2021 - 2022 Lawrence Academy Annual Report

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Annual Giving Report Lawrence Academy





BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jason Saghir P’19, President Phyllis Rothschild P’20, Vice President

Our History

Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P’16, ’17, Secretary

In the spring of 1792, a group of Groton townspeople submitted a petition to the state legislature asserting that “the happiness of community requires the dissemination of knowledge and learning among all classes of citizens.” In the fall of 1793, the legislature ratified this petition, adding that such “encouragement of…the rising generation has ever been considered by the wise and the good as an object worthy of the most serious attention.” This year, we recognize with our own serious attention the 230th anniversary of these acts, establishing Lawrence Academy on the foundation of the good, the wise, and the happiness of community.

Robert (Rob) Achtmeyer ’97

David Stone ’76, Treasurer

Ronald (Ron) Ansin P’80, ’83, ’85, ’87; GP’03, ’05, ’14 Deborah (Debbie) Barnes P’13 J. Christopher (Chris) Bernene P’19 Melissa Bois P’22 G. Randall (Randy) Chamberlain ’79 Susanna Gallant P’20, ’24 Courtney Cox Harrison ’83 Kiyohiko (Kiyo) Hirose ’94; P’22 Bradford (Brad) Hobbs ’82 Samuel (Sam) Liang P’18 ’19 Douglas (Doug) Long P’15, ’18 Bruce MacNeil ’70; P’04 David (Dave) Mazza ’01 Michael McLaughlin P’23, ’23, ’25 Peter Myette P’00, ’03 Pamela (Pam) Nwaoko ’06

2021-2022 A LUMNI C OUNCIL

Devin O’Reilly P’24 David Santeusanio

Carolyn Balas-Zaleski ’84; P’17, President

Taylor Sele ’02

Pat Donoghue ’06, Vice President

Gordon Sewall ’67

Marianne Crescenzi Balfour ’88

Edward (Ed) Steinborn P’23

Victoria Wellington Hanna ’97

Alex Sugar P’19

Christopher Hazzard ’03

Richard (Rick) Tyson, Jr. ’87

Lindsay Latuga Howard ’00

Stephen (Steve) Wilkins

Victor Howell ’08 Paul Husted ’64


Ann Steward McGuire ’03

George Chamberlain III P’79, ’81

Catherine Floyd McMenamin ’97

Albert (Al) Gordon, Jr. ’59

Clare Noone ’14

Albert (Al) Stone P’74, ’76; GP’15

Benjamin Stone ’15

Benjamin (Ben) Williams III, P’82, ’84

From the Head of School – Dan Scheibe – We thank and honor all of those who have contributed to the success of Lawrence Academy in this past year. There is so much to celebrate. The school is in its strongest position in recent memory: well-enrolled with great students and well-supported by proud and loyal alumni, parents, and friends of the school. What a compelling community and cause to be a part of! This true sense of connection, forming the daily and yearly “case for LA,” has produced the strongest Annual Fund performance in Lawrence Academy’s history. The numbers and categories behind these achievements are documented in this report, but the true honor here belongs to Lawrence Academy’s present identity as shaped by those who know it best. Those who gravitate to Lawrence Academy as an educational and philanthropic priority understand the unique value and identity this modern Academy carries: we carefully center the full resources of the school on the students in our care. We respect and

celebrate young people for who they are while hopefully and confidently imagining the full potential of who they can become. The resources needed to execute this mission include all of the people, all of the buildings, all of the programs, and all of the initiatives of the school. They also require clarity of purpose: recognizing, inspiring, supporting, and empowering our students as they grow is our mission and our operating principle. We are so grateful to all who have supported and strengthened this great mission through their great generosity. Supported by those who care so deeply about Lawrence Academy and organized with skill and purpose, all of our resources form a lively community that lives not only from year to year, but as a legacy connecting generations. We thank all those who have contributed to that growing legacy of optimism and care.

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 1

Back on the Hillside Lawrence Academy Reunites

Reunion 2022

Graduation 2022

Dance Performance

Reunion 2022

Leadership Dinner

Senior Tree Planting

Senior Breakfast


Spring Social

Fall 2021-Spring 2022

The 2021-2022 school year was an extraordinary one for Lawrence Academy. As the school moved forward despite continued global challenges, our community united in inspiring and generous ways. The volunteer leadership of alumni class agents, Reunion ambassadors, Parent Fund grade chairs, Senior Parent Gift chairs, Spring Social chairs, the 50th Anniversary Winterim Host Committee, trustees, former trustees, and the Alumni Council, as well as the Advancement team, faculty, and staff, all contributed to the philanthropic outcomes we share in this report. We wholeheartedly thank and acknowledge these leaders for their individual commitment to Lawrence Academy and their dedication to our shared goals. This year, we will continue to execute against our strategic plan with an eye toward an even brighter future for our campus and long-term financial strength. In the coming months, the school will begin to share the results of this planning more broadly and invite your participation to support our expanded vision for LA and the associated goals and opportunities necessary for success. As the school marks the 230th anniversary of its founding in 1793, we are reminded of our rich history and acknowledge with gratitude the early leaders of the institution who chose to include LA among their highest philanthropic and volunteer priorities. We embrace our current roles at Lawrence Academy as the current stewards of this early vision and believe that LA’s best days are still ahead. We are extraordinarily grateful that you have chosen to join us and support this worthy mission. With gratitude,

Jo-Ann Lovejoy, P’06, ’08, ’10, Chief Advancement Officer and Chris Davey P’10, ’16, Assistant Head of School for Institutional Strategy and Advancement

2021-2022 O PERATING B UDGET S UMMARY S TATEMENT Revenues: Tuition & Fees

$ 19,699,730

LA Fund

$ 1,718,025

Endowment & Trusts

$ 1,254,722


$ 60,933

Total Revenue

$ 22,733,410

Endowment & Trusts 5% LA Fund 8%

Tuition & Fees 87%

Expenses: Salaries & Benefits

$ 13,069,563

Plant Operations & Capital Projects

$ 3,834,053

Student Life



$ 1,521,315


$ 1,100,678


$ 787,950


$ 677,484

Total Expenses

$ 22,721,016

Other 3%

Student Life 8% Advancement 3% Administration 5%

Plant Operations & Capital Projects 17%

Salaries & Benefits 57%

Instructional 7%

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 5

2021-2022 G IVING B Y C ONSTITUENCY / / ed g ted g ors ict ivin rt rt tic ivin t s n r s s o o G o e e p po G D on up up dD d l/R ent l/R ent nd nd D l n n S S a a t t u u l u m u l l i i m F F F F p p ta ota m ta ta LA LA To Ca owm Ca dow LA To To LA 1 T ors 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 ’ d 2 2 2 2 2 n 2 2 2 2 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ En ’ ’ ’ ’ FY Do FY FY FY FY En FY FY FY FY FY rs

o on












Current Parents











Parents of Alumni



















































Grandparents Faculty and Staff Friends Total Support

2021-2022 D ONORS B Y G IFT L EVEL – T OTAL G IVING FY’22 Donors

FY’22 Total Giving

FY’21 Donors

FY’21 Total Giving

$100,000 +





$50,000 - $99,999





$25,000 - $49,999





$10,000 - $24,999





$5,000 - $9,999





$1,793 - $4,999





$1,000 - $1,792





$500 - $999





$250 - $499





$100 - $249





$50 - $99





$25 - $49





$0 - $24









Giving Level

Total Giving 2021-2022

6 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022


$6,000,000 –






$5,000,000 –

Dollars Raised

$4,188,124 $4,000,000 –


$3,000,000 – $2,000,000 – $1,000,000 – $0 –



2019-2020 Fiscal Year

2021-2022 D ONORS B Y G IFT L EVEL – LA F UND Giving Level

FY’22 Donors

FY’22 LA Fund Giving

FY’21 Donors

FY’21 LA Fund Giving

$100,000 +





$50,000 - $99,999





$25,000 - $49,999





$10,000 - $24,999





$5,000 - $9,999





$1,793 - $4,999





$1,000 - $1,792





$500 - $999





$250 - $499





$100 - $249





$50 - $99





$25 - $49





$0 - $24









Total LA Fund Giving

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 7


$1,800,000 – $1,600,000 –

$1,705,573 $1,536,482

$1,558,066 $1,416,136




Dollars Raised

$1,400,000 – $1,200,000 – $1,000,000 – $800,000 – $600,000 – $400,000 – $200,000 – $0– 2017-2018



Fiscal Year


$800,000 – $701,457

$700,000 –

Dollars Raised

$600,000 –


$500,000 – $424,323 $400,000 – $300,000 –



$200,000 – $100,000 – $0 – 2017-2018


2019-2020 Fiscal Year

8 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022







% Participation








8% 6% 4% 2% 0%



Fiscal Year


$900,000 –


$800,000 – $738,643

Dollars Raised

$700,000 – $593,497

$600,000 –





$500,000 – $400,000 – $300,000 – $200,000 – $100,000 – $0 – 2017-2018



Fiscal Year

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 9



% Participation

62% 60% 58%

58% 57%




54% 52% 50% 2017-2018





Fiscal Year


$700,000 –

Dollars Raised

$600,000 – $500,000 – $400,000 – $324,524



$300,000 –


$200,000 – $100,000 – $0 – 2017-2018


2019-2020 Fiscal Year

10 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022






$500,000 – $424,116 $400,000 – Dollars Raised





$300,000 –

$200,000 –

$100,000 –

$0 – 2017-2018





Fiscal Year




10% 9% 8%

% Participation












6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Fiscal Year

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 11

The 1793 Leadership Society Leadership Giving represents those donors who have contributed $1,000 or more to the school in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. This includes all gifts to the LA Fund, as well as gifts to endowment, capital (including the gifts designated to capital from the Senior Parent Gift), and any other restricted giving. These gifts serve as the core foundation of the financial support that advances the educational mission and programs of the school. We greatly appreciate the remarkable generosity and support that each and every one of our leadership donors provides.

Founder’s Circle Gifts of $100,000 or more Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Barnes P ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gallant P ’20, ’24 Elizabeth and Phill Gross P ’15, ’16 Mr. Young In Kwon and Mrs. Dong Ri Lee P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Saghir P ’19 Mr. Edward J. Steinborn P ’23

Lawrencian Circle Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Mrs. Maureen S. DeMarco GP ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Jackson GP ’22, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Long P ’15, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Long P ’17, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. MacNeil ’70; P ’04 Ms. Phyllis Rothschild and Mr. Jonathan Golnik P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simon P ’22 Pam and David Stone ’76

Omnibus Lucet Circle Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Mr. G. Randall Chamberlain ’79 Mr. Patrick C. Cunningham ’91 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maraganore P ’22 Mr. Zhengsheng Xing and Mrs. Xiaoling Liu

Schoolhouse Circle Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Mrs. Lucy Crocker Abisalih ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allaire P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beauvais P ’22 Mr. Charles E. Bois and Mrs. Melissa DeMarco Bois P ’22 Mr. Paal Brandvold and Mrs. Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P ’16, ’17

Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Daftary P ’25 Ms. Margaret M. Dunn ’90 Mr. Martin D. Dunn ’85 Mr. Peter H. Dunn ’86 Mr. Raymond J. Dunn IV ’83 Mr. Thomas T. Firth III ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Scott FitzGerald P ’24 Dr. and Mrs. Allan Frankel P ’22 Mr. Kiyohiko Hirose ’94; P ’22 Mr. Richard R. Husk P ’99, ’01 Ms. Susan L. Jackson and Mr. Benjamin Bisceglia P ’22, ’23 Mr. Richard J. Jodka ’61 Mr. Gregory S. Lauze ’00 Mrs. Persis B. Levy ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Madigan ’85; P ’15, ’19, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin P ’23, ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McSweeney P ’24, ’24 Mr. Patrick J. Melampy and Rev. Priscilla A. Lawrence P ’14 Mr. Dana D. Messina ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Devin O’Reilly P ’24 Dr. Richard C. Peet ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Phelps ’78; P ’13 Dr. David Prudente and Ms. Suzanne DuLong Prudente P ’25 Mr. James R. Reynolds II ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ristaino P ’23 John and Priscilla Royse Drs. Donald and Lisa Sackett P ’22 Mr. Gordon W. Sewall ’67 Mr. Albert Stone P ’74, ’76; GP ’15 Mr. David S. Strimaitis and Mrs. Danielle S. Patkin P ’24 Mr. Jeffrey E. Sullivan ’01 Mr. Eliot R. Tucker ’72 Mr. Donald N. Wiggin ’70

Powderhouse Circle Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Baker P ’74 Mr. Gregg D. Beloff and Ms. Elizabeth A. Masterson P ’21, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bernene P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bulens P ’20 Mr. Youpeng Cai and Mrs. Wei Wen Lu Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carroll P ’24 Mr. Geoffrey Christ and Dr. Kimberly Christ P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coke, Jr. ’74 Mr. Robert L. Collins ’72 Ms. Gretchen Kaye Crowley ’78 Mr. Jebb S. Curelop ’79 Mr. Ashraf M. Dahod and Dr. Shamim A. Dahod P ’09

12 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Mr. Tianhua Dong and Ms. Shuang Li P ’24 Mr. Francis X. Donlan GP ’23, ’23 Mr. Jay S. Gibson ’68 Courtney Cox Harrison ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey P ’24 Mr. Bradford Hobbs ’82 and Mrs. Andrea Fant-Hobbs Mr. Jonathan D. Jodka ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jones P ’13, ’14, ’17 Mr. Neil D. Klar ’64 Mr. Josh Lee and Dr. Laura Lee P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Liang P ’18, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marsteiner P ’24 Mr. David B. Mazza ’01 Mr. and Mrs. William McCullen P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. David McVane P ’25 Mr. Peter David Onanian ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paone P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Principe P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Remmes P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Salvucci P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. David Santeusanio Dan Scheibe and Annie Montesano P ’23, ’24 Ms. Rosmarie Scully GP ’23 David M. Smith ’74 Mrs. Kelley Duggan Sorrow ’96 Karen Stone ’74 and David Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Stone P ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sugar P ’19 Mr. William H. Thompson Jr. and Ms. Kimberly Budd P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Todd P ’21 Mr. Richard D. Tyson, Jr. ’87 Marnie Livingston Vanderpoel ’72 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Yeaton P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Leighton F. Young III P ’22

1793 Circle Gifts of $1,793 to $4,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. James Agabedis P ’22 Ms. Jane E. Alpers P ’22 Sr. Bernardo Babatz P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bast P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Beck P ’18, ’21 Mr. Peter Benedict and Ms. Gina Perini P ’23 Ms. Barbara Anderson Brammer ’75; P ’06 Mr. and Mrs. James Broderick P ’20 Mr. Paul M. Buckley ’13 Mr. Robert L. Bunnen Jr. ’73 Mr. Ronald Cahill and Ms. Anne Estabrook P ’22 Mr. George A. Chamberlain III and Mrs. Judith F. Chamberlain P ’79, ’81 Mr. John S. Chiungos ’67 Ms. Priscilla Coffin P ’98 James and Ann Conway P ’98, ’01, ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Cunningham P ’91, ’91 Voula and Peter Danas P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fernandez P ’22, ’23 Mrs. Nina G. Fish ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Floyd P ’95, ’97, ’01 Ms. Elizabeth J. Frissora ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gagnon P ’23 Mr. Richard Gleicher and Dr. Paula Angelini P ’25 Mr. David R. Goodman, Jr. ’68 Mr. Albert B. Gordon, Jr. ’59 Mr. Stuart W. Graham ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallinan P ’24 Mr. Robert A. Hoyt and Ms. Mary King P ’24 Dr. and Mrs. Liam Hurley P ’23 Mr. Paul N. Husted ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kelleher, Jr. P ’23, ’24 Mr. Robert L. Kimball ’70 Rachel and Robert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Kroll P ’19, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lanagan P ’25 Mr. Mark V. LaPorte ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee P ’08 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lobsitz ’68; P ’01 Mr. Andrew M. Lybrook II ’71 Mr. Oliver A. Manice ’65 Mr. Richard Manuel and Ms. Cara Sterling P ’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Maynard P ’22 Mr. Page S. McConnell ’82 Ms. Carolyn Mcinnis P ’23 Ned and Mary Mitchell P ’91 Mr. Thomas C. Moran and Ms. Elizabeth A. Mongillo P ’22, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. William Moriarty P ’23 Mr. Kevin Morrison and Ms. Lesley Scott-Morton P ’22 Mr. Douglas W. Murphy ’61 Peter C. and Andrea L. Myette P ’00, ’03 Mr. Charles V. O’Boyle Jr. ’82 Mr. Eric Olander P ’24 Mr. Mark Paulek and Ms. Jeanne Hamilton P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peabody P ’25 Mr. Stephen Poremba and Ms. Sarah B. Wadleigh P ’23 Mr. Warren H. Reich ’57 Mr. James H. Reichert, Sr. ’57; P ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. San Clemente ’53; P ’80, ’83; GP ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sawyer P ’21, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider P ’25 Witney W. Schneidman ’70 Mr. Taylor B. Sele ’02 Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda and Dr. Dina Eliopoulos P ’21, ’21 Mr. Quentin E. J. Smith ’06 Mrs. Krista Stuart Snow ’88 Mr. Mark Sommer P ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Soukup P ’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Squires P ’22 Mr. Gary R. Surprenant ’79 Ann and Richard Toran P ’20, ’22

Mr. Thomas L. Vorisek ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walsh P ’25 Mr. Richard Weden ’60 Mr. Peregrine White ’45 Mr. Charles B. Will ’70 Mr. Tao Xu and Mrs. Qin Shu P ’24

