Law Practice Quarterly - June 2023

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June 2023


Money and People

Third Installment of Hiring

Collections Best Practices

Unleashing Success: The Power of an Annual Plan


directly connected to money and people. Use these actionable and practical tips to implement from the annual Managing Partner Forum conference.

Third Installment for Hiring

Legal hiring series: now that you have your job description and know exactly what you’re looking for, you are ready to recruit with these tips.

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Comparing the top practice management systems

By leveraging an effective practice management system, individual lawyers can bill more hours, thereby increasing overall productivity and profitability, and as a result create more capacity for higher case load and a better client experience.

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Collections Best Practices

In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices to help law firm owners speed up the cash collection process and boost their cash flow.

Client Selection: You Choose Your Own Adventure

Many lawyers and law firm owners forget that the best part of having a law firm is that you get to choose the people and businesses you want to work with as clients.

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Unleashing Success: The Power of an Annual Plan

An annual plan is a powerful tool that can guide law firms towards achieving their goals, enhancing productivity, and staying ahead of the curve.

Meet and Connect

Learn about the contributers to this issue and connect to take your business to the next level.

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Figure these out and Forget the Fear

Ilearned early on that ~90% of any organization’s problems are directly connected to the above two areas. In the midst of our third decade working with businesses, I would almost push that percentage higher as even things one would typically think that aren’t directly related (e.g., technology, marketing) are proximate. I recently had the opportunity to participate in the annual Managing Partner Forum conference; I’d like to share some key takeaways from it as well as some actionable and practical items for you to implement.

Key Takeaways1

The attendees of the conference listed as their Top 3 concerns the following:

• Associate Retention

• Firm Culture

• Succession Planning

Yep, all three smack dab in the “People” category (arguably, they can map into both because of the financial repercussions). The entire range is included below:

Perhaps as an outgrowth of the desire for change (ANY change!), there was also concern raised about attrition both on the partner AND associate level:

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Interestingly, firm priorities for 2023 were rank ordered from 1-5 as follows:

“Firm Culture” wasn’t unpacked in this question, but (hopefully) the items reviewed above (Associate Retention, Succession Planning, Attrition) map into it - growth, marketing, technology, etc. will go nowhere if the ones who will be using the tools and executing the strategies are no longer there…

Action Items

You can’t boil the ocean, eat the elephant in one bite (or any other consulting expression you’d like to use) - spell out your priorities,what you’ll address, and when is


the best way to move on what needs to be done (yes, while still doing your “day job” of practicing law!):

• Strategic planning: almost half of the surveyed firms had a strategic plan for “many years” or “had recently developed one”. A plan is more than the development of a “to-do list” or the creation of committees. A well constructed and executed strategic plan is the metronome for your firm. It determines the priorities based on multiple variables including:

• Mission/Vision/Values

• Current needs

• Competitive influences

• Use an external expert: the benefit of this is that an external service provider does this day in and day out. They will probably be expensive but will get it done in a fraction of the time you can (assuming you are able to do it) AND they should be able to bring external perspectives and market intelligence to you and the firm. The ROI on this expense needs to be at least 10X; if your vendor isn’t interested in measuring it, that could be a red flag.

• Designate an internal champion: if you can’t (or won’t) bring someone into the firm, then the implementation of the plan has to become someone’s new part-time job. This has spotty, at best, success metrics as it will likely be someone that already has a full plate. Nonetheless, at least you might get some of the things done.

Best practices indicate the creation and inclusion of a 3-5 year pro forma that is then updated annually in a “refresh” format (less time than the original one).

• Executing: there’s that word. In break out groups at the conference, there was an ongoing lament associated with the significant financial investment that had been made in the development of the plan only to have it languish on a shelf some place “gathering dust”. Nonetheless, the survey respondents indicated that over 80% had experienced “strong” or “some” improvement to their firm’s financial results as a result of the deployment of the strategic plan. The best way to tackle this is to:

CSR offers both the creation of the strategic plan as well as the implementation of it as part of its core service offerings. We partner with you - not just coaching, but getting on the field with you – to bring the plan to fruition. Please reach out to learn more - we’d love to help you achieve the benefit of this important tool and take advantage (as well as avoid the hazards) of today’s marketplace.

