Correspondent Banking Products of American Express Bank Ltd.
PART 1: ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW 1.1 American Express: Branding Financial Services American Express is known worldwide for its charge cards, travelers’ services, and financial services. It is one of the best-known and most-respected global brands. As it grew from a nineteenth-expressN company into a travel services expert by the mid-1900s, American Express (AMEX) became associated in the minds of consumers with prestige, security, service, international acceptability, and leisure. Advertising for the company, which began in earnest in the 1960s, reinforced these associations. For example, the now-famous tag line “Don’t leave home without it” was created to convey the essentiality of owning an American Express Card. As the company grew, it expanded into a variety of financial categories, including brokerages, banking, and insurance, and by the late 1980s, American Express was the largest diversified financial services firm in the world. The difficulty the company encountered integrating these broad financial services, combined with increased competition from Visa and MasterCard, compelled AMEX to divest many of its financial holdings in the early 1990s and focus on its core competencies of travel and cards. The company weathered a decrease in cardholders at this time by greatly increasing the number of merchants that accepted American Express Cards and developing new card offerings, including co-branded cards and a genuine credit card that allowed customers to carry over the monthly balance. By the end of the 1990s, American Express was again seeking to broaden its brand to include select financial services in order to