Elm Tree Hillside Circle Gifts of $1,000 to $1,792 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Adie II P ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allain P ’24 Ms. Gayle B. Atkinson Mrs. Norman M. Barlow P ’70, ’73 Mr. Stephen B. Barlow ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bazemore P ’22 Mr. Sherman C. Bedford Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beede P ’16 Dr. and Mrs. Eric Berg P ’22 Mr. David A. Betses ’74 Mr. Steven L. Bianchi ’67 Mr. Gregory N. Boro ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Britt P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Brown P ’22 C.E. Floyd Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carr P ’24 Mr. Lucas C. Cisna ’94 Mr. Christopher F. Clark and Ms. Anne M. Gaeta P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Clark P ’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Cloherty P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Colangelo P ’25 Ms. Valeria Contreras P ’24 Mr. Charles W. Cramb, Jr. ’64 Ms. Judi Martin Cyr ’82 Mr. Ravee V. Davé ’01 Mr. Jeremiah J. de Michaelis ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Disco P ’22, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Drolet ’74; P ’01 Ms. Emily M. Duffy Denzer ’16 Mr. Wayne Elibero and Ms. Kathleen McKenzie P ’24, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrell P ’25 Mr. John D. Ferguson, Sr. ’53 Mrs. Alexandra Gardner Fern ’89 Mr. Andrew D. Franklin’68 Dara Frigoletto ’83 Ms. Carolyn Fritchy GP ’23 Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Gardner P ’89 Mr. Logan C. Gillis ’09 and Mrs. Sara Davey Gillis ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Glaser ’55; P ’85, ’86; GP ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Barton F. Graf, Jr. P ’22, ’23 Dr. Paul R. Graves ’56 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gregory III P ’21, ’24 Mr. Tim Guo and Mrs. Polly Peng P ’24 Mr. Matthew B. Haynes ’80 Ms. Kimberly Hill and Mr. Paul Lezberg P ’22 Mr. Jeffrey A. Hoch ’73 Mr. R. William Horton, Jr. ’70

Mr. Scott S. Jones ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Jones P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Joumas P ’09, ’10, ’13, ’15 Ms. Tonya Kalmes Ms. Jessica A. Knapp ’99 Mr. Stephen F. La Sala and Mrs. Michelle Shea La Sala P ’21 John and Joan Ladik P ’98 Ms. Sabrina S. Ladiwala ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Shiraz Ladiwala P ’20 Ms. Heather L. Lauten P ’17 Mr. Daniel Lemaitre P ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Liberatore P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Long P ’22, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Loporchio P ’20 Mr. Robert W. Loring ’69 Mr. and Mrs. G. Montgomery Lovejoy III P ’06, ’08, ’10 Mr. David W. Luce ’58 Mr. Daniel Mahr and Dr. Melissa Mahr P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Martin P ’22, ’24 Dr. Howard D. Martin ’69 Mr. Nicolas M. Mauro ’15 Ms. Kathryn A. Maynes ’74 Mr. Mark McConnell ’85 Mr. Kevin J. McDonald ’70; P ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McLaughlin P ’22, ’24, ’24 Ms. Marion M. Meenan P ’86; GP ’14, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Mehlhorn P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Darren D. Messina ’83; P ’17 Mr. Clifford E. Moskow P ’18, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. James Moskun P ’22 Ms. Mary Mueller Ms. Kristen J. Naspo ’96 Mrs. Sky Olander P ’24 Mr. Robert J. Orchard ’65 Mr. Terence O’Sullivan and Ms. Dara Mitchell P ’22, ’24 Mr. Wayne Pacheco and Ms. Leanne J. Fitzgerald P ’25 Mr. Luis Padilla Mr. Eric Partlan and Dr. Carrie Partlan P ’25 Mr. Mark R. Peabody ’86 Maj. Keith Pekkala, USA ’75 Mr. and Mrs. David Pereira P ’24 Mr. Richard G. Perry ’61 Mr. Michael Reed and Mrs. Sumner Rollins Reed ’97; P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Patchara Samalapa P ’22 Mr. David San Clemente ’80; P ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Schuster P ’22, ’23, ’23 Mr. Robert D. Sciolla ’80 Richard and Christine Siegrist P ’02, ’04 Mr. Michael P. Sireci and Ms. Barbara J. Duffy P ’16 Mr. Nicholas P. Slaney ’09 Mr. Bryan L. Smith ’85 Mr. Nathan N. Smith ’86 Mr. Walter C. Stanton III ’77 Mr. Steven G. Stein ’83 Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 13

Mrs. Martha Nikitas Stone ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Stratton P ’14 Mr. Charles B. Swartwood III GP ’17, ’23, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teague P ’25 Mrs. Harry E. Van Tuyl

Betsy Wieland Veidenheimer ’82 Mr. Eric C. Whitman ’64 Mr. Gus G. Widmayer P ’25 Mr. Ronald A. Winslow ’43 Mr. E. Malcolm Wolcott, Jr. ’64

Mr. Stephen P. Wooding ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Zhi Zhang P ’19 Mr. Zhi Zhang and Mrs. Cynthia Huang P ’24 Mr. Jan Zhou and Mrs. Yao Chen P ’24

Young Alumni Leadership Giving Spartan Circle Gifts of $500 to $999 from LA graduates within the last 15 years Ms. Katerina Beck ’21 Mr. Evan J. Dahl ’15 Mr. Justin T. Lee ’18

Ms. Sera M. Goldman ’17 Mr. Boyd H. Green ’12 Mr. Demitri Jackson ’16 Ms. Meghan T. Joumas ’13 Mr. Timothy R. Joumas ’15 Mr. Donald J. Long II ’18 Ms. Cailey M. Mastrangelo ’15

Ms. Kerri L. Murphy ’19 Mr. James Plummer ’13 Ms. Margaret A. Santinelli ’14 Ms. Julia C. Tesoro ’12 Ms. Alexandra G. Vassilakos ’12 Ms. Sheighla E. Wall ’14 Mr. Ryan Zapolski ’12

Gifts of $100 to $499 from LA graduates within the last 10 year. Anonymous (2) Ms. Ashley R. Barron ’18 Mr. Drew Barron ’21 Mr. Robert P. Barsamian ’13 Mr. Ethan C. Bastien ’19 Mr. Jakob W. Beck ’18 Mrs. Hailey Burnham ’12 Mr. Andrew V. Crane ’14 Mr. Adam C. Dutton ’18 Ms. Grace E. Finneral ’19 Mr. James C. Finneral ’16 Ms. Kyla A. Floresca ’16 Mr. Joshua D. Garber ’16 Ms. Ava Goldman ’21

Alumni Gathering – Night Shift Brewing, August 2022

Faculty/Staff Leadership Giving Academy Circle Gifts of $250 or more from faculty and staff Mr. Dennis Canty Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Mr. Logan C. Gillis ’09 and Mrs. Sara Davey Gillis ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Harlan P ’16, ’18 Tony Hawgood and Susan Daly P ’25, ’25 Ms. Rhonda Hawthorne Mr. Andrew Healy and Ms. Kimberly Bohlin-Healy

Damian and Natasha Huggins P ’23, ’24 Ms. Tonya Kalmes Mr. Dan Knox and Ms. Kim Chapman P ’12 Rachel and Robert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. G. Montgomery and Jo-Ann Lovejoy III P ’06, ’08, ’10 Ms. Raquel Majeski P ’25 Chris and Libby Margraf P ’24 Frank and Donna Mastrangelo P ’15, ’18 Rob and Laura Moore P ’04, ’06, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mucha Chris and Bo Murphy P ’14, ’16, ’17

14 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Ms. Caitlin O’Brien and Mr. Jeffrey Misner Dan and Hannah Pierpont P ’22 Kim and Mike Polsonetti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Potter P ’15 Ms. Theresa Ryan Dan Scheibe and Annie Montesano P ’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Sheehan ’87; P ’22, ’24 Mr. John Templeton and Mrs. Valerie Campolieto Templeton ’89; P ’16, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wiercinski P ’21, ’23

True Blue Society This select group of loyal donors have made Lawrence Academy a philanthropic priority in their annual giving for the last 20 consecutive years or more. We thank these donors for their exemplary commitment and dedication.

Mrs. Lucy Crocker Abisalih ’76 Heather Tobin Abrams ’92 Mr. Anthony M. Andresen ’70 Despina Koules Anton ’78 Mr. Laurence C. Appleton ’59 Mr. Craig C. Arnold ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Baker P ’74 Mr. Stephen B. Barlow ’70 Devlin ’85 and Susan Barron ’86; P ’14, ’17 Mr. Gayton C. Bartlett ’70 Mr. John J. Beades, Jr. ’56 Mr. Sherman C. Bedford Jr. ’69 Mr. William B. Belcher, Jr. ’61 Cynthia Bertozzi Turco ’76 Mr. Gregory N. Boro ’83 Ms. Lauren K. Borofsky, D.V.M. ’93 Ms. Barbara Anderson Brammer ’75; P ’06 Mr. Paal Brandvold and Mrs. Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P ’16, ’17 Mr. Charles W. Britton ’81 Rev. Jeffrey E. Brown ’65 Mr. Steven G. Bull ’70 Gail and Steve Burne P ’85 C.E. Floyd Company, Inc. Mr. Malcolm G. Caldwell III ’80 * Robert Campolieto P ’89, ’93; GP ’16, ’19 Tracey J. Castiglione ’97 Mr. James F. Causey ’73 Mr. G. Randall Chamberlain ’79 Mr. George A. Chamberlain III and Mrs. Judith F. Chamberlain P ’79, ’81 Mr. John S. Chiungos ’67 Mr. Raymond J. Cioci ’63 Rev. and Mrs. Richard K. Clarke P ’84, ’86 James and Ann Conway P ’98, ’01, ’03 Dr. William W. Cooper ’59 Ms. Judi Martin Cyr ’82 Linda Deasy P ’96, ’99 Mr. David L. Delano ’59 Mr. Frank R. DiLorenzo ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dolan ’89; P ’19 Mr. John D. Donnelly, Jr. ’65 Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. ’76 Dr. Brian Drolet and Dr. Margaret Maclin ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Drolet ’74; P ’01 Mr. William S. Drowne ’64

Mr. Thomas R. Edgar ’59 Mr. Jack T. Eutsler, Jr. ’70 Mr. Bernard W. Fang ’67 Mr. John D. Ferguson, Sr. ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Floyd P ’95, ’97, ’01 Mr. Jeffrey A. Foster ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Foster ’79; P ’10, ’12, ’13, ’16 Mr. Andrew D. Franklin ’68 Mr. Albert B. Gordon, Jr. ’59 Mr. Robert T. Gordon ’71 Mr. Stuart W. Graham ’63 Mr. John M. Gray III ’63 Susannah Maeder Hammersley ’73 Mrs. D. Rebecca Marriott Hanna ’82 Dr. Edward Harding II ’64 Mr. Matthew B. Haynes ’80 Mr. Jeffrey T. Henry ’93 Mrs. Kelley K. Henry-Kresser ’95 Mr. Bradford Hobbs and Mrs. Andrea Fant-Hobbs ’82 Dr. and Mrs. David H. Hopkins P ’85 Mr. Richard R. Husk P ’99, ’01 Mr. Paul N. Husted ’64 Mr. Jonathan D. Jodka ’79 Mr. Richard J. Jodka ’61 Dr. Douglas M. Joseph ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karp P ’15, ’17 Mr. Robert L. Kimball ’70 Mr. Neil D. Klar ’64 Mr. Scott R. Lane ’81 Mr. Mark V. LaPorte ’72 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lobsitz ’68; P ’01 Mr. David W. Luce ’58 Mr. Jeffrey G. Maclaren ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. MacNeil ’70; P ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Madigan ’85; P ’15, ’19, ’22 Mr. Oliver A. Manice ’65 Chris and Libby Margraf P ’24 Mr. N. Mark Marr ’75 Mr. Paul F. Mason ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mastrangelo P ’15, ’18 Cynthia Matthes ’84 Mr. Kevin J. McDonald ’70; P ’10 Mr. and Mrs. William V. McGuire P ’99, ’01 Catherine E. McMenamin ’97

Ned and Mary Mitchell P ’91 Rob and Laura Moore P ’04, ’06, ’09 Mr. Richard T. Murphy ’56 Mr. Harry J. Nevil, Jr. P ’66, ’68 Mr. Robert M. Nevil ’68 Barry W. Pearson ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Phelps ’78; P ’13 Mr. Warren H. Reich ’57 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson ’56 Mr. Leland F. Ross, Jr. ’53 Paige Johnson Roth ’82 Burton and Fredda Sage P ’83 Witney W. Schneidman ’70 Mr. Gordon W. Sewall ’67 Kenneth and Nancy Sewall ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Sheehan ’87; P ’22, ’24 Jamyn and Paul Sheff P ’02 Richard and Christine Siegrist P ’02, ’04 Cindy Chamberlain Smith ’81 Mr. David F. Smith ’65; P ’95 and Ms. Elizabeth Tyson-Smith P ’87, ’91 Mr. Robert S. Soltz ’58 Mr. Lee E. Sproul, Jr. ’58 Mr. Stuart W. Stevens, Jr. ’64 Holly and Ernie Steward P ’03, ’05, ’07, ’07 Mr. Albert Stone P ’74, ’76; GP ’15 Pam and David Stone ’76 Karen Stone ’74 and David Schulz Dr. Sumner Stone ’50 Mr. John Templeton and Mrs. Valerie Campolieto Templeton ’89; P ’16, ’19 Mr. Robert W. Tobin ’56 Mr. Athas H. Tsigas ’56 Mr. Richard D. Tyson, Jr. ’87 Suki Hamburger van Dijk ’81 Marnie Livingston Vanderpoel ’72 Mr. Paul R.D. Wennik ’56 Mrs. Alan L. Whipple P ’87, ’88, ’89 Mr. Arthur W. White ’48 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Mr. Thomas R. Willits ’70 Mr. Ronald A. Winslow ’43 Dr. D. Reid Wiseman ’52 Mr. E. Malcolm Wolcott, Jr. ’64 Mr. David C. Woodin ’73 Sharon Wooding P ’88, ’90, ’95 *FY22 True Blue member








The Lamplighter Society The Lamplighter Society gratefully acknowledges all donors who have supported Lawrence Academy for five or more consecutive years and, by doing so, are helping to keep The Light Shining for All. Anonymous (2) Ms. Kristin Adams Achtmeyer ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Adie II P ’16 Mr. George R. Aelion ’70 Mrs. M. Nancy Tayebi Aiken ’87 Mr. Kevin A. Anderson ’85 Mr. Kenneth S. Ansin ’83; P ’03, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Baldini P ’98, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Barron P ’18, ’21 Mr. James P. Bartlett ’63 Julie A. Bastien ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Beck P ’18, ’21 Ms. Paige G. Beede ’16* Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beede P ’16 Mr. Gregg D. Beloff and Ms. Elizabeth A. Masterson P ’21, ’23* Ms. Victoria L. Bennett ’04* Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bernene P ’19 Mr. Christopher P. Bernhardt ’13 Mr. Harrison J. Bernhardt ’18* Mr. Theophile Bernhardt and Ms. Margaret O’Brien Bernhardt P ’13, ’18* Mr. Steven L. Bianchi ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Bilsbury P ’19, ’21, ’22* Mr. Douglas A. Birkey ’98 Mr. and Mrs. EJay Bishop P ’16 John and Andrea Bishop Mr. Andrew P. Black ’70 Mr. John S. Boger ’97 Mr. Matthew W. Boger ’92 Mr. Richard C. Boothby ’66 Mr. Scott E. Brewitt ’82* Maggie Brickley ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Britt P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bulens P ’20 Dr. Steven K. Burke and Dr. Mary Ellen Conroy P ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Cabot* Mr. Malcolm Carley and Ms. Hellie Swartwood P ’17

16 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Laura and William Carr ’80; P ’05, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Franco Castagliuolo P ’21, ’22* Mr. Vincent S. Chao ’68 Mr. Lucas C. Cisna ’94 Mrs. Vickie Coleman ’83 Mr. Charles N. Corey IV ’17* Mr. Charles N. Corey, III and Mrs. Sarah Hallet Corey ’82; P ’17, ’20* Mr. Frederick B. Coykendall ’69 Ms. Courtney Cronin Mr. Gary S. Cross ’61 Ms. Dale J. Cunningham P ’13 Mr. Patrick C. Cunningham ’91 Mr. Louis Brendan Curran ’70 Mr. Evan J. Dahl ’15 Mr. Ashraf M. Dahod and Dr. Shamim A. Dahod P ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Ms. Margaret S. Davey ’16* Mr. Walter B. Davis Jr. ’60 Mr. Jeremiah J. de Michaelis ’63 Mrs. Timothy S. Delehaunty Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Denault P ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Dirstine P ’18, ’18, ’22* Mr. Charles G. Dutton and Ms. Kathleen A. Bush-Dutton P ’18 Mr. J. Edward Eliades ’57 Dr. Edwin T. Engman ’54 Mr. Robert D. Fanger ’51 Mrs. Erica L. Favorito ’00* Mr. William H. Fender ’70 Mrs. Alexandra Gardner Fern ’89 Mr. John R. Fernley ’70 Mr. James C. Finneral ’16 Mrs. Nina G. Fish ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Floresca P ’16 Mr. Christopher J. Floyd ’95 Mr. John F. Foran ’57 Greg and Pati Foster