5 JUNE 2023
Alex Muñoz, Consulting, Solutions & Results.
A well constructed and executed strategic plan is the metronome for your firm.
1 All data is provided by the Managing Partner Forum (https://www.

Third Installment for Hiring



Now that you have your job description and know exactly what you’re looking for, you can recruit.

Recruit with Urgency

Many firms think they have all the time in the world to decide on a hire. They don’t. The longer the wait, the less interested that top candidate becomes.

Sell the Sizzle

If you want to attract top performers who fit your needs, be sure to highlight in your ad the reasons your firm is a great place to work. For example, mention if there are opportunities for career growth, training, telecommuting, community events, or other benefits. Detail the types of cases you handle.

Where to Look

Let everyone in the firm know you’re recruiting. Be sure to set some boundaries. Make it clear that the status of an applicant will not be discussed with the person who made the referral. Have candidate go through the same interview process other candidates are put through.

Most hiring managers have their favorite places to advertise, but be mindful to match your job ad placement according to the position.

It’s also a good idea to email friends who manage law firms to let them know you have an opening.

Interviewing Review Resumes

Try to not look at resumes individually. Collect a few days’ work and review them at the one time. Review for experience that matches the job description and other areas that are important to you.

7 JUNE 2023

Prepare Questions

When interviewing, it’s important to have a consistent list of questions for each position that you use each time you hire. This way you don’t have to plan for each interview. You just grab your question list and go.

Prepare an Evaluation Form

It’s also important to complete an evaluation form after each interview. When interviewing a lot of people, it’s difficult to remember which one you liked, which one said X, and which one said Y. An evaluation form will help. Also, if there is a group decision it is helpful if everyone knows the criteria.

Prepare Interviewers

Having a list of questions and evaluation form also helps if you have other people involved in the interviewing process, such as another staff member or the lawyer the person will be assigned to. But remember that not everyone knows how to conduct an interview.

If other people are going to be involved in the interviewing process, find out if they’ve interviewed before. If not, then sit down and talk with them about interviewing. Discuss which questions they can and can’t ask.

What can you ask during an interview?

You can ask questions that directly relate to the candidate’s ability to do the job. If it doesn’t directly relate to the candidate’s ability to do the job, don’t ask it.

Over the years, the EEOC has issued guidance explaining which pre-employment questions employers can and cannot ask. However, things change and different states have different rules so be clear on restrictions. In California we can’t ask previous salary questions. This has helped to equalize the pay disparity for women and minorities


Use a set list of questions that are developed

for the position and all candidates. When developing your interview questions, consider focusing on competency- based questions. Competency is whether they can do the job, whether they have the experience and wherewithal to do the job. There are different competencies: there’s knowledge and expertise. Specific questions might be, what documents must be filed with a motion in superior court? Or you might ask college students, how do you organize your time with school and work?

Competency-based questions could be about:

• Management—how they manage people or projects.

• Flexibility—their ability to switch from one task to another and adapt to change.

• Interpersonal skills—how they work with others or whether they learn from errors.

• Communication skills—how they work on a team.

When looking at competencies, you can approach them a number of ways. If you want to know if a candidate can work under pressure:

A situational question (future performance): How would you handle three people giving you work, with a deadline at 5pm and you don’t have enough time to complete all three?

A behavioral question (past performance): Have you ever been given two tasks due at the same time and didn’t have enough time to complete them. What did you do?

The following phrasings are helpful lead- ins to good descriptive questions:

• Tell me about a time [when you weren’t able to meet a deadline]

• Describe a time [when you had to have a difficult conversation]


• Walk me through [your typical day]

• How would you handle [a difficult client on the phone]

Prepare also to ask follow-up questions. These bring up more information about the person, more about their personality, and their attitude. Follow-up questions could include:

• What did you learn from that?

• What was their response?

• What would you do differently?

Once you have your list of questions, evaluation form, and co-interviewers ready, it’s time to conduct the interview.

Do not change the process in the middle of interviewing for a position. Whatever it is, whether it’s testing or a peer interview, complete that process exactly the same with each candidate for the position. It’s important so you can attest to being fair and treating everyone the same if it comes up. If you want to make changes to the process, do it on the next hire.


Check with your state guidelines for retention of applicant information.

The next installment will be on Investigating Your Preferred Candidate and Making the Offer.

