Dissertation on Deposit and Credit Schemes” of National Bank Limited.
Chapter- 1 Introduction Objective of the study: Broad objective: The broad objectives of this dissertation are:
• To fulfill the requirement of the degree of MBA program. • To gain practical experience in the job field. Specific objective: The specific objectives are:
• To get an overall idea about the performance of National Bank Ltd. • To have a clear idea about the various aspects of financial Services provided by National Bank Limited (NBL).
• To analyze and evaluate the Customer Service of National Bank Limited (NBL). Scope of the study: The report describes the services of National Bank Limited (NBL) and also investigates the perceptions of the customers towards the services and other operational activities performed by the bank and their effects on the satisfaction of the customers. Methodology of the Study: The report was fully exploratory in nature. Data have been collected from both primary and secondary sources. Sample Design: There were 38 office executives in the bank. The focus group was the employees of General Services Department. 18 employees were taken at random as sample size for preparing the report. The primary sources are•
Direct communication with the clients & employees.
Exposure on different desks of the bank.
Face to face conversation.
The secondary sources are-