Dara Frigoletto ’83 Ms. Elizabeth J. Frissora ’95 Margery K. Gagné P ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Gardner P ’89 Mr. Jonathan S. Gilboy ’01 Mr. Logan C. Gillis ’09 and Mrs. Sara Davey Gillis ’10 Mr. David R. Goodman Jr. ’68* Mr. William C. Gordon ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gotlib* Laura M. Graceffa ’83 Ms. Melissa Gray ’74 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gregory III P ’21, ’24* Mr. Robert T. Grey, Jr. ’53 Elizabeth and Phill Gross P ’15, ’16 Ms. Madeline S. Groves ’13 Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mrs. Rachel P. Halliday ’98 Mr. Christopher R. Harding ’69 Hon. Robert S. and Mrs. Ellen T. Hargraves P ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Harlan P ’16, ’18 Ms. Grace E. Harlan ’18* Mrs. Maria Pantzer Harris ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. and Linda C. Hart P ’00, ’07, ’07 Mr. Steven Harth P ’82 Mr. William B. Harvey ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Hazzard ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Healy P ’18, ’20 Mr. Liam P. Healy ’18* Mr. Andrew Healy and Ms. Kimberly Bohlin-Healy Mr. Stephen A. Heard ’70 Mr. Thomas J. Hegarty ’70 Mr. Nathaniel B. Heilbron ’12 Mr. Jeffrey A. Hoch ’73 Ms. Victoria G. Hodgkinson ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Horsman P ’18

Mr. R. William Horton, Jr. ’70 Mr. Victor M. Howell, Jr. ’08, and Kelly Howell ’08* Mr. and Mrs. Damian and Natasha Huggins P ’23, ’24 Mr. Craig K. Hunt ’70 Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson Hutton P ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Ingraham P ’07 Mr. Demitri Jackson ’16* Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jones P ’13, ’14, ’17 Ms. Meghan T. Joumas ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Joumas P ’09, ’10, ’13, ’15* Mr. Timothy R. Joumas ’15 Maj. Thaddeus J. Keefe III ’63 Ms. Rebecca J. Keller ’86 Robin Kenny ’79 Mr. Robert A. Kertzman ’58 Mr. Matthew Kilfoyle ’04 Ms. Sarah M. Klopfer ’02* Rachel and Robert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Kroll P ’19, ’21 Mr. Stephen F. La Sala and Mrs. Michelle Shea La Sala P ’21* John and Joan Ladik P ’98 Col. Stephan J. Laushine, USAF (Ret.) ’75 Ms. Heather L. Lauten P ’17 Mrs. Susan G. Lavoie P ’91; GP ’24 Ms. Erin Lawler* Mr. Jeffrey A. Leahey ’92 Mrs. Grace M. Lee ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee P ’08* Mr. Josh Lee and Dr. Laura Lee P ’22* Mr. Justin T. Lee ’18* Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Leung P ’19, ’23 Mrs. Persis B. Levy ’88* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Liang P ’18, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. William Lichtman P ’19* Mrs. Rebecca Lincoln ’97 Eleanor Linton P ’89, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Locke ’81 P ’17, ’21 Mr. Donald J. Long II ’18* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Long P ’15, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Long P ’17, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Loporchio P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lord ’75 Mr. Robert W. Loring ’69 Mr. and Mrs. G. Montgomery Lovejoy III P ’06, ’08, ’10 Ms. Jordan G. Lovejoy ’10* Mr. Spencer R. Lovejoy ’08 Ms. Marlaina Luciano ’05 Mr. Brian J. Madsen and

Ms. Elizabeth P. Brown P ’21* Mr. Alexander W. Magnin ’03 Bill and Jan Maguire P ’01 Mr. Brian A. Maloney ’61 Mr. Alan L. Marden ’59 Dr. Howard D. Martin ’69 Ms. Julie A. Mason ’83* Mr. Anthony J. Mastrangelo ’18* Ms. Cailey M. Mastrangelo ’15 Ronald and Starr Maxwell P ’00, ’04* Ms. Michelle A. McAteer ’99 Mrs. Karen McCann McClelland ’88 Mr. Michael T. McCartin ’72 Mr. Page S. McConnell ’82 Raymond J. McConnie-Zapater ’70 Ms. Amy E. McCuin ’89* Mr. Grady A. McDonald ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan ’01 and Ann McGuire ’03 Ms. Marion M. Meenan P ’86; GP ’14, ’17 Mr. Patrick J. Melampy and Rev. Priscilla A. Lawrence P ’14 Mr. Connor J. Melvin ’15 Charlie and Cindi Mercer P ’11, ’16 Mr. Les H. Meyer ’63 Mr. Andrew J. Milmoe ’03 Mr. Peter T. Monahan ’88 Bob and Meghan Moreau ’98 Mr. John Morgan ’80 Sally Sterndale Morse ’72* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mucha Mr. Douglas W. Murphy ’61 Peter C. and Andrea L. Myette P ’00, ’03 Ms. Clare M. Noone ’14 Mr. Peter David Onanian ’73 Mr. Mark R. Peabody ’86* Mr. William J. Penney ’73 Karen Day Pierce ’80 Mr. James Plummer ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Potter P ’15 Kimberly and Michael Poulin P ’18, ’21 Mr. Brian E. Powers ’63 Mr. Hilton Preble ’68 Mr. Harold W. Rafter ’70 Mr. Robert J. Ravich ’58* Dr. and Mrs. James H. Reichheld P ’17 Mr. Howard S. Rosenstein and Ms. Shannon H. McDonald P ’17 Mr. Peter M. Roth ’67 Ms. Phyllis Rothschild and Mr. Jonathan Golnik P ’20* Mrs. David J. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ryder ’81; P ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Saghir P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. David Santeusanio Ms. Margaret A. Santinelli ’14 Dan Scheibe and Annie Montesano P ’23, ’24 Mr. D. Duncan Schmidt ’75 Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt P ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Jaime Schulze* Ms. Lauren A. Schwartz Nash ’83* Mr. Robert H. Shiff ’59 Mr. Michael P. Sireci and Ms. Barbara J. Duffy P ’16 Mr. Bryan L. Smith ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Kerry R. Smith P ’05 Mr. Nathan N. Smith ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smith Mr. Mark Sommer P ’12 Mr. Peter D. Spinney ’61* Mr. William Joseph Stafford ’70 Mr. Walter C. Stanton III ’77 Mr. Benjamin W. Stone ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Stone P ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sugar P ’19 Mr. Carl O. Sussenberger ’70 Mr. Charles B. Swartwood III GP ’17, ’23, ’23 Mrs. Maria Graceffa Taylor ’88 Mr. Michael Templeton ’19* Ms. Julia C. Tesoro ’12 Ms. Jillian C. Thero ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Todd P ’21* Mr. Robert S. Troth P ’90 Mrs. Harry E. Van Tuyl Mr. Deonefe Vizen and Mrs. Kathleen M. Vizen ’99* Dr. Allison M. Wasserman ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Weaver P ’15, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Webster P ’19 Keith Wentworth ’91* Mr. Paul L. Wheatley ’78 Mr. Arthur G. Whittemore, Jr. ’54 Mr. Donald N. Wiggin ’70 Ms. Elizabeth H. Wildman ’14 Mr. Charles B. Will ’70 Mr. Frederick W. Williams ’82 Mrs. Louis A. Wolpert Mr. James H. Wooster ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Yeaton P ’20 Mr. Ryan Zapolski ’12 *New Lamplighter member

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 17

The Amos and William Lawrence Society The Amos and William Lawrence Society was established to recognize those individuals who have made a charitable planned gift or have made known their intentions to include Lawrence Academy in their wills or estate plans through a bequest. Donors who have made financial or estate plans of any size through wills, trusts, and other planned gifts are recognized for their loyal and lasting support of the school.

Candace MacMillen Achtmeyer P ’97, ’02, ’02* William Achtmeyer P ’97, ’02, ’02 Ronald M. Ansin P ’80, ’83, ’85, ’87; GP ’03, ’05, ’14 Timothy Armstrong ’89 Joseph Axelrod ’69 John Beck ’47 * and Joyce Ann Beck * Robert Berry ’66 Ralph Bianchi ’47 * and Irma Bianchi P ’71, ’73 Robert O. Biern * and Mary Kay Biern P ’80 * Richard Boyle ’48 * Barbara Anderson Brammer ’75; P ’06 Alden Briggs ’54 * Joseph Bulkeley ’33 * and Louise Bulkeley * Steven Bull ’70 Catherine A. Byerly ’80 John Chiungos ’67 and Carol Chiungos Albert Clear* and Jeanne Clear GP ’98, ’01 Geoffrey Clear and Marjorie Clear P ’98, ’01 Arnold Clickstein ’55 Maureen Coleman ’82 Patrick Cunningham ’91 Jeremiah de Michaelis ’63 Terry Lyn Dermon ’74 John Desmond ’63 Richard Donnelly ’48 * Thomas R. Edgar ’59 Jack Eutsler, Jr. ’70 Robert Feinberg ’42; P ’68 *

18 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Frances Fitts P ’57, ’57 * Richard Fletcher ’43 * Andrew Franklin ’68 Robert Franklin ’33 * Thomas Gill ’49 * Albert Gordon* and Lillian Gordon P ’59 * Albert Gordon, Jr. ’59 Eli W. Gordon ’54 * Stuart W. Graham ’63 Steven Hahn and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Raymond Handfield, Jr. ’51 * Steven Harth P ’82 Walter Heingartner ’48; P ’73, ’75, ’78, ’82 * Barbara Sturm Hilder P ’85, ’88 Jeffrey Hoch ’73 Lawrence Holliday ’57 Laurence Jaquith ’63 Greg Johnson ’82 Scott Jones ’89 Charles Judkins ’50 * David Kimball ’64 Neil D. Klar ’64 Victoria B. Lamb ’73; P ’96 John Leary ’40 * Arthur Lockett ’57 * C. John Martin P ’98, ’99 Kevin McDonald ’70; P’10 Dana Messina ’79 Geoffrey Nelson ’60 Charles V. O’Boyle, Jr. ’82

Robert Orchard ’65 Henry Phelps ’34 * Mark Phelps ’78; P ’13 Donald Pickering ’39 * Albert Richardson ’34 * Charles Richardson ’52; P ’82, ’85 * David I. Riemer ’53; P ’88 * Michael Robinson ’56 * and Amy Robinson Robert Rosenthal ’56 Henry Russell P ’70, ’75 * Jason and Heidi Saghir P ’19 Pieter Schiller and Elizabeth Schiller P ’88 Witney W. Schneidman ’70 Gordon Sewall ’67 and Elizabeth Alling Sewall * Leroy Shattuck ’31 * Alice Shepard and Larry Shepard ’42* Albert Smith and Margaret Smith P ’81, ’82 Kenneth R. Stein ’69 Philip Tierney ’52 Robert Tobin ’56 Richard D. Tyson ’87 Richard Weden ’60 Susan Yeutter Wendt in memory of David S. Yeutter ’84* Benjamin Williams and Nan Williams * P ’82, ’84 Margery Williams* Seth Williams ’77 *deceased

Honoring Richard A. Jeffers In the winter of 2022, the 50th Reunion planning committee of the Class of 1972 met to determine how best to celebrate their milestone and establish a lasting legacy at LA. They chose to honor Dick Jeffers in his lifetime by establishing an endowment fund to support his passionate work as the curator of the Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center; the school archives. Named in his honor, the Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center is located in the Ansin Academic Building and is home to scores of documents, school ties from generations past, Civil War era letters from LA alumni during the war years, and countless articles curated by Dick and others. All tell the story of how the Academy was founded, now entering its 230th year. The fund will guarantee that Dick’s work, joyfully begun in 1961, will continue with support in perpetuity.

Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center Endowment Fund In recognition of the legendary contributions to Lawrence Academy and its students by beloved teacher, coach, and dorm parent Mr. Jeffers, the Class of 1972 established an endowment fund to support the Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center at LA. Over the past 61 years, Mr. Jeffers has studied the long history of LA and worked to assemble an important archive of documents that records and preserves the almost 230-year history of our school.

The Class of 1972 50th Reunion Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center Endowment Fund Established in 2022 to honor their 50th reunion and Richard Jeffers, teacher, coach, and dorm parent. Income will support and maintain the Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center, the LA school archives, in perpetuity.

To launch the endowment fund campaign, the Class of 1972 50th Reunion ambassadors made leadership pledges totaling $65,000 toward a minimum goal of $100,000 necessary to name the fund. Please consider your own impactful commitment to support the Class of ’72 Endowment Fund and the Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center. Gifts may be pledged over a five-year period or made outright. Gifts of appreciated securities may also be used. For more information about the Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center or how to make a donation to the endowment fund, please contact Jo-Ann Lovejoy at 978-448-1573 or jlovejoy@lacademy.edu.

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 19

Alumni Triple Play Challenge In December 2021 in recognition of the impact of an LA education, an anonymous LA alumnus challenged the entire alumni community. If 750 LA alumni gifts or pledges at least totaling $250,000, were received between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021, the alumnus would give LA $100,000! As a result of the combined efforts of all alumni to reach the ambitious goals of the Alumni Triple Play Challenge, our anonymous donor made his gift of $100,000, supporting LA at the promised level! We are so grateful to this generous alumnus for helping us increase alumni giving. THANK YOU to all alumni who participated in this challenge! Below are a few highlights from the Alumni Triple Play Challenge…

Alumni Classes with the Greatest Participation: 28 gifts/pledges – 1983 • $11,250 raised – 2001

Leadership Alumni Gifts/Pledges: $1,000+ – 49

Alumni Gifts/Pledges Received: 42% to goal – 313

New Alumni Gifts/Pledges (alumni who have not given to LA in 10+ years): 36

Alumni Dollars/Pledges Received: 59% to goal – $148,346

Total Alumni Classes Represented: 69

20 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Go Spartans!

Alumni Triple Play Challenge Donors Anonymous (8) Heather Tobin Abrams ’92 Ms. Kristin Adams Achtmeyer ’02 Mr. Eric A. Adamson ’88 Ms. Jessica J. Aguirre ’14 Mr. Qaasim H. Ahmed ’09 Mrs. M. Nancy Tayebi Aiken ’87 Mr. George Alexakos ’76 Mr. Jonathan H. Alexander ’60 Dr. Carolyn L. Anctil ’83 Mr. Kenneth S. Ansin ’83; P ’03, ’05 Mr. Kristopher S. Ansin ’03 Susan Shields Arcelay ’87 Mr. Craig C. Arnold ’63 Mr. Tyler S. Avery-Miller ’04 Mr. Joseph Axelrod ’69 Mr. Amir J. Bagherzadeh ’06 Ms. Carolyn Balas-Zaleski ’84; P ’17 Heather Tobin Abrams ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Barker III ’00 Ms. Ashley R. Barron ’18 Mr. Drew Barron ’21 S. Devlin Barron ’85 and Susan Barron ’86; P ’14, ’17 Mr. Robert P. Barsamian ’13 Julie A. Bastien ’98 Mrs. Shannon A. Baxevanis ’99 Mr. James D. Berry ’98 Mr. Robert F. Berry ’66 Mr. David A. Betses ’74 Mrs. Melissa A. Blum ’04 Ms. Daniella Bonazzoli ’94 Ms. Jennifer Booker ’77 Mr. Richard C. Boothby ’66 Ms. Lauren K. Borofsky, D.V.M. ’93 Mr. Paal Brandvold and Mrs. Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P ’16, ’17 Ms. Victoria I. Brandvold ’17 Mrs. Ginger Anderson Brennecke ’83 Mr. David D. Brewer ’74 Mr. Scott E. Brewitt ’82 Mr. Charles W. Britton ’81 Ms. Anya C. Brown ’20 The Reverend Jeffrey E. Brown ’65 Mr. Paul M. Buckley ’13 Mr. Steven G. Bull ’70 Mr. Robert L. Bunnen, Jr. ’73 Mr. Jonathan E. Byrd ’79 Ann Rogers Cabot ’85 Mr. Malcolm G. Caldwell III ’80 Mr. Andrew J. Caraganis ’00 William and Laura Carr ’80; P ’05, ’09 Mr. James F. Causey ’73 Mr. Vincent S. Chao ’68 Mr. Mark A. Chase ’75

Mr. Peter J. Chesla ’93 Mr. Timothy H. Childs ’82 Mr. Robert V. Christini ’00 Mr. Michael P. Ciaffone ’83 Mr. Raymond J. Cioci ’63 Mrs. Vickie Coleman ’83 Mr. George B. Colesworthy III ’61 Cyrus D. Comninos, Jr. ’65 Mr. Colin W. Cook ’00 Michael S. Coons ’72 Mr. Charles N. Corey, III and Mrs. Sarah Hallet Corey ’82; P ’17, ’20 Mr. Michael L. Cormack ’82 Mr. Rodney K. Corson ’66 Mr. Frederick B. Coykendall ’69 Mr. Gary S. Cross ’61 Mr. Jebb S. Curelop ’79 Mr. Rocco E. Daigneault ’14 Mr. Ravee V. Davé ’01 Ms. Margaret S. Davey ’16 Mr. Walter B. Davis Jr. ’60 Ms. Sara Dawson ’83 Mr. Jeremiah J. de Michaelis ’63 Mr. Edward J. De Saulnier III ’65 Mr. David L. Delano ’59 Mr. Thomas J. Denney, Jr. ’82 Mr. John S. Desmond ’63 Mr. Richard Dickson ’77 and Penny Dickson ’78 Ms. Kate Dimancescu ’99 Mr. John D. Donnelly, Jr. ’65 Mr. Brendon H. Donoghue ’11 Patrick R. Donoghue ’06 and Kelly Donoghue ’06 Mr. Stuart T. Douglas, Jr. ’71 Dr. Brian Drolet ’01 and Dr. Margaret Maclin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Drolet ’74; P ’01 Mr. William S. Drowne ’64 Ms. Emily M. Duffy Denzer ’16 Mr. Peter T. Dunn ’64 Mr. Raymond J. Dunn IV ’83 Mr. Adam C. Dutton ’18 Mr. Thomas R. Edgar ’59 Mr. Micah O. Ehiorobo ’09 Dr. Edwin T. Engman ’54 Mr. Jack T. Eutsler, Jr. ’70 Mr. Joseph P. Fahey ’84 Mr. Bernard W. Fang ’67 Mrs. Alexandra Gardner Fern ’89 Mr. Thomas T. Firth III ’72 Mr. John F. Foran ’57 Dr. Hilary H. Fordyce ’83 Mr. Robert R. Forsberg, Jr. ’81 Mr. Jeffrey A. Foster ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Foster ’79; P ’10, ’12, ’13, ’16 Mr. Andrew D. Franklin ’68