9 JUNE 2023
L. Camacho, DLC Consulting Services, LLC


Intoday’s fast-paced and highly competitive legal landscape, it has become a necessity for law firms to optimize their operations to maximize profitability. One key area of focus for managing partners is to increase the number of billable hours that lawyers in their firm can generate. Surprisingly, the average attorney bills only three hours out of a typical ten-hour workday as evidenced by Clio’s 2022 legal trends report. This mirrors what I have found to be true in my day to day interactions with managing partners of small to mid market firms. However, more importantly, the factors separating the high billers from lower billers is typically unknown to the firm and cannot be attributed to any quantitative metric. I’m here to democratize the knowledge of what conditions create high-volume billers and what other members of your firm can do to increase their billing output using technology. By leveraging an effective practice management system, individual lawyers can bill more hours, thereby increasing overall productivity and profitability, and as a result create more capacity for higher case load and a better client experience.


1. Time Tracking and Billing

A primary component to a practice management system is a robust time tracking and billing functionality. These platforms allow attorneys to accurately and conveniently record the time they spend on different tasks. They can seamlessly switch between various client cases, reducing the time spent on administrative duties and focusing more on billable tasks.

Moreover, these software platforms come

equipped with mobile applications, allowing lawyers to track their time even when they are away from the office. They eliminate the risk of under-reporting billable hours, a common issue with manual time tracking. Additionally, most software offers analytics, providing insights into how time is spent and identifying opportunities for efficiency improvements.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML have revolutionized various industries, and the legal field is no exception. By leveraging these technologies, law firms can automate mundane tasks that traditionally consumed a significant portion of an attorney’s day.

AI-powered legal research tools, which can and should be integrated with your practice management system, can drastically reduce the time attorneys spend researching case law, regulations, and legal precedents. Platforms like CaseText use natural language processing to understand the context of a query, returning highly relevant results in a fraction of the time that traditional search methods would take.

Furthermore, AI can also assist with contract analysis and document review, tasks that often take hours of an attorney’s time. ML algorithms can sift through large volumes of documents, identifying key clauses, anomalies, and areas of risk, freeing up attorneys to focus on more strategic and billable work.

3. Collaboration and Project Management

Efficient collaboration and project management are crucial for optimizing billable hours. Many firms have started using project management software that streamlines workflow, assigns tasks, tracks

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progress, and facilitates communication within the team.

Such functionality should ideally be represented in your practice management system if possible in order to minimize duplication of efforts. This allows for clear visibility into the workload of each lawyer, enabling a balanced distribution of tasks and preventing overwork or underutilization. This transparency reduces time spent on non-billable activities such as status meetings, project planning, and manual task allocation, allowing lawyers to focus more on billable work.

5. Client Relationship Management (CRM)

Lastly, a good CRM can be instrumental in improving the billing efficiency of a law firm. These systems help manage interactions with clients and potential clients, enabling lawyers to allocate their time wisely and prioritize billable tasks.

With a CRM, attorneys can keep track of all client communications, follow-ups, and

tasks, reducing the time spent on searching for client information or trying to remember the details of a previous interaction. CRMs can also automate certain tasks such as reminders for client follow-ups or billable tasks, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

The average lawyer’s low billing rate is not an intractable problem. With the right processes and technology platforms in place, managing partners can significantly increase the number of billable hours their attorneys log. Time tracking and billing software, AI and ML tools, project management and collaboration platforms, cloud-based legal systems, and CRM systems are all technologies that can streamline administrative tasks, reduce non-billable work, and allow lawyers to focus on what they do best: providing expert legal counsel to their clients.

Of course, implementing these technologies is not a one-size-fits-all solution, nor is it a panacea that will instantly transform a law firm’s profitability. Each law firm has its unique needs and challenges, and managing

Each law firm has its unique needs and challenges, and managing partners must carefully evaluate these before deciding which technologies will offer the most value.

partners must carefully evaluate these before deciding which technologies will offer the most value. They must also ensure that all team members are adequately trained to use these technologies, as their benefits can only be reaped if they are used correctly and consistently.

Moreover, while technology plays a crucial role in increasing billable hours, it is equally essential to foster a culture that values efficiency and continuous improvement. Managing partners must lead by example, promoting best practices for time management and encouraging lawyers to leverage technology to its fullest potential.

