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Alumni Class Notes

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1955 Mountain Day: In this photo, three members of the Class of 1956 enjoy their first experience at Lawrence Academy’s Mountain Day. Pictured are: Norm Salem ’56, Jack McCarthy ’56, and Irv Weiner ’56 (along with a donkey whose name is unknown). First Weekend at LA for (l. to r.) Jason Treisman ’56 and classmates Norm Salem and Irv Weiner. (photo provided by John J. Beades, ’56 Class Agent)


All three class members (shown above left) were first-year students as post-graduates after graduating from their respective high schools. They were all residents of Waters House, so they experienced their first few weeks of LA culture together after successful high school athletic careers.

These members of the Class of 1956 belonged to one of the last LA classes with a significant number of post-graduates, or “PGs.” All three became key players on the 1955 football team which went undefeated and is now in the LA Athletic Hall of Fame, and loyal supporters of the school, with fond memories of their year at LA.

In the “First Weekend at LA” photo, Jason Treisman, Norm Salem, and Irv Weiner pose to celebrate their first weekend at LA outside of Waters House. While Jason was a returning student, Norm and Irv were PGs. They experienced some initial culture shock in the opening weeks at LA as they learned about morning assembly, 8:30 a.m. classes, structured study hall, and Sunday afternoon Vespers. But thanks to the camaraderie they developed with their fellow Waters House residents and classmates, they managed to survive their introductory phase at Lawrence.

Jackets and ties were required, but they didn’t mind at all.

Have a note to share in the Spring 2022 Academy Journal? Forward info and pictures to pglover@lacademy.edu.

1957(65th Reunion)

Jeff Foran ’57 writes: “After a long career in management consulting, I’ve turned into a novelist. My second book, A Mistaken Hostage, will be published in the fall. My first novel, Angels on a Tombstone, secured a first prize for Best Historical Fiction in 2019.

Arthur Ferguson, English teacher and headmaster in 1957, told me I was a good writer but I didn’t do much with that skill until recently.”


1957 yearbook

Harris LeRoy ’59 wrote “So far, so good. Hitting my 80th birthday in September, and life is good. All three kids are doing well; all four grandchildren are doing well, and Sally and I will celebrate our 58th anniversary at the end of the year. I am still working on a part-time basis (I am a healthcare consultant helping physician groups grow and prosper in uncertain times) and now able to travel again. We’ve been to Turks and Caicos recently and head for Maui later in the fall. Caught up with Jerry Scott (my roommate at LA) and Prim, but other than that, only incidental contact with former classmates.”

Walter (Buck) Davis '60 1962 yearbook (student council)

Walter Davis, Jim Gurry, Don Beck '60

Joseph Motta ’59 sent this update: “To the LA Class of 1959 and the many who have helped our fine school over the years: I moved my business to Naples, Fla., from Waltham and am still working. Retirement is a myth! We purchased a new beach home in Boca Grande, Fla., and we still maintain a Massachusetts summer residence on Nantucket, playing lots of golf and tennis. No more hockey or football, but I still watch. Hopefully one of my granddaughters, living in Concord, will be a Spartan. I miss those 7:00-9:00 study halls and the Masters (are they still called that?). Come visit in Florida and we’ll go tarpon fishing!”

1962 (60th Reunion)

Former LA faculty member Griffith (Fritz) Mark ’62 sent some recollections: “Alan Whipple [LA faculty 1955-1988] was the most important person in my life; he has influenced every decision I make and I miss him dearly. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were wonderful people, both as a headmaster and headmistress and as friends. So were the Grants. I believe I was the first graduate to ever teach at Lawrence; that is what Mr. Ferguson said. I’m lifelong friends with Joe Sheppard (long distance), who was hired the same year as I was, and good friends with the Bakers, and, of course, the Jeffers [faculty, 1955-2001 and 1961-2008, respectively].”


Bill Drowne ’64 writes: “I sold my insurance agency in Southborough, Mass., after 25 years as founder and owner and entered retirement as of Jan. 1, 2020.”

1967(55th Reunion)

Bill Boles ’67 writes: “I’ve retired from working for an IT consulting firm as lead business system analyst and project manager. Part of my work career was spent as an industrial engineer for Raytheon. I’m enjoying traveling, golf, and family, and am actively involved with Catholic Charities and Knights of Columbus.”

Sketches by Donald Foy ‘67


Stephen Starensier ’68 sent us this update: “It was the height of the 60s counterculture, yet I managed to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in art history in 1972 and a master of architecture degree from Columbia University in 1975. From offices in Houston I helped Stephen M. Starensier ’68 build across the state, exhibited in a contemporary art museum show, and was one of the founders of the (old) Houston Urban Bunch, helping the less fortunate with construction issues. Mid-career I returned to Columbia and earned a master of science in historic preservation in 1985, followed by a master of science in real estate finance in 1986. At Columbia, I was a professor’s associate for the classical redesigns of the Offices of the Secretary of State in Washington, D.C. and the façade of Bergdorf Goodman on 5th Avenue in New York City. I went on to participate in the review and financial structuring of an estimated $2.6 billion in market rate real estate across the country. After medical recovery in 2004, I committed the remainder of my career to needy not-for-profit housing organizations, many in some of the toughest neighborhoods in NYC. I am most proud that I participated in over $1.1 billion in affordable housing development for the disadvantaged, disabled, and the elderly. On a personal note, I have lived primarily in Manhattan since 1993 with Barbie, my wife of 34 years. Together we led very active outdoor lives and were longtime practitioners of vinyasa yoga. As well as being a registered architect, financial analyst and underwriter, and AIA SAP disaster responder, I am also a fourinstrument renaissance musician, chef, and multi-graphics artist. It can be noted that I am just a high-functioning autistic, never properly diagnosed, yet I managed to thrive. In 2020, I was medically forced into full retirement. I confess I hated the time served in the repressive LA environment of the 1960s and swore never to return. Upon belatedly discovering the well-rounded, dare I say, nurturing environment LA now offers, I rescinded that oath. Go LA.”

Have a note to share in the Spring 2022 Academy Journal? Forward info and pictures to pglover@lacademy.edu.


In celebration of its 50th reunion, again, the Class of 1970 held a Zoom get-together in June. In the run up to the virtual reunion, the class unanimously agreed to rename its Class of 1970, 50th Reunion Financial Aid Endowment Fund/gift in honor of its class agent, Kevin McDonald, as a way to thank him for his extraordinary service to the class and the school over the last fifty years. It was a thrill when Witney Schneidman surprised Kevin on the Zoom with the news that his classmates had voted unanimously to honor him in this way. Henceforth the Class of 1970, 50th reunion gift will be known as The Kevin J. McDonald Class of 1970 Financial Aid Endowment Fund.

Class of 1970 golfers; Summer 21


Four members of the Class of ’71 sent in this letter before Reunion last June. The masthead is by Bob Gordon (see below):

“Hey, Class of 1971,

It’s been 18,250 days since our relationships started 50-some years ago. Back then, we made history as the last all-male class of Lawrence Academy. For any of us not fallen to Vietnam, relentless disease, unexpected trainwrecks or to the experimentation with consumed substances, it’s a miracle to be here today.

Drew Lybrook ‘71, 50th reunion

Masthead created by Bob Gordon ’71 for the Class of ’71 50th reunion

We entered LA as a goofy bunch of guys, were enlightened by probably an equally quirky bunch of mentors and graduated as a wiser bunch of… goofy guys. Along the way we had successes and downfalls, laughs and anguish. We started as coat and tie buzz-heads and left as longer-haired laid-backs. However, we learned to look beyond an elm tree-covered hillside and soon we’ll share where we are a half a century later. We hope to reconnect the bonds formed and the stories written in the classroom, postered dorm rooms, the smoking room and the locker room.

Let’s celebrate our years together at LA. We’ll cherish the good times we had, forget the bad times, and remember those of our class who are no longer with us. We can renew our relationships and be thankful that Lawrence Academy helped us to be who we are and contributed to richer and fuller lives.

Omnibus Lucet, Jim Gilmore, Drew Lybrook, Jim Hartwell, and Bob Gordon

1972(50th Reunion)

1972 Graduation


Bill Curry ’73 writes: I received my Academy Journal in the mail today and was interested to see the article on baseball and Lawrence Academy.

On page 30 of the Journal there is an image of the LA baseball team and the caption that the 1923 image is the oldest known photo of an LA baseball team.

I have one that is older.

My grandfather, Carl A. P. Lawrence, was on the baseball team in his senior year (and before, I think), and as he graduated in 1910, this image is either the 1909 or 1910 LA baseball team. Grampy Carl is the player in the middle row, second from the left (next to the boy in the suit). I have this image framed in a shadow box along with Grampy’s glove, and that piece stands in my study in front of my great-grandfather William A Lawrence’s diploma from LA in 1873!

From Bill Curry ‘73

1977(45th Reunion)


Brian Reed ’78 writes, “Greetings from Atlanta! Kids are mostly out of school. Caroline is in her second year as an OB/GYN resident. Every day is a litany of epic stories. Vivienne is exploring law with Alston & Bird. Perhaps law school in her future. Janet and I work out of our house — she as a writer and I as an ops/marketing consultant. Hope you all came through the pandemic in a good way.”


Russ Brandon ’81 recently published a story on Amazon called Holy Smoke: Trapped by Hellfire. An educator, writer, and filmmaker, he teaches at the Sterling Montessori Charter School in Morrisville, N.C. Russ’ feature-length film script of the same story was a semi-finalist in the 2001 Chesterfield Writer’s Film Project. His scripts, TV shows, and directing work have earned him over 30 awards over the last 20 years.

Class of '82 Reunion Zoom call

1982(40th Reunion)

Karen (Mitchell) Brandvold ’82 reports: “We had a successful Zoom LA ’82 call last week. There were 23 people that showed up. I thought that was pretty good. It was a lot of fun.”

Brian McKiernan ’82 recently retired from the Army as a major general, culminating 34 years of service. He writes, “I am settled in Northern Virginia and enjoying my new roles as vice president, operations at Cypress International and as a new grandparent. Looking forward to Reunion ’22.”


Ron Schnell ’84 sent this note: “I recently published in Stanford Law School’s Journal of Computational Antitrust about my enforcement of the final judgments against Microsoft by the U.S.

1987(35th Reunion) 1982(40th Reunion)

1982 – four-year seniors

and individual states. Full paper can be read at https:// law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ himes-nieh-schnell-computational-antitrust.pdf.”


Karen McCann ’88 sent this note: “Hope everyone is doing OK post-pandemic! I am still working at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., playing soccer, and paddling the Potomac as much as I can. We are looking forward to our empty nest with our youngest at Bowdoin College and our oldest in grad school at UVA.”

1992(30th Reunion)

Kim Knox ’95 writes: “I wanted to reach out with a little update for the Journal. I currently run a successful real estate team, the Knox Real Estate Group. We were selected Top Real Estate Producers for 2020 by Boston Magazine. Right now, I find myself teamed up with Shelbie McCormack ’15, working together on site at Emerson Green, Devens, an energy-efficient community of 84 homes and 40 apartments. I also have a spitfire 4-year-old little girl, JoJo. Thanks so much and hope all is well.”

Kim Knox ‘95


Kate Dimancescu ’99 wrote her class note while enjoying a stay on the North Shore of Boston, writing her third non-fiction historical narrative. Last year she could not have predicted that Summer 2021 would find her writing near the seaside in a part of Gloucester, Mass., where her maternal grandmother and great-grandmother summered in the late 1920s and early 1930s.

1997(25th Reunion) 1987(35th Reunion)

1992 Yearbook Senior Page

2002(20th Reunion)

When not working on her book, she enjoyed finding the locations shown in her great-grandmother's vintage Gloucester vacation photos, touring The Hammond Castle Museum, and tucking in (as her friends in London say) to fresh seafood lunches waterside. She looks forward to sharing her book in due time with the LA community and wishes everyone a happy, healthy, and safe summer.


Lindsay (Myette) McGloughlin ’03 writes: “In March I was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the Concord (Mass.) Fire Department. I have been with CFD for eight years and in the fire service for the past 14 years. It is also an honor to be the first female firefighter to hold rank within the history of the Concord Fire Department.”

Lindsay (Myette) McGloughlin

2007(15th Reunion)

Amanda Kressler ’08 and Brenna Morrisey ’09


After a long time coming, Amanda Kressler ’08 and Brenna Morrissey ’09 got engaged in January 2020 and were married this summer! The pair live in Somerville, Mass., with their two cats and newest addition to the family, a vintage camper named Little George. Follow along as they renovate and transform the 1971 junker to a modern tiny home. @LittleGeorges_BigAdventure on Instagram.


Sara (Davey) Gillis ’10 and Logan Gillis ’09 are the proud parents of Boden Christopher Gillis, born March 26, 2021.


Dan Giovacchini ’11 is part-owner of a horse, Hot Rod Charlie, who ran in the Kentucky Derby last May.

Anna Demasi Godin ’12 and friends

2012(10th Reunion)

Have a note to share in the Spring 2022 Academy Journal? Forward info and pictures to pglover@lacademy.edu.

Cailey Mastrangelo ’16 named 2021-2022 Class Agent Executive Committee Chair

Cailey’s life has truly unfolded on the Lawrence Academy campus and she embodies the spirit of the school with her contagious enthusiasm and excitement for all things LA. Her leadership as a member of the Class of 2016’s 5th Reunion committee in 2020 helped bring her classmates together for this first of many LA milestones. We are excited to welcome her as committee chair this year as LA continues to grow its Class Agent program, increasing alumni engagement and participation in all areas of the life of the school. Cailey or members of her committee may be contacting you to ask you to consider serving as a Class Agent for your class or as a Reunion Ambassador.

Cailey, who is the daughter of veteran faculty members Donna and Frank Mastrangelo, teaches Spanish I and ELL (English for Language Learners) at Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro, N.H. She is head coach of the girls’ JV soccer and basketball teams, and, as she says, “I also get to participate with the varsity girls’ soccer and basketball programs, teach dance, advise students, and help with the school musical.” She lives on campus, does weekly dorm duty and is “happy to be living on Lake Winnipesaukee.” Cailey adds, “I’m very fortunate to be staying connected to and working closely with my LA community.”

2017(5th Reunion)

Subin Kim ’17 earned her bachelor’s degree in molecular biology from the University of California, Berkeley in 2020. She is currently at Stanford University doing cancer, immunology, genetics, and genomics research, and hopes to see her LA friends soon.

Have a note to share in the Spring 2022 Academy Journal? Forward info and pictures to pglover@lacademy.edu.

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