank has been graded as a top

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