The efficient use of technology will undoubtedly bolster the profitability of a law firm by enhancing the number of billable hours. It will free lawyers from mundane, non-billable tasks, allowing them to provide more value to their clients. By recognizing and harnessing the power of technology, managing partners can ensure the sustained growth and success of their firms. In the ever-evolving world of law, it’s clear that those who adapt and embrace change are the ones who will thrive.

13 JUNE 2023

Collections Best Practices for Law Firm OwnersHow to Speed Up the Cash Collection Process

Law firm owners are always anxious to maintain a steady cash flow to cover expenses and make profits. However, due to clients’ different payment schedules and cash flow disruptions, they often face collections issues. Inefficient collections practices not only lead to decreased cash flow, but they also wastefully consume staff time and distract us from the core tasks. In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices to help law firm owners speed up the cash collection process and boost their cash flow.

Set up a clear and comprehensive billing cycle: Law firms should create a consistent,

transparent, and easy-to-understand billing cycle to avoid misunderstandings with clients. A billing cycle should entail invoicing frequency, an overview of services for which the client is being charged, payment channel, payment terms, and payment due dates. Consistency in the billing cycle improves communication with clients and enhances billing accuracy, leading to fewer disputes and delays. Automate the invoicing process: Manually generating invoices and sending reminders takes colossal time and resources, which law firms could be directing into their core functions. Automation of invoicing comes in handy to resolve this problem. Automating


invoices not only saves time and labor but also guarantees accuracy, enabling the billing process to run more efficiently. Invoicing software can assist law firm owners in automating their billing cycle. Use effective payment reminder strategies: It is the responsibility of law firms to remind clients of payment due dates. However, different clients require different reminder strategies. Consequently, firms need to experiment with various ways of payment notification until they settle on what works for them the best. They can use email reminders, text message reminders or voice reminders. Firms should schedule their reminders ahead of time with measurement intervals that could increase in frequency as time elapses.

Offer varied payment methods: Some clients prefer electronic or digital means of payment such as PayPal, credit cards, or bank transfers. Others prefer good oldfashioned checks. The scope of the law firm’s payment method offering should be broad to accommodate these preferences. Law firms can integrate payment systems that accept multiple payment channels, which can speed up the payment processing time.

Keep Detailed Records: Keeping detailed records is vital for efficient collections. Ensure that you or your staff maintain accurate, up-to-date payment records for all your clients. Detailed records not only help you stay organized and up-to-date on payment statuses but also provide you with crucial information should disputes arise or litigation ensue.

Make Collections a Priority: Efficient collection strategies require timely action. Therefore, it’s imperative to prioritize collections activities and consistently follow up on unpaid invoices. Ensure that you or your administrative staff set regular payment reminders, make phone calls, or

send emails as necessary to avoid delays in payment and lengthening your collections cycle.

Hire a collections specialist: Debt collection can be a daunting and time-consuming task, especially if it is not the core function of the firm. Law firms can hire a professional debt collector to handle collections efficiently. A collections specialist communicates with clients to resolve pending balances, review payment plans, and follow up about overdue

payments. A debt collector’s services can speed up cash flow, mitigate litigation risks, and enhance overall collections efficacy. In conclusion, law firms can benefit from an optimized collections process, which can speed up payments and maintain steady cash flow. Set up a clear billing cycle, automate the invoicing process, utilize effective payment reminder strategies, consider offering varied payment methods, and consider hiring a collections specialist. These best practices can help law firms overcome collections challenges and avoid the pitfalls of poorly handled payment collection while preserving valuable staff time.

15 JUNE 2023
law firms can benefit from an optimized collections process, which can speed up payments and maintain steady cash flow.
Jayden Doye, Prestige Accounting Solutions



SELECTION: Own Adventure

In the 1980s and 1990s, a popular series of children’s books called “Choose Your Own Adventure” captivated young readers with their engaging, interactive narratives. These books allowed readers to make decisions for the main character at crucial plot junctures, with each decision leading to a different story outcome.