Mr. John T. Frissora ’96 Mr. Christopher E. Gaffney ’83 Ms. Sandra Sweeney Gallo ’75 Mrs. Nancy Onanian Garrett ’74 Mr. Jason M. Gesing ’92 Mr. Jay S. Gibson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilmore III ’71; P ’08 Mr. Steven R. Goldstein ’83 Mr. David R. Goodman, Jr. ’68 Ms. Taylor E. Goodman-Leong ’17 Mr. Coby M. Goodrich ’16 Mr. Albert B. Gordon, Jr. ’59 Mr. William C. Gordon ’67 Laura M. Graceffa ’83 Mr. Boyd H. Green ’12 Mr. Randall A. Guerra ’71 Ms. Laura M. Gustavson ’02 Mrs. Kaitlin C. Hale ’03 Mrs. Rachel P. Halliday ’98 Mr. Jeffrey W. Hamilton ’67 Susannah Maeder Hammersley ’73 Mr. Dana P. Hardy, Jr. ’67; P ’03 Mrs. Althea Harrington ’92 Mrs. Maria Pantzer Harris ’88 Mr. Douglas L. Hartwell ’05 Mrs. Martha M. Harvey ’84 Mr. Richard M. Harvey ’72 Mr. Matthew B. Haynes ’80 Mr. Frederick W. Hays, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Hazzard ’03 Mr. Nathaniel B. Heilbron ’12 Maggie Joyce Hennes ’05 Mr. Philip F. Hersh ’64 Mr. Frank T. Hirai ’59 Mr. Jeffrey A. Hoch ’73 Larry Holliday ’57 Mr. William S. Hoopes ’79 Mr. William B. Hopkins Jr. ’72 Mr. R. William Horton Jr. ’70 Mr. Craig K. Hunt ’70 Mr. Stephen K. Janes ’86 Mr. Jonathan D. Jodka ’79 Mr. Richard J. Jodka ’61 Mrs. Elizabeth Colvin Johnson ’98 Mr. Sanford Johnson ’83 Dr. Douglas M. Joseph ’64 Mr. James H. Karr III ’85 Maj. Thaddeus J. Keefe III ’63 Mr. John T. Kelley ’10 Robin Kenny ’79 Mr. Robert A. Kertzman ’58 Ms. Helen E. Kiesling ’07 and Mr. Alexander V. Oot ’06 Mr. Matthew Kilfoyle ’04 Mr. Neil D. Klar ’64

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 21

Ms. Sarah M. Klopfer ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Adam ’02 and Mary Kolloff ’04 Denise Korn-Nachmanoff ’83 Mrs. Emily Kress ’04 Ms. Sabrina S. Ladiwala ’20 Mr. Jamas W. LaFreniere ’02 Ms. Victoria B. Lamb ’73; P ’96 Mr. Mark V. LaPorte ’72 Ms. Nell M. Lapres ’09 Victor J. Laushine II ’74 Mr. Gregory S. Lauze ’00 Mr. Jeffrey A. Leahey ’92 Mr. David M. Lee ’08 Mr. Justin T. Lee ’18 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lobsitz ’68; P ’01 Mr. Edward E. Locke ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Locke ’81; P ’17, ’21 Suzanne Schiller Loonie ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lord ’75 Mr. Andrew M. Lybrook II ’71 Mr. James C. MacDonald ’95 Mr. Jeffrey G. Maclaren ’70 Mr. Theodore Madfis ’45 Mr. Alexander W. Magnin ’03 Ms. Ellen D. Makovsky ’94 Mr. Brian A. Maloney ’61 Mr. Charles R. Mancuso ’74 Mr. N. Mark Marr ’75 Dr. Howard D. Martin ’69 Ms. Julie A. Mason ’83 Mr. Paul F. Mason ’60 Ms. Cailey M. Mastrangelo ’15 Mrs. Rosa I. Matos ’09 Cynthia Matthes ’84 Mr. Nicolas M. Mauro ’15 Mr. David B. Mazza ’01 Mrs. Karen McCann McClelland ’88 Mr. Thomas J. McCann ’91 Mr. Mark McConnell ’85 Mr. Page S. McConnell ’82 Mr. Kevin J. McDonald ’70; P ’10 Mr. Bryce E. Stocks ’11 and Mrs. Kara E. McLaughlin Stocks ’10 Mr. Alex O. Mellon ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Darren D. Messina ’83; P ’17 Mr. Les H. Meyer ’63 Mrs. Elizabeth E. Miller ’09 Mr. Andrew J. Milmoe ’03 Mr. Scott E. Minott ’79 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mitchell ’87; P ’17 Mr. Geoffrey H. Mitchell ’98 Mr. Peter T. Monahan ’88 Ms. Elibet A. Moore ’09 Meghan and Bob Moreau ’98 Mr. John Morgan ’80 Sally Sterndale Morse ’72 Mr. Michael J. Muir ’74

Mr. Douglas W. Murphy ’61 Mr. Kenneth Murray ’83 Ms. Kristen J. Naspo ’96 Ms. Brooks N. Neal ’78 Mr. Micheal H. Nodarse ’15 Ms. Clare M. Noone ’14 Mr. Charles V. O’Boyle Jr. ’82 Mrs. Elizabeth A. O’Brien ’02 Mrs. Courtney A. O’Connor ’06 Aran O’Leary ’83 Ann Ciara Olsen ’81 Mr. Robert J. Orchard ’65 Mr. Tack Palmer ’83 Mr. Thomas W. Parker ’78 Mr. Mark R. Peabody ’86 Mr. Charles C. Pearson, Jr. ’57 Lt. Col. Samuel P. Pelham, USMC ’83 Mr. William J. Penney ’73 Mr. Richard G. Perry ’61 Mr. James Petkiewicz ’83 Mr. David C. Pfeiffer ’73 Karen Day Pierce ’80 Mr. James Plummer ’13 Mr. Brian E. Powers ’63 Mr. Harold W. Rafter ’70 Mr. Robert J. Ravich ’58 Mr. Alvin D. Reed ’02 Mr. Brian C. Reed ’78 Michael Reed and Sumner Rollins Reed ’97; P ’23 Mr. Eric K. Reisman ’75 Mr. James R. Reynolds II ’72 Mr. John C. Ricotta ’73 Mr. and Mrs. John and Kara Ritz ’83, ’85 Mr. Anthony A. Rodale ’83 Mr. Douglas P. Rodier ’16 Mr. Benjamin A. Rogers ’02 Mr. Christopher J. Rogers ’83 Ms. Michelle L. Ruby ’98 Mr. Robinson D. Russell ’73 Ms. M. Alexandra Salinas ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. San Clemente ’53; P ’80, ’83; GP ’09 Ms. Margaret A. Santinelli ’14 Mr. Thodden C. Saporetti ’99 Mr. Benjamin S. Savage ’06 Naomi S. Schatz, Ph.D. ’85 Mr. Aaron D. Schleifer ’79 Mr. D. Duncan Schmidt ’75 Witney W. Schneidman ’70 Ms. Lauren A. Schwartz Nash ’83 Mr. Taylor B. Sele ’02 Mr. Gordon W. Sewall ’67 Mr. I. Peter Shaevel ’85 Mr. Robert H. Shiff ’59 Mr. W. Scott Simonton ’72 Amy Stidsen Sinclair ’83 Mrs. Hilary C. Skarbinski ’09

22 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Ms. Katelyn E. Slaney ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Sandra Sloan ’83, ’84 Mr. Michael D. Small ’93 Mr. Bryan L. Smith ’85 Mr. Corey Shepard Smith ’05 Mr. David F. Smith ’65; P ’95 and Ms. Elizabeth Tyson-Smith P ’87, ’91 David M. Smith ’74 Mr. Nathan N. Smith ’86 Mr. Quentin E. J. Smith ’06 Mr. Peter D. Spinney ’61 Mr. Burton T. Spottiswoode ’51 Mr. Walter C. Stanton III ’77 Mr. Steven G. Stein ’83 Mr. Benjamin W. Stone ’15 David and Pam Stone ’76 Mrs. Martha Nikitas Stone ’82 Mr. Jeffrey E. Sullivan ’01 Mr. Gary R. Surprenant ’79 Mrs. Maria Graceffa Taylor ’88 Mr. John Templeton and Mrs. Valerie Campolieto Templeton ’89; P ’16, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Federico Terrazas ’87; P ’17 Mr. George W. Thompson IV ’90 Mr. Eliot R. Tucker ’72 Ms. Sheighla E. Wall ’14 Ms. Elizabeth Ainslie Wallace ’83 Patrick Warner ’80 Mr. Richard Weden ’60 Keith Wentworth ’91 Erika M. Whipple ’88 Mr. Arthur W. White ’48 Mr. Mark White and Mrs. Ruth Glazer White ’76; P ’15 Mr. Eric C. Whitman ’64 Mr. Mark E. Wichtermann ’63 Mr. Donald N. Wiggin ’70 Ms. Elizabeth H. Wildman ’14 Mr. Charles B. Will ’70 Mr. Thomas R. Willits ’70 Mr. Ronald A. Winslow ’43 Mr. E. Malcolm Wolcott Jr. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Woodin Jr. ’78; P ’06 Mr. James H. Wooster ’80 W. Clark Wrye III ’62 Mr. Jonathan S. Wurtele ’95 Mrs. Nazanin Zadel-Cummings ’07 Mr. Ryan Zapolski ’12

Alumni Giving by Class Lawrence Academy relies on its alumni for philanthropic support to advance the mission of the school and provide LA’s current and future students with the resources to experience the best education possible. Alumni serve and help promote the school in many ways – as trustees, Alumni Council members, class agents, ambassadors, Reunion social and giving chairs, Reunion Weekend alumni panelists, and regional event hosts. We are truly grateful for all that our alumni do in support of the school.

Class of 1943 Class Participation: 33% Mr. Ronald A. Winslow

Class of 1945 Class Participation: 66% Mr. Theodore Madfis Mr. Peregrine White

Class of 1948

Class of 1954 Class Participation: 9% Dr. Edwin T. Engman Mr. Arthur G. Whittemore, Jr.

Class of 1955 Class Participation: 5% Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Glaser P ’85, ’86; GP ’21

Class of 1956 Class Participation: 20% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,000 Gifts to Other Funds: $1,260 Mr. John J. Beades, Jr. Dr. Paul R. Graves Mr. Richard T. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson Mr. Robert W. Tobin Mr. Athas H. Tsigas Mr. Paul R.D. Wennik

Class of 1957

Mr. Joseph R. Motta Mr. Theodore T. Packard Mr. Robert H. Shiff

Class of 1960 Class Participation: 25% Gifts to the LA Fund: $3,785 Gifts to Other Funds: $100 Mr. Jonathan H. Alexander Mr. Wendell H. Berry, Jr. Mr. Walter B. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Dunn P ’96, ’90 Mr. James E. Gurry Mr. Paul F. Mason Mr. John J. McDonald Mr. Thomas J. Murphy Mr. Robert W. Pruyn Mr. Richard Weden

Class of 1961 Class Participation: 19% Gifts to the LA Fund: $15,800 Gifts to Other Funds: $10,500

Mr. J. Edward Eliades Mr. John F. Foran Larry Holliday Mr. Charles C. Pearson, Jr. Mr. Warren H. Reich Mr. James H. Reichert, Sr. P ’90

Mr. George B. Colesworthy III Mr. Gary S. Cross Mr. Richard J. Jodka Mr. George E. Lockwood Mr. Brian A. Maloney Mr. Douglas W. Murphy Mr. Richard G. Perry Mr. A. Wayne Roberts Mr. Peter D. Spinney

Class Participation: 13%

Class of 1958

Class of 1962

Mr. Robert D. Fanger Mr. Burton T. Spottiswoode

Class Participation: 17% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,675

Class Participation: 13% Gifts to the LA Fund: $525

Mr. Robert A. Kertzman Mr. David W. Luce Mr. Robert J. Ravich Mr. Robert S. Soltz Mr. Lee E. Sproul, Jr.

Anonymous Mr. Kenneth F. MacAuley P ’87, ’88, ’91 Mr. Griffith S. Mark, Jr. W. Clark Wrye III

Class of 1959

Class Participation: 31% Gifts to the LA Fund: $5,850

Class Participation: 17% Mr. Arthur W. White

Class of 1950 Class Participation: 5% Dr. Sumner Stone

Class of 1951

Class of 1952 Class Participation: 7% Dr. D. Reid Wiseman

Class of 1953 Class Participation: 18% Gifts to the LA Fund: $3,400 Mr. John D. Ferguson, Sr. Mr. Robert T. Grey, Jr. Mr. Leland F. Ross, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. San Clemente P ’80, ’83; GP ’09

Class Participation: 27% Gifts to the LA Fund: $4,750

Class Participation: 22% Gifts to the LA Fund: $4,800 Mr. Laurence C. Appleton Mr. David L. Delano Mr. Thomas R. Edgar Mr. Albert B. Gordon, Jr. Mr. Frank T. Hirai Mr. Harris G. LeRoy II Mr. Alan L. Marden

Class of 1963 Mr. Craig C. Arnold Mr. James P. Bartlett Mr. Raymond J. Cioci Mr. Jeremiah J. de Michaelis Mr. John S. Desmond Mr. Stuart W. Graham Mr. John M. Gray III Maj. Thaddeus J. Keefe III

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 23

The Elm Tree Challenge The Elm Tree Challenge was created as a way to inspire all non-reunion classes and to create some fun and friendly competition among the decades. The class that donated the greatest amount to the LA Fund within the fiscal year received the Elm Tree Cup, with their class year engraved. Thank you to all alumni who participated!

Elm Tree Challenge Final Results Congratulations to the Class of 1966 who raised $126,078 to the LA Fund and won this year’s Elm Tree Cup!

Total LA Fund Dollars Raised - FY’22

$140,000 – $126,078

$120,000 – $100,000 –


$80,000 –


$60,000 – $40,302

$40,000 – $20,000 –


$0 – LA Class Year

Mr. Les H. Meyer Barry W. Pearson Mr. Brian E. Powers Mr. Mark E. Wichtermann

Class of 1964 Class Participation: 22% Gifts to the LA Fund: $9,425 Gifts to Other Funds: $2,000 Mr. Charles W. Cramb, Jr. Mr. William S. Drowne Mr. Peter T. Dunn Dr. Edward Harding II Mr. Philip F. Hersh Mr. Paul N. Husted Dr. Douglas M. Joseph Mr. Neil D. Klar Mr. Stuart W. Stevens, Jr. Mr. Eric C. Whitman Mr. E. Malcolm Wolcott, Jr.

Class of 1965


Mr. Edward J. De Saulnier III Mr. John D. Donnelly Jr. Mr. Timothy J. Kittredge III Mr. Oliver A. Manice Mr. Robert J. Orchard Mr. David F. Smith P ’95 and Ms. Elizabeth Tyson-Smith P ’87, ’91

Class of 1966 Class Participation: 19% Gifts to the LA Fund: $126,078 Mr. Robert F. Berry Mr. Richard C. Boothby Mr. Rodney K. Corson Mr. Peter W. MacInnis Mr. Jeffrey G. Power Mr. Andrew G. Schofield, Jr. Mr. Kenneth C. Trian Mr. Vincent C. Webb, Jr.

Class of 1967

Class Participation: 13% Gifts to the LA Fund: $4,273

Class Participation: 18% Gifts to the LA Fund: $16,820 Gifts to Other Funds: $3,000

Rev. Jeffrey E. Brown Cyrus D. Comninos, Jr.

Mr. Steven L. Bianchi Mr. John S. Chiungos

24 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022





William R. Coady Mr. Bernard W. Fang Mr. William C. Gordon Mr. Jeffrey W. Hamilton Mr. Dana P. Hardy, Jr. P ’03 Mr. Peter M. Roth Mr. Gordon W. Sewall Mr. Charles G. Smigelski, Jr.

