Grameen Phone and Warid Telecom
INTRODUCTION Mobile phones nowadays have become a necessity in every second of people’s life. They are a major form of communication both in cities and urban areas. To meet the extensive demand for mobile phones or cell phones, the mobile phone operators are striving to capture the largest share in the market. With the aim to provide better service at a lower cost with a dedicated team of employees, Grameen started its journey in the telecommunication industry in 1996. Within a year and some months of its operation, and Warid started its operation in 2007 1.1 Origin of the report This report entitled �Study of comparative Strategy Between Warid and Grameen phone� is a requirement for the completion of the course Strategic Management. The main purpose of this report is to exchange and relate theoretical knowledge with real life situation. Under the instruction and guidance of the course instructor Professor Feroz .I. Faruque, we have taken the initiative to prepare this report with much precision and by being completely unbiased. 1.2 Objectives The general objective of this report is to provide an overview of the activities and marketing management related to comparative strategy between Grameen and Warid and to fulfill the requirement of this course. Beside the general objective, the report can be categorized into main objective and general objective. The objectives behind this report are given below: