Performance Evaluation of ICB Mutual Funds
INTRODUCTION 1.1 ORIGIN OF THE REPORT Practical knowledge makes a man expertise in the real life situation. Only theoretical orientations can not make one suitable is his life. Keeping in view acquiring practical knowledge, each business student is sent to any organization for an internship program. This report has been primed as a requisite of the MBA Internship of Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh under the supervision and guidance of Ms. Farjana Yeshmin, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh. This report largely imparts the author’s experience during the attachment with Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB).
1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Industrialization is one of the prime pre-requisites for development. Industrialization needs Investment, because fund is the life blood of business. ICB broaden the base & scope of investments by mobilizing savings. ICB is virtually the only investment bank in the country engaged in operating Investment Scheme. The corporation has completed about two decades of operation in fulfillment of its objective. During its long period of operations the corporation has a success story on the one hand and also some failure story on the others hand. The investors’ scheme (IS) provides institutional support to small investor for purchases and sales of securities by rendering necessary services and advice so that small investors are in a position to make their investment decision on sound premises.