Class of 1968 Class Participation: 19% Gifts to the LA Fund: $13,161 Gifts to Other Funds: $25 Mr. John A. Burke III Mr. Vincent S. Chao Mr. Andrew D. Franklin Mr. Jay S. Gibson Mr. David R. Goodman, Jr. Mr. Thomas R. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lobsitz P ’01 Mr. Robert M. Nevil Mr. Hilton Preble Mr. David W. Richardson

Class of 1969

Class of 1972

Class Participation: 14% Gifts to the LA Fund: $4,838

Class Participation: 32% Gifts to the LA Fund: $8,325 Gifts to Other Funds: $68,073

Mr. Joseph Axelrod Mr. Sherman C. Bedford, Jr. Mr. Frederick B. Coykendall Mr. Jeffrey A. Foster Mr. Christopher R. Harding Mr. William B. Harvey Mr. Robert W. Loring Dr. Howard D. Martin

Class of 1970 Class Participation: 65% Gifts to the LA Fund: $91,028 Gifts to Other Funds: $30,309 Mr. George R. Aelion Mr. Anthony M. Andresen Mr. Stephen B. Barlow Mr. Gayton C. Bartlett Mr. Alan S. Bernstein Mr. Andrew P. Black Mr. Steven G. Bull Mr. Louis Brendan Curran Mr. Jack T. Eutsler, Jr. Mr. William H. Fender Mr. John R. Fernley Mr. Stephen A. Heard Mr. Thomas J. Hegarty Mr. R. William Horton, Jr. Mr. Craig K. Hunt Mr. Robert L. Kimball Mr. John E. Levine Mr. Jeffrey G. Maclaren Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. MacNeil P ’04 Raymond J. McConnie-Zapater Mr. Kevin J. McDonald P ’10 Mr. Harold W. Rafter Mr. H. Sandy Russell Witney W. Schneidman Mr. William Joseph Stafford Mr. Carl O. Sussenberger Mr. Denison W. Tucker Mr. Donald N. Wiggin Mr. Charles B. Will Mr. Thomas R. Willits

Class of 1971 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $4,000 Mr. Stuart T. Douglas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilmore III P ’08 Mr. Randall A. Guerra Mr. Andrew M. Lybrook II Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Penkoff P ’06, ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Anton P ’06 Mr. Howard Bronson Mr. Robert L. Collins Michael S. Coons Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Cronin P ’04 Mr. Thomas T. Firth III Mr. Richard M. Harvey Mr. William B. Hopkins, Jr. Mr. Allan T. Kamin Mr. Mark V. LaPorte Mr. Michael T. McCartin Sally Sterndale Morse Dr. Richard C. Peet Mr. James R. Reynolds II Mr. W. Scott Simonton Mr. Reginald L. Sledge Mr. Edmund C. Szylvian Mr. Eliot R. Tucker Marnie Livingston Vanderpoel Mr. Everett F. Warner, Jr. Mr. John B. Whittemore

Class of 1973 Class Participation: 12% Gifts to the LA Fund: $6,150 Gifts to Other Funds: $5,000 Mr. Robert L. Bunnen, Jr. Mr. James F. Causey Susannah Maeder Hammersley Mr. Jeffrey A. Hoch Ms. Victoria B. Lamb P ’96 Ms. Margaret M. LaVigne Mr. Peter David Onanian Mr. William J. Penney Mr. David C. Pfeiffer Mr. John C. Ricotta Mr. Robinson D. Russell Mr. David C. Woodin

Class of 1974 Class Participation: 14% Gifts to the LA Fund: $15,602 Gifts to Other Funds: $6,250 Mr. David A. Betses Mr. David D. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Drolet P ’01 Mrs. Nancy Onanian Garrett Ms. Melissa Gray Mr. Richard A. Johnson Victor J. Laushine II Mr. Charles R. Mancuso

Ms. Kathryn A. Maynes Mr. Michael J. Muir David M. Smith Karen Stone and David Schulz

Class of 1975 Class Participation: 15% Gifts to the LA Fund: $6,095 Gifts to Other Funds: $675 Anonymous Mrs. Carol Bolger-Esposito Ms. Barbara Anderson Brammer P ’06 Mr. Mark A. Chase Ms. Sandra Sweeney Gallo Mr. Scott H. Glazer Col. Stephan J. Laushine USAF (Ret) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lord Mr. John M. Madigan Mr. N. Mark Marr Maj. Keith Pekkala Mr. Eric K. Reisman Mr. D. Duncan Schmidt

Class of 1976 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $72,300 Mrs. Lucy Crocker Abisalih Mr. George Alexakos Cynthia Bertozzi Turco Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Ph.D. David and Pam Stone Mr. Mark White and Mrs. Ruth Glazer White P ’15

Class of 1977 Class Participation: 6% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,950 Ms. Jennifer Booker Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dickson P ’03, ’08 Mr. Stephen McCabe Mr. Thomas A. Sciolla Mr. Walter C. Stanton III

Class of 1978 Class Participation: 11% Gifts to the LA Fund: $16,694 Despina Koules Anton Ms. Gretchen Kaye Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dickson Ms. Brooks N. Neal Mr. Thomas W. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Phelps P ’13 Mr. Brian C. Reed Mr. Paul L. Wheatley Mrs. Laura A. Whittall-Scherfee Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Woodin, Jr. P ’06

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 25

Why I Give When I arrived at LA in 1977, I was a textbook underachiever. I needed the structure and encouragement that LA offered. By the time I left, I was on the honor roll, had been elected a dorm proctor, and had gained self-respect. The dedication of the teachers at LA was extraordinary. As a junior, I struggled with chemistry. Many nights, I walked over to Sheedy Hall, where chemistry teacher Nick Sampsidis was dorm parent, for help. He was always patient and available. The diversity of the LA community in the 1970s was remarkable. Long before an era where numbing, empty “branding” of diversity, inclusion, and equity became the norm, LA was doing it. Students were from around the country and the world, and we were one community. LA provided a tremendous opportunity to realize potential and be part of a diverse community. That is why I choose to support Lawrence Academy.

Class of 1979

Class of 1981

Class Participation: 15% Gifts to the LA Fund: $40,302 Gifts to Other Funds: $12,500

Class Participation: 10% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,875

Mr. Jonathan E. Byrd Mrs. Laura S. Cawley Mr. G. Randall Chamberlain Mr. Jebb S. Curelop Dr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Foster P ’10, ’12, ’13, ’16 Mr. William S. Hoopes Mr. Jonathan D. Jodka Robin Kenny Mr. Dana D. Messina Mr. Scott E. Minott Mr. Aaron D. Schleifer Mr. Gary R. Surprenant

Class of 1980 Class Participation: 11% Gifts to the LA Fund: $3,550 Gifts to Other Funds: $1,500 Catherine A. Byerly P ’99 Mr. Malcolm G. Caldwell III William and Laura Carr P ’05, ’09 Mr. Matthew B. Haynes Mr. John Morgan Karen Day Pierce Mr. David San Clemente P ’09 Mr. Robert D. Sciolla Patrick Warner Mr. James H. Wooster

Mr. Rahoul M. Bhagat Mr. Charles W. Britton Mr. Robert R. Forsberg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Locke P ’17, ’21 Ann Ciara Olsen Mrs. Karen Roussell Pregnall Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ryder P ’12 Cindy Chamberlain Smith Suki Hamburger van Dijk

Class of 1982 Class Participation: 28% Gifts to the LA Fund: $31,959 Mr. and Mrs. Paal and Karen Brandvold P ’16, ’17 Mr. Scott E. Brewitt Maggie Brickley Mr. Timothy H. Byk Mr. Timothy H. Childs Ms. Maureen A. Coleman Mr. Charles N. Corey III and Mrs. Sarah Hallet Corey P ’17, ’20 Mr. Michael L. Cormack Mrs. Katie Ponty Cutler Ms. Judi Martin Cyr Mr. Thomas J. Denney, Jr. Ms. Christie L. Hager Mrs. D. Rebecca Marriott Hanna Mr. Bradford Hobbs and Mrs. Andrea Fant-Hobbs Mr. Page S. McConnell Mr. Charles V. O’Boyle, Jr.

26 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Jebb Curelop ’79

Paige Johnson Roth Ms. M. Alexandra Salinas Mr. and Mrs. Harrelson M. Stanley Mrs. Martha Nikitas Stone Mr. J. Peter Titsworth Betsy Wieland Veidenheimer Mr. Charles C. Warren Mr. Frederick W. Williams Mr. Steven H. Zolondick

Class of 1983 Class Participation: 39% Gifts to the LA Fund: $14,685 Gifts to Other Funds: $11,000 Ms. M. Darsie Alexander Dr. Carolyn L. Anctil Mr. Kenneth S. Ansin P ’03, ’05 Mr. Gregory N. Boro Mrs. Ginger Anderson Brennecke Mr. Michael P. Ciaffone Mrs. Vickie Coleman Ms. Sara Dawson Mr. Raymond J. Dunn IV Mr. Timothy N. Ely Dr. Hilary H. Fordyce Dara Frigoletto Mr. Christopher E. Gaffney Mr. Steven R. Goldstein Laura M. Graceffa Courtney Cox Harrison Mr. Sanford Johnson Denise Korn-Nachmanoff Ms. Julie A. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Darren D. Messina P ’17 Mr. Kenneth Murray

Aran O’Leary Mr. Tack Palmer Lt. Col. Samuel P. Pelham, USMC Mr. James Petkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ritz Mr. Anthony A. Rodale Mr. Christopher J. Rogers Mr. Mark A. Sage Ms. Lauren A. Schwartz Nash Amy Stidsen Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Sloan Mr. Steven G. Stein Ms. Elizabeth Ainslie Wallace

The 2022 Reunion Challenge The Annual Reunion Challenge (this year for classes ending in 2 or 7) is a way to inspire all reunion-year classes and to create some fun and friendly competition among the decades. The Reunion Challenge is broken up into five different challenges. Below are the winners from this year. Thank you to all alumni in classes ending in 2 or 7 who participated!

Class of 1984 Class Participation: 10% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,372 Gifts to Other Funds: $250 Ms. Carolyn Balas-Zaleski P ’17 Mr. Frank R. DiLorenzo Ms. Leslie Remark Edquist Mr. Joseph P. Fahey Mrs. Martha M. Harvey Mr. Frederick W. Hays, Jr. Cynthia Matthes Mr. Philip Steven Monahan Ms. Victoria Reynolds, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Sloan

Congratulations to the LA Class of 1982, celebrating their 40th, who won this year’s Reunion Giving Cup!

Class of 1985 Class Participation: 13% Gifts to the LA Fund: $13,340 Gifts to Other Funds: $15,000 Mr. Kevin A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. S. Devlin Barron P ’14, ’17 Mr. Ronald F. Beran, Jr. Ann Rogers Cabot Ms. Tracey Cochran Hutchinson Mr. Martin D. Dunn Mr. James H. Karr III Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Madigan P ’15, ’19, ’22 Mr. Mark McConnell Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ritz Naomi S. Schatz, Ph.D. Mr. I. Peter Shaevel Mr. Bryan L. Smith

Class of 1986 Class Participation: 9% Gifts to the LA Fund: $6,432 Gifts to Other Funds: $10,000 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. S. Devlin Barron P ’14, ’17 Mr. Peter H. Dunn Mr. Stephen K. Janes Ms. Rebecca J. Keller Mr. Mark R. Peabody Mr. Nathan N. Smith Mr. Thomas L. Vorisek Mr. Todd C. Wheelden

Challenge #1 (Reunion Giving Cup) – the largest amount of total LA Fund dollars raised by a reunion class 1982 – $27,423 • 1967 – $13,770 Challenge #2 – number of leadership gifts (all funds) 1972 – 8 donors • 1982 – 6 donors Challenge #3 – greatest number of individual donors in a reunion class 1982 – 24 donors • 1987 – 18 donors Challenge #4 – highest percentage of first-time donors or lapsed donors to LA in a reunion class 1957 – 13.6% • 1972 – 10.6% Challenge #5 – largest number of unique class notes for FY’22 submitted for the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Academy Journals 1972 – 6 notes • 2002 and 1987 – 3 notes each

Class of 1987 Class Participation: 22% Gifts to the LA Fund: $8,535 Gifts to Other Funds: $6,050 Anonymous Mrs. M. Nancy Tayebi Aiken Susan Shields Arcelay Mrs. Heather Shaff Beaver Mr. Peter A. Bell

Ms. Bridget K. Burke Mr. Michael W. Desmarais Mrs. Ketrina Knuff Dunagan Chrysa B. Dunser, D.V.M. and Mr. Alex Dunser Mrs. Mary Phillips Gilbert Ms. Nancy Hamilton Dene Hofheinz Lee Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mitchell P ’17 Mr. Kevin J. Quilty Mr. John C. Remark Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 27

Why I Give My brother Andy attended Lawrence Academy, Class of ’88. It was in his high school years that he began to grow into his social, jovial personality with the smile that everyone around him would love. He found his lifelong passion for travel through the Winterim program. He especially enjoyed his trip to Hawaii. He would go on to return to Hawaii again and again over the years – for vacation, to golf, and on the Presidential Award trips he won over and over as the best salesman in his various divisions. Even when in Boston, he often sought out Hawaiian culture – I recall his patronage of the fine jeweler Na Hoku when it was time to buy gifts for family. It was for these reasons that it was obvious, when Andy died in 2014, that we chose to endow a Winterim scholarship in his name, so that others could enjoy and learn in the way that he did. Jocelyn Riseberg Scheirer Sister of Andrew Riseberg ’88

Class of 1989 Class Participation: 6% Gifts to the LA Fund: $2,800 Mr. Stephen D. Brook Mrs. Alexandra Gardner Fern Ms. Danielle M. Germain Mr. Scott S. Jones Ms. Amy E. McCuin Mrs. Valerie Campolieto Templeton P ’16, ’19

Class of 1990 Class Participation: 4% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,100 Gifts to Other Funds: $10,000 Ms. Margaret M. Dunn Ms. Danica C. Holley Mr. George W. Thompson IV Mrs. Nicole Drepanos Walters

Class of 1991 Class Participation: 4% Gifts to the LA Fund: $16,400 Gifts to Other Funds: $15,625 Mr. Patrick C. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Shayne P. Dacko Mr. Thomas J. McCann Keith Wentworth

Class of 1992 Class Participation: 11% Gifts to the LA Fund: $2,741

Jocelyn Scheirer and Andy Riseberg ’88

Heather Tobin Abrams Mrs. Christina M. Blake Mr. Matthew W. Boger Mrs. Bonnie L. Donohue Mr. Jason M. Gesing Mrs. Althea Harrington Mr. Jeffrey A. Leahey Robert M. Moran and Jessica Rowse Moran P ’24 Jason R. Rakip

Class of 1993 Mr. William P. Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Sheehan P ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Federico Terrazas P ’17 Mr. Richard D. Tyson, Jr.

Class of 1988 Class Participation: 18% Gifts to the LA Fund: $16,540 Mr. Eric A. Adamson Mrs. Marianne Crescenzi Balfour Ms. Sharyce T. Gundy Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hager III P ’16 Mrs. Maria Pantzer Harris

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Honey Mr. Vincent A. Hrasky Mrs. Persis B. Levy Suzanne Schiller Loonie Mrs. Karen McCann McClelland Mr. Peter T. Monahan Mrs. Krista Stuart Snow Mrs. Maria Graceffa Taylor Erika M. Whipple Mr. Jonathan C. Wolfe Mr. Stephen P. Wooding

28 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,300 Ms. Lauren K. Borofsky, D.V.M. Mr. Peter J. Chesla Mr. Jeffrey T. Henry Douglas K. Poulin, Esq. Mr. Michael D. Small Karen B. Stickler Mrs. Sarah Britt Ulich Ms. Maren E. Widhofer

Why I Give

Class of 1994 Class Participation: 5% Gifts to the LA Fund: $16,700 Gifts to Other Funds: $125 Ms. Daniella Bonazzoli Mr. Lucas C. Cisna Mr. Kiyohiko Hirose P ’22 Ms. Ellen D. Makovsky

Class of 1995 Class Participation: 8% Gifts to the LA Fund: $3,750 Mr. Christopher J. Floyd Ms. Elizabeth J. Frissora Mrs. Kelley K. Henry-Kresser Mr. James C. MacDonald Valerie E. Nygren John and Kristen Pierce Ms. Joanne L. Venable Mr. Jonathan S. Wurtele

Class of 1996 Class Participation: 5% Gifts to the LA Fund: $2,050 Gifts to Other Funds: $5,100 Mr. John T. Frissora Joshua and Stephanie Hahn Mr. David M. McCuin Ms. Kristen J. Naspo Mrs. Kelley Duggan Sorrow

Class of 1997 Class Participation: 17% Gifts to the LA Fund: $3,615 Gifts to Other Funds: $25 Mr. Robert Achtmeyer Daniel Beauchemin Mrs. Laura Cataldo Beckler Mrs. Elena C. Beleno Carney and Mrs. Karina Beleno Carney Mr. John S. Boger Tracey J. Castiglione Ms. Erin F. Cozens Mr. Konstantinos Dafoulas Mrs. Lindsey K. Dempsey Mrs. Victoria A. Hanna Mr. Myles M. Kane Mr. Robert I. Kaplan Mrs. Rebecca Lincoln Dr. Teresa Mandl Catherine E. McMenamin Mr. Alex O. Mellon Ms. Arica B. Ostreicher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reed P ’23 Ms. Marissa H. Stefanik

Lawrence Academy not only set me up with a foundation for how to think, operate, and work, but it pushed me to realize that you can be multidimensional. At Lawrence, you can be both an artist and an athlete. You can excel on the field and in the classroom. You are expected to, and you are supported in doing so. Those expectations develop trust and a community that is rare. I can call faculty and fellow alumni to ask for favors, and they can ask them of me. It’s only natural to hope that others gain from the experience Lawrence Academy offers.

Class of 1998 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,755 Julie A. Bastien Mr. James D. Berry Mr. Douglas A. Birkey Mrs. Rachel P. Halliday Mrs. Elizabeth Colvin Johnson Mr. Geoffrey H. Mitchell Meghan and Bob Moreau Ms. Michelle L. Ruby

Class of 1999 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $2,250 Mrs. Shannon A. Baxevanis Ms. Kate Dimancescu Colin R. Edwards Ms. Jessica A. Knapp Ms. Michelle A. McAteer Mr. Thodden C. Saporetti Mr. Marius W. Starcke Mr. Deonefe Vizen and Mrs. Kathleen M. Vizen

Class of 2000 Class Participation: 14% Gifts to the LA Fund: $11,525 Mrs. Jaclyn R. Addorio Mr. Joseph F. Agnelli III Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Barker III Mr. Andrew J. Caraganis Mrs. Elisabeth J. Carroll and Mr. William T. Carroll, Jr. Mr. Robert V. Christini Mr. Colin W. Cook

Jessica Knapp ’99

Mrs. Erica L. Favorito Mr. Matthew A. Kazlauskas Mr. Gregory S. Lauze Mr. Christopher E. Milmoe Ms. Abigail L. Myette

Class of 2001 Class Participation: 13% Gifts to the LA Fund: $17,121 Mr. Ravee V. Dav’e Dr. Brian Drolet and Dr. Margaret Maclin Mr. Jonathan S. Gilboy Mrs. Myriah H. Kulin Mr. Richard G. LaBelle Mr. David B. Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Brendan C. McGuire Ms. Kristen A. Salvaggio Mr. P. Andrew Sjogren Mr. Jeffrey E. Sullivan Dr. Allison M. Wasserman

Class of 2002 Class Participation: 18% Gifts to the LA Fund: $10,202 Gifts to Other Funds: $75 Ms. Kristin Adams Achtmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Finch Mrs. Nina G. Fish Ms. Laura M. Gustavson Ms. Sarah M. Klopfer Mr. and Mrs. Adam R. Kolloff Mr. Jamas W. LaFreniere Mrs. Stefanie L. Marcoux Mrs. Elizabeth A. O’Brien Mrs. Abigail Redmond Mr. Alvin D. Reed

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 29

Why I Give Lawrence Academy was another home for me and my family throughout our time there. LA immediately made me feel welcome when I stepped onto campus. I grew academically and socially through the help and support of many teachers and a group of friends who are truly a part of my family. I want Lawrence Academy to be able to continue providing that supportive environment for others, so I continue to give each year.

