Teacher and Scientist
Micheal Veit, science teacher and department chair
by John Bishop
The future looks pretty bright—and hot—for Michael Veit.
14 I FALL 2013
interests a lot of people is the elective program—we have opportunities to teach those parts of science that especially interest us.
Veit, a Lawrence Academy teacher for 20 years, as well as the chair of LA’s Science Department, will not be at school this September. Instead, thanks to a travel grant and a sabbatical, the biology teacher is preparing to head to South America.
“I have gotten to teach my Entomology elective, Marine Science, Botany, and Ecology,” he explained. “The support of teacher passion is great because it allows our excitement to flow naturally over to the kids, and they end up being much more engaged and interested in the subject matter.”
“My scientific passions are in insects,” said Veit about his expedition to the Amazon. “One of the aspects of teaching in the Science Department at LA that
As a teacher and a scientist, Veit finds that being at LA gives him the best of both worlds.