Many lawyers and law firm owners forget that the best part of having a law firm is that you get to choose the people and businesses you want to work with as clients. We are often too focused on making sure we have enough clients and worried that no one will hire us that we neglect targeting the right clients. This concept of selecting your path isn’t just a children’s game—it’s a crucial strategy for law firm growth and success. In the legal profession, the clients we choose to represent are the plot junctures of our professional story. Just as every decision made in a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book impacts the storyline, every client we select can significantly influence the direction, growth, and overall satisfaction we get from our practice.

The Importance of Client Selection

The importance of being selective about client intake cannot be overstated. Every law firm has limited resources: time, energy, and expertise. When these resources are spent on cases that don’t align with the firm’s focus, the practice will stumble off course. The wrong clients can drain resources, decrease job satisfaction, and stunt the firm’s growth. In contrast, the right clients can invigorate a practice, fueling growth and increasing professional enjoyment.

Defining The ‘Right’ Client

The right client isn’t a one-size-fits-all definition. It’s a client that aligns with your firm’s specific values, expertise, and goals.

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They respect your time, pay promptly, and communicate effectively. They bring cases that fit within your area of expertise, enabling you to fully leverage your skills and knowledge.

Something that is often overlooked is that the right client often leads to other right clients, creating a ripple effect of positive growth. Just as in a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book, each correct decision brings you closer to the desired outcome. Keep in mind that the correct decision for you may not be the correct

decision another firm makes because you are each targeting your own version of the right client.

Navigating the Adventure

So how can law firms ensure they’re selecting the right path in their client intake process?

First, clear vision and values are crucial. Law firms must understand their mission, area of expertise, and the type of clients they want to serve. If you do not know your own mission and expertise, you will have a hard time attracting the right clients to your firm. This clarity will guide decision-making when faced with potential clients.

Second, effective communication is vital from the first interaction. This helps to establish expectations and boundaries, ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship. The ‘right’ client for your firm will be the

one who fits your communication style and systems that you have set up. For example, if you do not accept phone calls and all communication goes through your client portal, the ‘right’ client will understand and appreciate the systems you have in place, if they are outlined and effectively explained

Something that is often overlooked is that the right client often leads to other right clients, creating a ripple effect of positive growth.

from the beginning of the representation.

Third, a robust screening process can help to identify the right clients. Some strategies for a robust screening process include conducting an initial consultation to gauge the fit, charging a fee for the initial consultation, reviewing of the potential client’s history and reputation, and carefully analyzing of the case’s alignment with the firm’s focus. If a client does not fit the firm’s definition of the right client, say no. Refer the matter to another firm, especially if you can identify that the client is the right client for someone else. A superpower to develop is matching networking partners to their right clients, which could be its own article (and probably will!).

Don’t Choose All of the Adventures

Running a successful law firm can be likened to navigating a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book. The decisions made at each plot juncture—in this case, client intake—can significantly influence the firm’s trajectory.

There are those of us who really loved these books as kids and intentionally had to go through each one to try all the options. In the real world, it is not recommended that you take on all the clients just to see how it turns out. Pick the path with the end goal in mind and create a client experience designed for those who are your right clients.

By being picky about client selection, lawyers are choosing the right path for their unique adventure and enjoying the ride. As with any great adventure, the journey of building a successful law firm is filled with critical decisions. By adopting a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ mindset, law firms get to choose the story they want to have with their clients, and it starts with welcoming the right clients into the firm.

Select your clients wisely and enjoy the journey. Your law firm’s adventure awaits!

19 JUNE 2023


In today’s dynamic and competitive legal landscape, law firms must proactively strategize and plan for the future to ensure their continued success. In addition to the budgeting process, an annual plan is a powerful tool that can guide law firms towards achieving their goals, enhancing productivity, and staying ahead of the curve. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of implementing an annual plan at your firm and how it can positively impact overall performance.

Strategic Direction and Goal Setting:

An annual plan provides a roadmap for the firm, outlining its strategic direction and setting clear goals and objectives. It allows firms

to define their vision, identify key priorities, and chart a course for success. By establishing measurable targets and milestones, the firm can track progress and make necessary adjustments along the way.

Improved Resource Allocation:

With an annual plan in place, law firms can optimize resource allocation and ensure efficient utilization of time, manpower, and financial resources. By aligning tasks and projects with strategic priorities, the firm can allocate resources based on their importance and urgency, reducing wastage and increasing productivity.