Mr. Rayden Sorock Mr. Judd F. Vear

Class of 2005 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $705 Ms. Veronica C. Barila Ms. Elana Cogliano Mr. Douglas L. Hartwell Maggie Joyce Hennes Mr. Christopher N. Leon Ms. Marlaina Luciano Mr. John P. Nolin Mr. Corey Shepard Smith

Class of 2006 Class Participation: 12% Gifts to the LA Fund: $5,381 Mrs. Pamela Amusa Mr. Amir J. Bagherzadeh Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Donoghue Mr. George M. Lovejoy IV Mrs. Courtney A. O’Connor Mr. Alexander V. Oot and Ms. Helen E. Kiesling Mr. Daniel Roop Mr. Benjamin S. Savage Mr. Quentin E. J. Smith Mrs. Hilary M. Sturgis Mrs. Elizabeth A. Withers L-R: Chris Muscatello ’06, Meade Atkeson, Shannon (Muscatello) Atkeson ’09, Mike Muscatello, Eileen Muscatello, and Michael Muscatello ’05

Shannon Muscatello Atkeson ’09

Mr. Benjamin A. Rogers Mr. Taylor B. Sele Mr. Kevin C. Thomson Mrs. Kari B. Wade Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Weaver

Class of 2003 Class Participation: 13% Gifts to the LA Fund: $2,020 Mr. Kristopher S. Ansin Mr. David M. Berwind Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Finch Mrs. Eliza Goehry Mrs. Kaitlin C. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Hazzard Mrs. Katherine S. Hernandez Mr. Alexander W. Magnin

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan and Ann McGuire Mr. Andrew J. Milmoe Mr. Christopher T. Reilly

Class of 2004 Class Participation: 11% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,685 Mr. Tyler S. Avery-Miller Ms. Victoria L. Bennett Mrs. Melissa A. Blum Mrs. Jenna L. Friedman Mr. Kenneth M. Kaufmann Mr. Matthew Kilfoyle Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kolloff Mrs. Emily Kress Mrs. Grace M. Lee Mr. Ryan B. Siegrist

30 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Class of 2007 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $420 Mr. Stuart R. Davis Mr. George D. Eng Mr. Drew S. Gallagher Mr. Alexander R. Ingraham and Ms. Katrina J. Glaude Ms. Helen E. Kiesling and Mr. Alexander V. Oot Mrs. Nazanin Zadel-Cummings

Class of 2008 Class Participation: 9% Gifts to the LA Fund: $445 Ms. Kelly E. Cleary Mrs. Kathryn S. Coster Mr. Peter D. Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Howell Jr. Mr. David M. Lee Mr. Spencer R. Lovejoy Mr. Miguel Angel Rondon Segura

Why I Give

Class of 2009 Class Participation: 20% Gifts to the LA Fund: $3,286 Gifts to Other Funds: $50 Anonymous Mr. Qaasim H. Ahmed Mrs. Shannon T. Atkeson Ms. Nicole E. Bartlett Ms. Lillian N. Beck Mr. Timothy G. Caron Mr. Tyler R. Davis Mr. Micah O. Ehiorobo Mr. Logan C. Gillis and Mrs. Sara Davey Gillis Mrs. Sarah E. Hopkins Ms. Andrea A. Kimbrell Ms. Nell M. Lapres Ms. Kathryn A. Majike Mrs. Rosa I. Matos Mrs. Kathleen E. Joumas Mavrogiannis Mrs. Elizabeth E. Miller Ms. Elibet A. Moore Ms. Melissa N. Puleo Mrs. Hilary C. Skarbinski Mr. Nicholas P. Slaney

Class of 2010 Class Participation: 8% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,900 Ms. Katherine C. Boudreau Ms. Angelica C. Bishop Mr. Logan Gillis and Mrs. Sara Davey Gillis Ms. Frances Hamilton Mr. John T. Kelley Ms. Jordan G. Lovejoy Mr. Grady A. McDonald Mr. Bryce E. Stocks and Mrs. Kara E. McLaughlin Stocks

Class of 2011 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $618 Gifts to Other Funds: Mr. Matthew S. Boone Mr. David J. Burke Mr. Brendon H. Donoghue Ms. Emily A. Field Ms. Allyson M. Slaney Mr. Bryce E. Stocks and Mrs. Kara E. McLaughlin Stocks

Class of 2012 Class Participation: 7% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,095 Ms. Emily A. Bovenzi Mrs. Hailey Burnham Mr. Boyd H. Green

As a student that relied on financial assistance to attend LA, I give back to the scholarship fund so that I can help current students in need. The education I received at LA prepared me for college and beyond. From what I see and hear from people on campus, the power of an LA education has only been enhanced since I graduated in 2012. Since I grew up as a “faculty brat,” LA has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I look forward to seeing the school thrive for years to come.

Mr. Nathaniel B. Heilbron Ms. Julia C. Tesoro Ms. Alexandra G. Vassilakos Mr. Ryan Zapolski

Class of 2013 Class Participation: 13% Gifts to the LA Fund: $3,161 Mr. Robert P. Barsamian Mr. Christopher P. Bernhardt Ms. McKayla J. Blanch Ms. Inez R. Bouzon Mr. Paul M. Buckley Ms. Sarah E. Carlson Ms. Madeline S. Groves Ms. Victoria J. Hanson Ms. Katherine M. Jones Ms. Meghan T. Joumas Ms. Katherine F. Melvin Mr. James Plummer Ms. Jillian C. Thero

Class of 2014 Class Participation: 8% Gifts to the LA Fund: $703 Ms. Jessica J. Aguirre Mr. Andrew V. Crane Mr. Rocco E. Daigneault Ms. Clare M. Noone Ms. Margaret A. Santinelli Mr. Nathaniel D. Sintros Ms. Katelyn E. Slaney Ms. Sheighla E. Wall Ms. Elizabeth H. Wildman

Ryan Zapolski ’12

Class of 2015 Class Participation: 8% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,840 Mr. Evan J. Dahl Mr. Timothy R. Joumas Ms. Cailey M. Mastrangelo Mr. Nicolas M. Mauro Mr. Connor J. Melvin Mr. Micheal H. Nodarse Mr. Benjamin W. Stone Mr. John T. Wei

Class of 2016 Class Participation: 10% Gifts to the LA Fund: $2,045 Anonymous (2) Ms. Paige G. Beede Ms. Margaret S. Davey Ms. Emily M. Duffy Denzer Mr. James C. Finneral Ms. Kyla A. Floresca Mr. Joshua D. Garber Mr. Coby M. Goodrich Mr. Demitri Jackson Mr. Douglas P. Rodier

Class of 2017 Class Participation: 11% Gifts to the LA Fund: $525 Anonymous Ms. Victoria I. Brandvold Mr. Timothy A. Burke

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 31

Mr. Charles N. Corey IV Ms. Sera M. Goldman Ms. Taylor E. Goodman-Leong Ms. Grace M. Killian Mr. Edward E. Locke Mr. Nicholas L. Messina Mr. William C. Murphy Mr. Federico Terrazas

Class of 2018 Class Participation: 13% Gifts to the LA Fund: $1,658 Anonymous Mr. Nathaniel S. Althoff Ms. Ashley R. Barron Mr. Jakob W. Beck Mr. Harrison J. Bernhardt Mr. Adam C. Dutton Ms. Grace E. Harlan Mr. Liam P. Healy Ms. Victoria G. Hodgkinson

Mr. Justin T. Lee Mr. Donald J. Long II Mr. Anthony J. Mastrangelo

Class of 2019 Class Participation: 5% Gifts to the LA Fund: $430 Mr. Ethan C. Bastien Ms. Jamie L. Comeau Ms. Grace E. Finneral Ms. Abigail M. Kroll Ms. Kerri L. Murphy Mr. Michael Templeton

Class of 2020 Class Participation: 3% Anonymous Ms. Anya C. Brown Ms. Sabrina S. Ladiwala

Class of 2021 Class Participation: 5% Gifts to the LA Fund: $740 Mr. Drew Barron Ms. Katerina Beck Ms. Ava Goldman Mr. Brendan C. Locke Ms. Isabella Sepulveda

Class of 2022 Class Participation: 4% Gifts to the LA Fund: $41 Mr. Matteas A. Berg Mr. Aidan Berger Mr. Charles Groome Ms. Molly Madigan Ms. Meaghan Sheehan

Current Students Mr. Kinh H. Kieu ’24 Ms. Sophia L. Widmayer ’25

Honorary and Former Trustee Giving Our former and honorary trustees have already made a major investment at Lawrence Academy through the gifts of their time, dedication, and support. We applaud and appreciate their continued philanthropy.

Mr. Jonathan D. Jodka ’79 Ms. Victoria B. Lamb ’73; P ’96 Mr. Daniel Lemaitre P ’99 Mr. Dana D. Messina ’79 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson ’56

Mr. Albert Stone P ’74, ’76; GP ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Mark White ’76; P ’15 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 *new Honorary trustee

Mrs. Lucy Crocker Abisalih ’76* Mr. Kevin A. Anderson ’85 Mr. Craig C. Arnold ’63 Mr. Joseph Axelrod ’69 Ms. Barbara Anderson Brammer ’75; P ’06 Mr. George A. Chamberlain III and Mrs. Judith F. Chamberlain P ’79, ’81 Mr. John S. Chiungos ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey P. Clear P ’98, ’01 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coke, Jr. ’74 James and Ann Conway P ’98, ’01, ’03 Mr. Patrick C. Cunningham ’91 Ms. Judi Martin Cyr ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Mr. John S. Desmond ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Floyd P ’95, ’97, ’01 Greg and Pati Foster Mr. Albert B. Gordon, Jr. ’59 Mr. Stuart W. Graham ’63 Elizabeth and Phill Gross P ’15, ’16 Mr. Jeffrey A. Hoch ’73 Mr. Richard R. Husk P ’99, ’01 Lucy Abisalih ’76 being honored as our newest and first female honorary trustee

32 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Current Parent Giving by Class Class of 2022 Overall Participation: 70% Gifts to the LA Fund: $176,698 Gifts to Other Funds: $166,503 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Zahi Abuhamdeh Mr. and Mrs. James Agabedis Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aiena Ms. Jane E. Alpers Mr. John Anastasi and Ms. Lisa Witham Mr. and Mrs. Michael Auble Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bazemore Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beauvais Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Begonia Dr. and Mrs. Eric Berg Mr. Matthew Berger and Ms. Deirdre Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Bilsbury Mr. Charles E. Bois and Mrs. Melissa DeMarco Bois Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bowe Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Brown

“It was an easy decision for us to support Lawrence Academy’s 2022 Senior Parent Gift. LA has supported and challenged our son during his four years at Lawrence. The personal growth he has shown inside and outside the classroom has been lifechanging, and we will forever be grateful. So many of his experiences and opportunities have been possible due to the generosity of those families who gave to the SPG before us — the least we can do is ensure future students have the same incredible experience he did.” – Melissa Bois P’22

Mr. Ronald Cahill and Ms. Anne Estabrook Mr. and Mrs. Franco Castagliuolo Mr. Leonard Cercone and Ms. Jill Nadeau Mr. and Mrs. Sithseng Chan Mr. Geoffrey Christ and Dr. Kimberly Christ Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Cloherty Mr. and Mrs. David Crandall, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham Voula and Peter Danas Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Dirstine Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Disco Dr. G. Robert Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fernandez Mr. Felix I. Figueroa and Mrs. Tunisha L. Guy Dr. and Mrs. Allan Frankel

Dr. Thomas Garrett and Dr. Sarah Shulman Mr. and Mrs. Barton F. Graf, Jr. Ms. Kimberly Hill and Mr. Paul Lezberg Mr. Kiyohiko Hirose ’94 Ms. Susan L. Jackson and Mr. Benjamin Bisceglia Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Karibian Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kleider Mr. Josh Lee and Dr. Laura Lee Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lemieux Mr. and Mrs. John Lentine Mr. and Mrs. David W. Long Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Lorden Mr. Michael Lucontoni and Dr. Susan Kalled Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Madigan ’85 Mr. Mark Maguire and Ms. Elissa Benson Maguire Mr. Daniel Mahr and Dr. Melissa Mahr Mr. Bruce Maisel and Mrs. Marla Wagman Maisel Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy P. Majchrzak Mr. Richard Manuel and Ms. Cara Sterling Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maraganore Mr. and Mrs. Dean Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Maynard Mr. and Mrs. William McCullen Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. David Meagher Mr. Daniel Mirel and Ms. Suzanne Siner Mr. Thomas C. Moran and Ms. Elizabeth A. Mongillo Mr. Kevin Morrison and Ms. Lesley Scott-Morton Mr. Clifford E. Moskow Mr. and Mrs. James Moskun Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Newman Mr. Terence O’Sullivan and Ms. Dara Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. James Perrault Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Hannah Pierpont Mr. and Mrs. John Ragan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Remmes Ms. Heidi Ryan and Mr. Paul Grist Drs. Donald and Lisa Sackett Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Salvucci Mr. and Mrs. Patchara Samalapa Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Schuster Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Sheehan ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simon Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Squires Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stevens Mr. Zhen Sun and Mrs. Yimimg Yang Dr. Stephen M. Taylor Mr. William H. Thompson, Jr. and Ms. Kimberly Budd Dr. and Mrs. Brian Ting Ann and Richard Toran

Ms. Doretha VanSlyke Mr. and Mrs. Luke Williams Mr. Patrick Yardley Mr. and Mrs. Leighton F. Young III Mr. George J. Zornada

Class of 2023 Overall Participation: 61% Gifts to the LA Fund: $176,671 Gifts to Other Funds: $415,011 Mr. Artur Aleksandrovics and Mrs. Victoria Aleksandrovich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allaire Mr. John Anastasi and Ms. Lisa Witham Ms. Sana Asstafan Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bast Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bata Mr. Gregg D. Beloff and Ms. Elizabeth A. Masterson Mr. Peter Benedict and Ms. Gina Perini Mr. Ronald N. Cataldi, Jr. Dr. Theresa R. Cerulli-Banks and Mr. Peter R. DeCarolis Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Craig Mr. and Mrs. James Downing Mr. and Mrs. Todd P. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Bret Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fernandez Ms. Lorre Fritchy and Ms. Susan G. Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gagnon Drs. Joshua and Cailin Gidlewski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gomes Mr. Scott Gordon and Ms. Laura Swain Mr. and Mrs. Barton F. Graf, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Growney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Haines Dr. Phenton Harker and Dr. Trinidad Tellez Mr. and Mrs. Damian and Natasha Huggins Dr. and Mrs. Liam Hurley Ms. Susan L. Jackson and Mr. Benjamin Bisceglia

“I support LA because I recognize the amazing opportunities my daughter (Liv) is exposed to every day to grow as a scholar, an artist, an actor and a leader. The challenging yet nurturing environment has allowed her to build strong bonds with her teachers who are always there to help her see her potential and achieve it.” – Elaine Ristaino P’23

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 33

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Karibian Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kelleher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Seth Kirby Ms. Cathryn Lamberti Mr. Frank G. Lamberti, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Leung Mr. and Mrs. Ray Liberatore Mr. and Mrs. Kristiaan Lokere Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Marchionni Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Marken Mr. and Mrs. James Martindale Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McGinty Ms. Carolyn Mcinnis Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Mehlhorn Mr. and Mrs. Adriano Mendes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercier Mr. and Mrs. James W. Miller, Jr. Mr. Thomas C. Moran and Ms. Elizabeth A. Mongillo Mr. and Mrs. William Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Morin Mr. and Mrs. Dale Morris Ms. Lydia Nantumbwe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Nichipor Dr. and Mrs. John J. Pack Mr. Mark Paulek and Ms. Jeanne Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. James Perrault Mr. Stephen Poremba and Ms. Sarah B. Wadleigh Mr. Rich Rago and Ms. Kelley Spence Mr. Michael Reed and Mrs. Sumner Rollins Reed ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Remis Mr. John Riley and Ms. Evelyne Delori Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ristaino Dr. and Mrs. David Rodman Ms. Heidi Ryan and Mr. Paul Grist Dan Scheibe and Annie Montesano Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Soukup Mr. Edward J. Steinborn Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Swartwood Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ward Mr. Timothy Weaver and Dr. Diane Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wiercinski Mr. James Yu and Ms. Karen Tao

Mr. and Mrs. Hong Chang Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Church Ms. Valeria Contreras Drs. Anthony and Francine Coston Mr. Tianhua Dong and Ms. Shuang Li Mr. and Mrs. James Durant Mr. Wayne Elibero and Ms. Kathleen McKenzie Dr. G. Robert Evans Mr. and Mrs. Scott FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gallant Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gaynor Col. Hise O. Gibson and Mrs. Nicole Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gregory III Mr. Tim Guo and Mrs. Polly Peng Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallinan Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey Dr. Bassel Hindawi and Mrs. Wafa Abed Mr. Robert A. Hoyt and Ms. Mary King Mr. Zhijie Huang and Ms. Zhigao Wang Mr. and Mrs. Damian and Natasha Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kelleher, Jr. Mr. Hoan Kieu and Ms. Tam T. H. Dinh Mr. Young In Kwon and Mrs. Dong Ri Lee Mr. and Mrs. Derek Leahy Chris and Libby Margraf Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mars Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marsteiner Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McSweeney Robert M. Moran ’92 and Jessica Rowse Moran ’92

