Company Profile of BEXIMCO PHARMA Beximco Pharma is a leading edge pharmaceutical company established in 1976 and it started its production commercially from 1980. Bangladesh and is acclaimed for outstanding product quality, world-class manufacturing facilities, product development capabilities and outstanding service. Beximco Pharma
produce and market 'branded generics' for almost all
diseases from AIDS to cancer, from infection to asthma, from hypertension to diabetes, for both national and international markets. It also manufacture active pharmaceutical ingredients and intravenous fluids and contract manufacture for major international brands of leading multinational companies and it partner our activities to the humanities quest for longer, healthier, and happier life. They are the largest exporter of medicines from Bangladesh and received Export (Gold) trophy for record three times and also helping to protect our environment the only pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh and among the few in the world producing CFC free inhalers for asthma patients. They employ more than 2,400 staff, including over 300 qualified professionals such as pharmacists, chemists, microbiologists, engineers, doctors etc. And for