Enhanced Financial Management:

An annual plan facilitates better financial management by forecasting revenue, expenses, and cash flow for the upcoming year. It enables the firm to budget effectively, allocate funds to various initiatives, and monitor financial performance. By identifying potential risks and opportunities in advance, the firm can make informed financial decisions and take proactive measures to mitigate risks and maximize profitability.

Clear Communication and Alignment:

An annual plan serves as a communication tool, ensuring that everyone within the firm is aligned with its objectives and priorities. By sharing the plan with partners, attorneys, and staff, it fosters transparency, clarity, and shared accountability. It helps create a cohesive team that understands the firm’s direction and works collaboratively towards achieving common goals.

Business Development and Marketing Strategies:

An annual plan provides a framework for developing effective business development and marketing strategies. It enables the firm to identify target markets, analyze industry trends, and explore new growth opportunities. By outlining specific marketing initiatives and tactics, the firm can enhance its brand visibility, attract potential clients, and strengthen existing client relationships.

Talent Development and Succession Planning:

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the firm. It enables the firm to assess its current workforce, identify skill gaps, and design training and development programs to enhance employee capabilities. Moreover, it facilitates succession planning by identifying potential future leaders and creating a pathway for their growth within the firm.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptability:

An annual plan emphasizes the importance of talent development and succession planning within


An annual plan encourages a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability within the firm. By regularly reviewing progress and outcomes, the firm can identify areas for improvement, adjust strategies, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. It fosters a proactive approach to change, allowing the firm to stay agile and responsive in a rapidly evolving legal landscape.

In conclusion, implementing an annual plan can be a game-changer for law firms, providing them with a strategic framework and guiding their decisionmaking process. From setting clear goals to optimizing resource allocation, enhancing financial management, and fostering talent development, an annual plan empowers firms to unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable growth. By embracing the benefits of an annual plan, law firms can position themselves for success in a competitive marketplace and navigate the challenges of the legal industry with confidence.

21 JUNE 2023

Meet and Connect

Margaret Burke


Margaret Burke, President, and Founder of MB Law Firm Consulting, LLC™, has decades of experience consulting with lawyers, Partners, and small to midsize law firms. She specializes in law firm management, finance, and HR to improve law firm operations, streamline processes and scale revenue. Margaret has advised and led acquisitions, relocations, succession planning, restructuring and start-ups. She earned her MBA at Sawyer Business School at Suffolk University, she is a CLM Certified Legal Manager, Yellow Belt Legal Lean Sigma, and Certified Professional Coach.

Margaret is truly passionate about partnering with Law Firm leaders to help each practice achieve their goals.

Diane L. Camacho

Diane L. Camacho is the founder of DLC Consulting Services, LLC which provides legal management and operations consulting services to small and solo law firms. Her team provides law firm start-up services, operational reviews and compensation modeling as well as other support to law firm management. Her team has over 80 years of management experience in law firms combined.





During the first two years of building his own CPA firm, Prestige Accounting Solutions, Jayden discovered his niche- professional service providers. As a CPA, Jayden’s goal is to help entrepreneurs like as himself, gain independence, eliminate debt, and create unique action plan to bring more to their bottom line while paying less in taxes. Invest in yourself and start working with Jayden TODAY!

Jen Lee


Jen Lee is the founder and consulting attorney at Jen Lee Law, Inc. in San Ramon, CA. She is the CEO of Lawyer Success Network®, helping lawyers design and build profitable practices, while achieving happiness in the process. She often speaks on business development, alternative and flat fee structures, law firm design, networking for lawyers, and substantive bankruptcy topics.

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Jay McAllister is an extremely passionate and highly motivated entrepreneur. He is the founder of Paragon Tech, a technology firm focused on conceiving, creating, and curating the absolute best solutions to increase efficiency at all levels in law firms across the US. He is incredibly gifted at listening to and truly understanding and connecting with those he communicates with at a deep level.

Alex is the bi-lingual (Spanish/English) & bi-cultural founder and principal of CSR : Consulting, Solutions, Results where he drives organizational change via strategic planning, execution, and accountability for law firms. CSR’s hallmark is the ability to quickly and efficaciously analyze, diagnose, and implement solutions for organizations seeking to scale. He has helped dozens of firms to plan for succession, remove obstacles, and grow.

© 2023, Law Practice Quarterly

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