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Amos and William Lawrence Society: A Gift of a Lifetime

The Amos and William Lawrence Society

A Gift of a Lifetime

A Union College graduate, Maureen Coleman ’82 spent years at environment-focused non-profit organizations before joining the Jamestown (R.I.) Arts Center as its executive director in February 2020. The Groton native and longtime Jamestown resident chaired Lawrence Academy’s Alumni Council from 2001 through 2007, and she is excited to celebrate her 40th LA reunion this coming summer.

Having spent more than two decades in the non-profit world, I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of philanthropy. Donors are incredibly valuable to the organizations they choose to support, whatever the size of their contributions.

I support Lawrence Academy — both by donating to the Annual Fund and through a bequest — because of the immense impact my four years here had on my life. My LA experience provided an invaluable base of core skills, but also plenty of opportunities to try new things, think creatively, take constructive risks, occasionally fail, and move on. Lawrence’s culture was so supportive and community-oriented, and it helped set this nervous 13-year-old on a path toward thriving in new experiences.

At Lawrence Academy, I was introduced to photography, received world-class coaching in writing, completely botched a presentation to the Board of Trustees, developed team-building and leadership skills on the fields, and swam up a river with a flashlight in my teeth inside a cave in Guatemala. The lessons learned during those few formative years have helped me to find the fun in change, from trying a new sport to making a complete career pivot. It’s difficult to overstate the impact, and I’m incredibly grateful.

As a former Alumni Council chair, I’m thrilled to see some of my classmates currently engaged with Lawrence Academy as Board of Trustees members. Their leadership inspires me to support the school, just as I hope my support inspires others — especially those in the Class of 1982 — to do the same.

Maureen Coleman ’82, member of the Amos and William Lawrence Society

The Amos and William Lawrence Society was established to recognize those individuals who have made a charitable planned gift to Lawrence Academy or have made known their intentions to include Lawrence Academy in their wills or estate plans through a bequest. Donors who have made financial or estate plans of any size through wills, trusts, and other planned gifts are recognized for their loyal and lasting support of the school.

For more information about The Amos and William Lawrence Society, contact Jo-Ann Lovejoy, chief advancement officer, at jlovejoy@lacademy.edu.


Winterim has been a vital part of LA life for 50 years, and we’re planning a celebration this spring.

We need your memories — stories, journal entries, photos, comments — to help us honor this beloved program. Tell us about your Winterim experiences on and off campus, and help us build a 50th anniversary collection.

Please send your submissions to both: Jo-Ann Lovejoy, chief advancement officer: jlovejoy@lacademy.edu and Joe Sheppard, Journal writer and editor: jsheppard@lacademy.edu.

Thank you!

John Curran, honorary co-chair, Winterim 50

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