“In looking for a high school, I was hoping to send my son to a school where he would be a part of a community, where he would be challenged academically, that offered extracurricular activities. At LA, we found something better than a community. It’s a family. Everyone from the faculty and teachers have the kid’s best interest at heart. You can tell that they are grooming these kids to be leaders for tomorrow, and I am confident that my son is going to be able to reach his full potential from the support he’s getting at LA.” – Tapiwa Grace Muvirimi P’24

Class of 2024 Overall Participation: 67% Gifts to the LA Fund: $249,949 Gifts to Other Funds: $101,860 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allain Mr. Bernardo Babatz Mr. and Mrs. John Beloff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carr Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carroll

Mrs. Tapiwa G. Muvirimi Mr. and Mrs. Marquis A. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nigro Mr. Eric Olander Mrs. Sky Olander Mr. and Mrs. Devin O’Reilly Mr. Terence O’Sullivan and Ms. Dara Mitchell Mr. Dydier Parisien and Mrs. Susann Martini Mr. and Mrs. David Pedreschi

34 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Mr. and Mrs. David Pereira Dan Scheibe and Annie Montesano Dr. Karsten Schulz and Mrs. Birgit Berghoff-Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Selvitelli Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Sheehan ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Soukup Mr. David S. Strimaitis and Mrs. Danielle S. Patkin Mr. and Mrs. Jason Terry Mr. and Mrs. JR Teto Dr. and Mrs. Brian Ting Mr. Eric Weiss and Dr. Kimberly A. Parthum-Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. White, Jr. Mr. Tao Xu and Mrs. Qin Shu Mr. Zhi Zhang and Mrs. Cynthia Huang Mr. Jan Zhou and Mrs. Yao Chen

Class of 2025 Overall Participation: 63% Gifts to the LA Fund: $71,246 Gifts to Other Funds: $10,435 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Owen Baern Mr. and Mrs. Jim Best Mr. Brian P. Brennan and Ms. Christine Ayotte-Brennan Mr. Alan Bunce and Ms. Kerry A. Flatley Mr. Malcolm Campbell and Ms. Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell Mr. Christopher F. Clark and Ms. Anne M. Gaeta Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Colangelo Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Daftary Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeLeo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Disco Mr. Wayne Elibero and Ms. Kathleen McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Francomano Mr. Blaine C. French and Ms. Chantal C. Jordan Drs. Joshua and Cailin Gidlewski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glab Mr. Richard Gleicher and Dr. Paula Angelini Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmon Tony Hawgood and Susan Daly Mr. and Mrs. David A. Janowsky Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Jones Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kline Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lanagan Dr. Matthew D. Lann and Dr. Lindi J. Ezekowitz Mr. and Mrs. David W. Long Mr. James Luening and Ms. Anne E. Bohan Ms. Melissa E. MacIsaac Mr. John S. Majeski Ms. Raquel Majeski Mr. and Mrs. Khalid Mamlouk Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Marken Ms. Roxanne McCorry and Mr. Frank Kotlik

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. David McVane Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Moitoso Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Morin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nguyen Mr. Wayne Pacheco and Ms. Leanne J. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paone Mr. Eric Partlan and Dr. Carrie Partlan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peabody

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Principe Dr. David Prudente and Ms. Suzanne DuLong Prudente Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pyron Jr. Mr. Neil Racanelli and Ms. Gina Szymanski Mr. and Mrs. James Rice Dr. and Mrs. David Rodman Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Chad H. Simon

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David Sopp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teague Mr. and Mrs. Neal Van Patten Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wall Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walsh Mr. Gus G. Widmayer Mrs. Taliah N. Williams

Senior Parent Gift At Lawrence Academy, senior parents uphold the tradition of creating their own legacy through the Senior Parent Gift, a transformative gift to the school that supports the annual fund and a capital project that makes a lasting, positive impact on the school. This year’s gift was allocated to the LA Fund and an investment in the new Community Commons project, the Community Commons Terrace, an addition off the existing MacNeil Lounge. Under the leadership of trustee Melissa Bois and her husband Chuck (Tyler ’22) and Kristy and Michael Beauvais (Emmy ’22), an unparalleled 70 percent of 2022 senior parents, grandparents and friends donated an impressive $343,201 to this year’s Senior Parent Gift.

Tyler ’22, Melissa, and Chuck Bois

Lawrence Academy is grateful to the Bois and Beauvais families, the Senior Parent Gift Committee, and the parents, grandparents, and friends of the Class of 2022 for their exceptional leadership and commitment to the mission and future of the school.

Michael, Emmy ’22, and Kristy Beauvais

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 35

Parents of Alumni Giving The philanthropic support Lawrence Academy receives from parents of alumni confirms the value of the educational experience their children benefitted from as they continue on through higher education and their careers. We are truly grateful for the continued, loyal generosity the school receives from these individuals. Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Zahi Abuhamdeh P ’19, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Adie II P ’16 Mr. Robert H. Adkins P ’04 Mr. Kenneth S. Ansin ’83; P ’03, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Anton ’72; P ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Antosh P ’17 Ms. Sandra Arnold P ’19 Mrs. Mark H. Bagshaw II P ’95, ’97, ’99, ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Baker P ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Bakstran P ’13 Ms. Carolyn Balas-Zaleski ’84; P ’17 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Baldini P ’98, ’92 Mrs. Norman M. Barlow P ’70, ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Barnes P ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Barron P ’18, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. S. Devlin and Susan Barron ’85, ’86; P ’14, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Youri Bastien P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Beck P ’18, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beede P ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bellino P ’10 Mr. Gregg D. Beloff and Ms. Elizabeth A. Masterson P ’21, ’23 Mr. Paul Benzaquin and Ms. Rebecca Magill P ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bernene P ’19 Mr. Theophile Bernhardt and Ms. Margaret O’Brien Bernhardt P ’13, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Best P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Bilsbury P ’19, ’21, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. EJay Bishop P ’16 Ms. Barbara Anderson Brammer ’75; P ’06 Mr. Paal Brandvold and and Mrs. Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P ’16, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Britt P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. James Broderick P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buckley Jr. P ’93, ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bulens P ’20 Dr. Steven K. Burke and Dr. Mary Ellen Conroy P ’17 Gail and Steve Burne P ’85 Mr. Youpeng Cai and Mrs. Wei Wen Lu P ’25 Robert Campolieto P ’89, ’93; GP ’16, ’19 Mr. Jon M. Cappetta P ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Caron P ’09, ’12

Laura and William Carr ’80; P ’05, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Franco Castagliuolo P ’21, ’22 Mr. George A. Chamberlain III and Mrs. Judith F. Chamberlain P ’79, ’81 Mrs. Virginia Cheney P ’88, ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Clark P ’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey P. Clear P ’98, ’01 Ms. Priscilla Coffin P ’98 James and Ann Conway P ’98, ’01, ’03 Mr. Charles N. Corey, III and Mrs. Sarah Hallet Corey ’82; P ’17, ’20 Drs. Anthony and Francine Coston P ’20, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Crockett P ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Cronin ’72; P ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Cunningham P ’91, ’91 Ms. Dale J. Cunningham P ’13 John and Mary Lou Curran P ’07 Mr. and Mrs. David Currie P ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cyr P ’21 Mr. Ashraf M. Dahod and Dr. Shamim A. Dahod P ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Damalas P ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Dr. Lorraine E. Davis P ’03 Mrs. Martha R. Davis P ’07, ’09, ’15 Linda Deasy P ’96, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Denault P ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. DeVito P ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Penny Dickson ’77, ’78; P ’03, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Dirstine P ’18, ’18, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Drolet ’74; P ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Susan and Jon Dunn ’60; P ’96, ’90 Mr. Charles G. Dutton and Ms. Kathleen A. Bush-Dutton P ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Floresca P ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Floyd P ’95, ’97, ’01 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Foster ’79; P ’10, ’12, ’13, ’16 Mr. Robert A. Foster P ’08 Mr. Allan Fraser and Ms. Claire Picard P ’09, ’13 Margery K. Gagné P ’85 Mr. J. Christopher Gallagher and Mrs. Jane F. Holmes P ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gallant P ’20, ’24 Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Gardner P ’89 Ms. Patricia Gillen and Dr. Mary Jean Hughes P ’15 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gilmore III ’71; P ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Glaser ’55; P ’85, ’86; GP ’21 Ms. Laura J. Goodman P ’17 Mr. Rex Green and Ms. Melissa Der P ’12 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gregory III P ’21, ’24 Elizabeth and Phill Gross P ’15, ’16

36 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Groves P ’13, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Guth P ’14 Mr. Donald Hager III ’88 and Mrs. Erica Reynolds Hager ’88; P ’16 Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamersley P ’08 Mr. Dana P. Hardy Jr. ’67; P ’03 Hon. Robert S. and Mrs. Ellen T. Hargraves P ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Harlan P ’16, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. and Linda C. Hart P ’00, ’07, ’07 Mr. Steven Harth P ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Healy P ’18, ’20 Dr. and Mrs. David H. Hopkins P ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Horsman P ’18 Mr. Richard R. Husk P ’99, ’01 Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson Hutton P ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Ingraham P ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jones P ’13, ’14, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Joumas P ’09, ’10, ’13, ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karp P ’15, ’17 Dr. and Mrs. David Kaufmann P ’01, ’04 Mr. Christopher Knollmeyer and Ms. Donna Corcoran P ’11 Mr. Joseph S. Knox P ’95, ’98; GP ’23 Mr. Dan Knox and Ms. Kim Chapman P ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Kroll P ’19, ’21 Mr. Stephen F. La Sala and Mrs. Michelle Shea La Sala P ’21 John and Joan Ladik P ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Shiraz Ladiwala P ’20 Ms. Karin A. Lamarre P ’10 Ms. Victoria B. Lamb ’73; P ’96 Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lambert P ’89, ’91 Ms. Heather L. Lauten P ’17 Mrs. Susan G. Lavoie P ’91; GP ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee P ’08 Mr. and Mrs. James Lee P ’18 Mr. Josh Lee and Dr. Laura Lee P ’22 Mr. Daniel Lemaitre P ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Leung P ’19, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Liang P ’18, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. William Lichtman P ’19 Eleanor Linton P ’89, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lobsitz ’68; P ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Locke ’81; P ’17, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Locke P ’78, ’81; GP ’17, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Long P ’15, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Long P ’17, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Loporchio P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Lorden P ’17, ’19, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. G. Montgomery Lovejoy III P ’06, ’08, ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lum P ’17

Mr. Kenneth F. MacAuley ’62; P ’87, ’88, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. MacNeil ’70; P ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Madigan ’85; P ’15, ’19, ’22 Mr. Brian J. Madsen and Ms. Elizabeth P. Brown P ’21 Bill and Jan Maguire P ’01 Mr. Richard Manuel and Ms. Cara Sterling P ’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manzo P ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mastrangelo P ’15, ’18 Ronald and Starr Maxwell P ’00, ’04 Mr. Kevin J. McDonald ’70; P ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGinn P ’06, ’07, ’11 Mr. and Mrs. William V. McGuire P ’99, ’01 Ms. Marion M. Meenan P ’86; GP ’14, ’17 Mr. Patrick J. Melampy and Rev. Priscilla A. Lawrence P ’14 Charlie and Cindi Mercer P ’11, ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Darren D. Messina ’83; P ’17 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Miller Jr. P ’18, ’23 Ned and Mary Mitchell P ’91 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mitchell ’87; P ’17 Mrs. Susan Mitchell P ’84, ’82; GP ’16, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. George L. Mitchell P ’12 Rob and Laura Moore P ’04, ’06, ’09 Mr. Dennis G. Trainor and Ms. Dina M. Mordeno P ’18, ’20 Ms. Barbara Sears Morse P ’06 Mr. Clifford E. Moskow P ’18, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Murphy P ’19 Dr. Dean Murphy and Dr. Laura Kubzansky P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Murphy P ’14, ’16, ’17 Peter C. and Andrea L. Myette P ’00, ’03 Mr. Harry J. Nevil Jr. P ’66, ’68 Mr. Henry M. Nodarse and Dr. Wendy J. Hanafee P ’15 Mr. and Mrs. David Pedreschi P ’20, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Penkoff ’71; P ’06, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Phelps ’78; P ’13 Drs. Frank and Diane Pigula P ’15 Mr. and Mrs. James K. Polese P ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Potter P ’15 Kimberly and Michael Poulin P ’18, ’21 Mr. James H. Reichert, Sr. ’57; P ’90 Dr. and Mrs. James H. Reichheld P ’17 Ken and Kathleen Reilly P ’03 Mr. and Mrs. John Riggins P ’20 Mr. Howard S. Rosenstein and Ms. Shannon H. McDonald P ’17 Ms. Phyllis Rothschild and Mr. Jonathan Golnik P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rutstein P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ryder ’81; P ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Saghir P ’19 Mr. David San Clemente ’80; P ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. San Clemente ’53; P ’80, ’83; GP ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Santinelli P ’14 Tony and Rondi Saporetti P ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sawyer P ’21, ’22

Why We Give

Geordie and Mary Mitchell P’12 “We support Lawrence Academy because the faculty and staff meet students where they are and nurture academic and personal growth while they have students in their care. The school also not only encourages students to strengthen the passions they arrive with, but provides multiple opportunities for students to explore and grow.”

Mr. and Mrs. William Schannen P ’98 Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt P ’02 Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda and Dr. Dina Eliopoulos P ’21, ’21 Jamyn and Paul Sheff P ’02 Richard and Christine Siegrist P ’02, ’04 Mr. Michael P. Sireci and Ms. Barbara J. Duffy P ’16 Ms. Donna Smiar P ’92; GP ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Kerry R. Smith P ’05 Mr. David F. Smith ’65; P ’95 and Ms. Elizabeth Tyson-Smith P ’87, ’91, ’95 Mr. Norman P. Soloway P ’91, ’93 Mr. Mark Sommer P ’12 Mr. Gary S. Sorock and Ms. Eleanor E. Shimkin-Sorock P ’04 Mr. David Spotts and Ms. Carolyn Kiely P ’13 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spring P ’01, ’04, ’07, ’09 Holly and Ernie Steward P ’03, ’05, ’07, ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Stone P ’15 Mr. Albert Stone P ’74, ’76; GP ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone P ’98, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Stratton P ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sugar P ’19

Mr. Malcolm Carley and Ms. Hellie Swartwood P ’17 Mr. John Templeton and Mrs. Valerie Campolieto Templeton ’89; P ’16, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Federico Terrazas ’87; P ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Todd P ’21 Ann and Richard Toran P ’20, ’22 Mr. Robert S. Troth P ’90 Mr. Richard D. Tyson P ’87, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wall P ’12, ’14, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Weaver P ’15, ’20 Mr. Timothy Weaver and Dr. Diane Weaver P ’21, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Webster P ’19 Mr. Mark White and Mrs. Ruth Glazer White ’76; P ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wiercinski P ’21, ’23 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Winthrop P ’15, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Woodin, Jr. ’78; P ’06 Sharon Wooding P ’88, ’90, ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Yeaton P ’20 Mr. Joseph S. Zahavi and Ms. Mari J. Cartagenova P ’16, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Zhi Zhang P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Zioze P ’20

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 37

Friends of LA Giving Friends of Lawrence Academy – our family members, neighbors, and colleagues – provide support to the school while honoring the relationships they have with our alumni, students, faculty, and staff. We are grateful for their generosity. Mrs. Winslow H. Adams Ms. Gayle B. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Barron

Ruthy Bennett and David Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. James F. Delehaunty Mr. David Ferrick and Mrs. Jeanine Ferrick Mr. Nathaniel G. Gartner Mrs. Carl W. Harris, Jr. Ms. Ann Holstrom Mr. and Mrs. Jay Livens Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Brad McMillan Ms. Mary Mueller

Ms. Carol J. Murphy Mr. Luis Padilla Mr. and Mrs. Jason Pinney Ms. Amy Robinson Mrs. David J. Rowan John and Priscilla Royse Robert Skerda and Steven Provoznik Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Streeter Mrs. Harry E. Van Tuyl Mrs. Louis A. Wolpert

Grandparent Giving We were pleased to have guests return to campus to celebrate Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day this spring. We are grateful for the investment these grandparents have made in the school and their grandchildren’s education. Ms. Diane S. Aiena GP ’22 Mr. Joseph R. Aiena GP ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Delcie D. Bean GP ’22, ’24, ’24 Robert Campolieto P ’89, ’93; GP ’16, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cesarz GP ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Colangelo GP ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Comeau GP ’19 Mrs. Maureen S. DeMarco GP ’22 Mr. Francis X. Donlan GP ’23, ’23

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Foster, Sr. GP ’22 Ms. Carolyn Fritchy GP ’23 Mrs. Barbara Gervais GP ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Glaser ’55; P ’85, ’86; GP ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Jackson GP ’22, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Garo Karibian GP ’22, ’23 Mrs. Carol Kelly GP ’23 Mr. Joseph S. Knox P ’95, ’98; GP ’23 Mrs. Susan G. Lavoie P ’91; GP ’24 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Locke P ’78, ’81; GP ’17, ’21 Dr. and Mrs. James H. Margraf GP ’24 Mr. and Mrs. John Maynard GP ’22 Ms. Marion M. Meenan P ’86; GP ’14, ’17 Mrs. Susan Mitchell P ’84, ’82; GP ’16, ’17

Welcome grandparents and special friends, to LA!

