Report final

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INTRODUCTION Pharmaceutical companies around the globe are continuously searching for extreme quality and innovation since their only product drug is highly sophisticated and directly related to the alleviation of human sufferings. Inhering this responsibility on shoulder Jalalabad Pharmaceuticals is operating its business as a world-class








development capabilities, regulatory expertise, global marketing reach, and financial strengths. The augmentation of Jalalabad’s pipeline through in-licensing, co-marketing and co-promotion agreements ensures balance in its portfolio, and provides the basis for sustainable growth in a high-risk business like drug development. Jalalabad has an extensive history of successful collaborations, and it brings a "can do attitude", rapid response times, and a relentless focus on achieving mutual goals. Similarly, the high quality of its various exclusive brands is mitigating successfully the human sufferings throughout the world. Like health sector, Jalalabad’s contribution to the environment and society is also noteworthy. However, the scenario in Bangladesh is a bit different. Jalalabad in Bangladesh is constantly facing high competitive thrust for the last several years. Like other multinationals, the local companies are rapidly improving and generating threat as well. In such a restless situation, the company is taking measures to better up in every area. Like other areas, distribution is one of the foremost concerns. And as an intern I had the opportunity to work for the improvement of distribution system. 1.1 ORIGIN OF THE REPORT As a Graduate from the Regular BBA Program from Department of Marketing of University of Development Alternative, I was required to meet the requirement of internship program as a part of BBA. As I am working at Jalalabad and at the

same time it is one of the Good Pharmaceutical in Bangladesh it is a better option to complete my internship here. Hence this report is proposed and assigned by my academic supervisor Shamim Ahmed,Senior Lecturer. Dept of Marketing in the University of Development Alternative.In this regard, I would like to add that this report is completely

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