38 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Mr. and Mrs. Hildeberto S. Moitoso GP ’25 Mr. Roger J. Pellerin GP ’25 Ron and Donna Ricci GP ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. San Clemente ’53; ’80, ’83; GP ’09 Ms. Rosmarie Scully GP ’23 Ms. Donna Smiar P ’92; GP ’25 Mr. Albert Stone P ’74, ’76; GP ’15 Mr. Charles B. Swartwood III GP ’17, ’23, ’23 Ms. Judith Swartwood GP ’17, ’23, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wear GP ’19, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. David H. Weener GP ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiercinski GP ’21, ’23 Mr. Loren M. Wood and Mrs. Sally Ann Wood GP ’12

Current and Former Faculty/Staff The talented faculty and staff of Lawrence Academy provide the backbone for the high-quality education and strong sense of community from which LA students benefit. In their daily approach of “recongnizing students for who they are and inspiring them to take responsibility for who they want to become,” LA’s faculty and staff routinely put in the extra time and effort with our students. Understanding the role the LA Fund has in supporting the school’s operating budget, the following faculty and staff – both current and former – supported this year’s fundraising efforts. Anonymous Betsy and Charlie Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Baker P ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Barker III ’00 Mrs. Elena C. Beleno Carney ’97 and Mrs. Karina Beleno Carney Mr. O’Shea Bell Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bellino P ’10 Ms. Brett Benzio John and Andrea Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Blood Mr. Andrew Healy and Ms. Kimberly Bohlin-Healy Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bradstreet Gail and Steve Burne P ’85 Mrs. Hailey Wall Burnham ’12 Catherine A. Byerly ’80; P ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Cabot Robert Campolieto P ’89, ’93; GP ’16, ’19 Mr. Dennis Canty Mr. Dan Knox and Ms. Kim Chapman P ’12 Ms. Rhonda Collins Ms. Courtney Cronin Ms. Dale J. Cunningham P ’13 John and Mary Lou Curran P ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Linda Deasy P ’96, ’99 Ms. Nicole Derosier Mr. Joseph P. Fahey ’84 Greg and Pati Foster Margery K. Gagné P ’85 Ms. Sandra Sweeney Gallo ’75 Mr. Logan C. Gillis ’09 and Mrs. Sara Davey Gillis ’10 Ms. Prudence Glover Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gotlib Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Harlan P ’16, ’18 Tony Hawgood and Susan Daly P ’25, ’25

Ms. Rhonda Hawthorne Maggie Joyce Hennes ’05 Mr. Peter Hess Mr. James P. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Holtberg Mr. and Mrs. Damian and Natasha Huggins P ’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Colin Igoe Ms. Whitney Jones Ms. Tonya Kalmes Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Karibian P ’22, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karp P ’15, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly P ’23 Rachel and Robert Kramer Ms. Erin Lawler Mr. Jeffrey A. Leahey ’92 Eleanor Linton P ’89, ’90 Ms. Joelyn B. Livingston Mr. and Mrs. G. Montgomery Lovejoy III P ’06, ’08, ’10 Ms. Raquel Majeski P ’25 Chris and Libby Margraf P ’24 Mr. Griffith S. Mark, Jr. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mastrangelo P ’15, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Leonard McCaigue Charlie and Cindi Mercer P ’11, ’16 Ned and Mary Mitchell P ’91 Rob and Laura Moore P ’04, ’06, ’09, Mr. Dennis G. Trainor and Ms. Dina M. Mordeno P ’18, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mucha Mr. and Mrs. Chris Murphy P ’14, ’16, ’17 Ms. Caitlin O’Brien and Mr. Jeffrey Misner

Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Hannah Pierpont P ’22 Kim and Mike Polsonetti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Potter P ’15 Kimberly and Michael Poulin P ’18, ’21 Ms. Mia S. Ritter Mr. Benjamin A. Rogers ’02 Ms. Michelle L. Ruby ’98 Ms. Theresa Ryan Dan Scheibe and Annie Montesano P ’23, ’24 Michael and Jaime Schulze Mr. Gordon W. Sewall ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Sheehan ’87; P ’22, ’24 Jamyn and Paul Sheff P ’02 Mr. David F. Smith ’65; P ’95 and Ms. Elizabeth Tyson-Smith P ’87, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smith Holly and Ernie Steward P ’03, ’05, ’07, ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Stillwell Mr. David Strasburger Mr. Malcolm Carley and Ms. Hellie Swartwood P ’17 Mr. Jason Swepson Mrs. Maria Graceffa Taylor ’88 Mr. John Templeton and Mrs. Valerie Campolieto Templeton ’89; P ’16, ’19 Ms. Alexandra Turner Hannah and Nicholas Vennochi Deonefe Vizen and Kathleen M. Vizen ’99 Ms. Tonja L. Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wiercinski P ’21, ’23 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Mr. Gerald Wixted Ms. Kelly Yetter

LA faculty celebrate the Class of 2022 at graduation.

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 39

Capital, Endowment, and Special Gifts Lawrence Academy benefits each year from gifts designated for capital and special purposes, which include donations for: building renovations, endowment funds, the Class of 1956 Financial Aid Fund, the J. William Mees Visiting Scholar Fund, the Tom Warner ’75 Memorial Fund, book prizes, and funding for arts and athletic programs, experiential learning programs, and special projects. We are very grateful to the following donors for their impactful gifts. Athletics Mr. Robert L. Kimball ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Madigan ’85; P ’15, ’19, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Squires P ’22 Bagshaw Math Commendations Mrs. Mark H. Bagshaw II P ’95, ’97, ’99, ’04 Douglas M. Barlow ’73 Lecture Fund Ms. Gayle B. Atkinson Mrs. Norman M. Barlow P ’70, ’73 Mr. Stephen B. Barlow ’70 Ms. Mary Mueller Baseball Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Brown P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Barton F. Graf, Jr. P ’22, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marsteiner P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin P ’23, ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Miller, Jr. P ’18, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Moitoso P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Morin P ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Morris P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paone P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. White, Jr. P ’24 Campus Beautification Mr. Robert L. Kimball ’70 Capital Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Barnes P ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gallant P ’20, ’24 Elizabeth and Phill Gross P ’15, ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Long P ’15, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Long P ’17, ’19 Ms. Phyllis Rothschild and Mr. Jonathan Golnik P ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Saghir P ’19 Mr. Richard D. Tyson, Jr. ’87

Class of 1956 Financial Aid Fund Mrs. Winslow H. Adams Mr. John J. Beades Jr. ’56 Ms. Carol J. Murphy Mr. Richard T. Murphy ’56 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson ’56 Mr. Robert W. Tobin ’56 Mr. Athas H. Tsigas ’56 Mr. Paul R.D. Wennik ’56 Mrs. Louis A. Wolpert Community Service Mr. Robert A. Hoyt and Ms. Mary King P ’24 Mr. Hoan Kieu and Ms. Tam T. H. Dinh P ’24 Mr. Kinh H. Kieu ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nguyen P ’25 Parents’ Independent School Network, Inc. Rotary Club of Groton and Pepperell Cunningham Family Endowed Fund Mr. Patrick C. Cunningham ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Cunningham P ’91, ’91 The Maureen S. DeMarco Tuition Assistance Fund Mrs. Maureen S. DeMarco GP ’22 Unrestricted Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Barnes P ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin P ’23, ’23, ’25 The Brian Feigenbaum Fund Anonymous Alba M. Frigoletto P ’50, ’52; GP ’83; GGP ’21 Memorial Scholarship Fund Dara Frigoletto ’83 Richard H. Gagné Winterim P ’85 Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Damian and Natasha Huggins P ’23, ’24 Mr. Peter David Onanian ’73 Howard W. Glaser Annual Student Award Prize Fund Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Glaser ’55; P ’85, ’86; GP ’21 The Fred and Elizabeth Gray P ’45 Fund John and Priscilla Royse Steve and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Endowment Fund for Student Leadership Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 In-Kind Gifts Dr. and Mrs. Adam W. Cerel P ’13, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Cloherty P ’22 Gate City Monument, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McSweeney P ’24, ’24

40 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Next Level Baseball, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nigro P ’24 Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Anton ’72; P ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Barron Mr. Robert L. Collins ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Cronin ’72; P ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Delaney Mr. Thomas T. Firth III ’72 Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mr. Paul N. Husted ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karp P ’15, ’17 Mr. Mark V. LaPorte ’72 Dr. Richard C. Peet ’72 Mr. James R. Reynolds II ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse F. Roma Tony and Rondi Saporetti P ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. and Karine D. Siles Mr. Edmund C. Szylvian ’72 Mr. Eliot R. Tucker ’72 Marnie Livingston Vanderpoel ’72 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Al and Trudy Jodka Ayer Scholarship Fund Mr. Jonathan D. Jodka ’79 Mr. Richard J. Jodka ’61 The Lawrence Academy Endowment Fund for Service, Social Justice, and Global Awareness Ms. Margaret M. Dunn ’90 Mr. Martin D. Dunn ’85 Mr. Peter H. Dunn ’86 Mr. Raymond J. Dunn IV ’83 Kevin J. McDonald Class of 1970 50th Reunion Financial Aid Endowment Fund Mr. Stephen B. Barlow ’70 Mr. Gayton C. Bartlett ’70 Mr. Alan S. Bernstein ’70 Mr. Louis Brendan Curran ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 Mr. John R. Fernley ’70 Mr. Thomas J. Hegarty ’70 Mr. R. William Horton, Jr. ’70 Mr. Craig K. Hunt ’70 Mr. John E. Levine ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. MacNeil ’70; P ’04 Raymond J. McConnie-Zapater ’70 Mr. Kevin J. McDonald ’70; P ’10 Mr. H. Sandy Russell ’70 Witney W. Schneidman ’70 Mr. William Joseph Stafford ’70 Mr. Denison W. Tucker ’70 Mr. Charles B. Will ’70 Mr. Thomas R. Willits ’70

The J. William Mees Visiting Scholar Endowment Fund Anonymous Mrs. Shannon T. Atkeson ’09 David and Sue Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Susan and Jon Dunn ’60; P ’96, ’90 Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson Hutton P ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karp P ’15, ’17 Chris and Libby Margraf P ’24 Ms. Victoria Reynolds, Ph.D. ’84 Mr. Robert D. Sciolla ’80 Mr. Gus G. Widmayer P ’25 Ms. Sophia L. Widmayer ’25 Michael and Carrie Wilczynski Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Messina Family Fund for Scholarships Mr. Dana D. Messina ’79 Parent Events Mr. Youpeng Cai and Mrs. Wei Wen Lu Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carr P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Hong Chang P ’24

Ms. Lorre Fritchy and Ms. Susan G. Green P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey P ’24 Mr. Richard Manuel and Ms. Cara Sterling P ’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin P ’23, ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Nichipor P ’23 Mr. Terence O’Sullivan and Ms. Dara Mitchell P ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Selvitelli P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Smith P ’25 Restricted Gifts for the Arts Mr. Zhijie Huang and Ms. Zhigao Wang P ’24 Rise Against Hunger-Restricted Kimberly and Michael Poulin P ’18, ’21 Gordon ’67 and Elizabeth Alling Sewall Fund for Financial Aid Ms. Priscilla Coffin P ’98 Mr. Gordon W. Sewall ’67 David M. Stone and Karen L. Stone Scholarship Fund Karen Stone ’74 and David Schulz

Thomas B. Warner ’75 Scholarship Fund Mrs. Heather Shaff Beaver ’87 Mrs. Carol Bolger-Esposito ’75 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coke, Jr. ’74 Ms. Erin F. Cozens ’97 Mrs. Nina G. Fish ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hardy Mr. Thomas R. Hubbard ’68 Mr. Richard A. Johnson ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lord ’75 Ms. Kathryn A. Maynes ’74 Mr. Kevin J. McDonald ’70; P ’10 Mr. Michael J. Muir ’74 Mr. Charles V. O’Boyle, Jr. ’82 Mr. Eric K. Reisman ’75 Mr. Taylor B. Sele ’02 Patrick Warner ’80 Mr. John B. Whittemore ’72 Kevin White Endowed Fund for Financial Aid Mr. David M. McCuin ’96 Mrs. Kelley Duggan Sorrow ’96 Williams Family Chair Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84

Corporations and Foundations We thank the following corporations and foundations for their philanthropic support of Lawrence Academy. Anonymous 4Schoolers, LLC AbbVie Employee Engagement Fund AmazonSmile Foundation Bruce J. Anderson Foundation AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP Autodesk Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Barron & Sweet, LLP Robert F. Berry Foundation Biogen, Inc. The Blackbaud Giving Fund BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund Melissa D Bois 2011 Family Irrevocable Trust The Boston Foundation Brennan Family Charitable Giving Fund The Bulens Family Foundation C.E. Floyd Company, Inc. Cummings Properties, LLC Dunn Family Charitable Foundation EMSA Fund, Inc. F5 Networks Robert & Iris Fanger Family Foundation

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fiduciary Trust Company The Fish Family Foundation Foundation for the Carolinas Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation The Gardner Family Charitable Foundation Gate City Monument, Inc. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Jim Gilmore, Jr. Foundation Glaser Family Foundation Greystone Foundation Harvard University Kathleen & Ronald J. Jackson Foundation RL Jones Gift Fund Stefano La Sala Foundation, Inc. Lawrence Homestead Trust Lexington Management, Inc. Lockwood Solutions, Inc. Malcolm F. MacNeil Family Foundation The Madigan Family Foundation, Inc. MassMutual Trust Company Charitable Giving Program McKinsey & Company IM MeLampy-Lawrence Charitable Trust Microsoft Rewards / Give with Bing Millipore Sigma Morgan Stanley Gift Fund

Next Level Baseball, LLC The Nichols Trust The Nooril-Iman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Norman Foundation, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Foundation Oath, Inc. Parents’ Independent School Network, Inc. The Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Dave Richardson, Inc. John C. Ricotta & Associates, Inc. Rotary Club of Groton Pepperell Schwab Charitable Scully Family Foundation, Inc. See Janet Reed, Inc. Sepulveda & Associates, PC The Katalina and Michael Simon Foundation Summer Isle Foundation T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S. Charitable Gift Trust United Way of North Central Massachusetts, Inc. Vanguard Charitable Wellington Management Company, LLP Wells Fargo Community Care Grants Program Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 41

Matching Gift Companies We are grateful to our donors who are taking advantage of the corporate matching gift programs from the following businesses to double or triple their gifts to Lawrence Academy.

Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving Program Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Citizens Charitable Foundation DELL Technologies Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Google Matching Gifts Program

Illinois Tool Works Inc. John Hancock Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co. MFS Gives Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Raytheon Technologies Red Hat Matching Funds

Memorial and Tribute Gifts A donation to Lawrence Academy often honors an individual or the memory of an individual. The donors listed below made gifts in honor or in memory of the individuals listed. In honor of Nicolette Arnold ’19 Ms. Sandra Arnold P’19 Mrs. Mitsuko Cole GP’19 In honor of Ron Ansin P ’80, ’83, ’85, ’87; GP ’03, ’05, ’14 Mrs. Lucy Crocker Abisalih ’76 Mr. Robert Achtmeyer ’97 Mr. Paal and Mrs. Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P ’16, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey P. Clear P ’98, ’01 James and Ann Conway P ’98, ’01, ’03 Ms. Gretchen Crowley ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Susanna Gallant P ’20, ’24 Mr. Albert B. Gordon Jr. ’59 Mr. Stuart W. Graham ’63 Courtney Cox Harrison ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hobbs ‘82 Mr. Daniel Lemaitre P ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ‘70 M. MacNeil P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin P ’23, ’23, ’25 Mr. Dana D. Messina ’79 Peter C. and Andrea L. Myette P ’00, ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Saghir P ’19 Mr. and Mrs. David Santeusanio Mr. Gordon W. Sewall ’67 Pam and David Stone ’76 In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Baker P ’74 Mr. Walter B. Davis Jr. ’60 Mr. Robert M. Nevil ’68 In honor of Jakob Beck ’18

42 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Beck P ’18, ’21 In honor of Katerina Beck ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Beck P ’18, ’21 In honor of Robbie Burke Mr. John A. Burke III ’68 In honor of Hailey Wall Burnham ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wall P ’12, ’14, ’25 In honor of Charlie Corey P ’17, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Barker III ’00 Mr. Taylor B. Sele ’02 In honor of Patrick C. Cunningham ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Cunningham P ’91, ’91 In honor of Chris Davey P ’10, ’16 Ms. Margaret S. Davey ’16 In honor of Robin Starbuck Soloway Farmanfarmaian ’91 Mr. Norman P. Soloway P ’91, ’93 In honor of Brian Feigenbaum P ’09, ’12 Mr. Taylor B. Sele ’02 In honor of Jarred Gagnon ’03 Mr. Andrew J. Milmoe ’03 In honor of Sandy Sweeney Gallo ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lord ’75 In honor of Robyn Glaser ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Glaser ’55; P ’85, ’86; GP ’21 In honor of Allie Goodrich ’13 Mr. Coby M. Goodrich ’16 In honor of Kevin Guth ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Guth P ’14 In honor of Greg T. Halsey ’74 Mr. Eric K. Reisman ’75

In honor of Caroline Heatley Mr. Ryan Zapolski ’12 In honor of Anna Johnson P ’88, ’02 Suzanne Schiller Loonie ’88 In honor of Artie Karp P ’15, ’17 Greg and Pati Foster In honor of Jo-Ann Lovejoy P ’06, ’08, ’10 Mr. George M. Lovejoy IV ’06 Ms. Jordan G. Lovejoy ’10 Mr. Spencer R. Lovejoy ’08 In honor of Chris Margraf P ’24 Mr. Taylor B. Sele ’02 In honor of Kevin McDonald ’70; P ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 In honor of Kristen M. (Cunningham) Megerian ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Cunningham P ’91, ’91 In honor of Ned and Mary Mitchell P ’91 Mr. Robert H. Adkins P ’04 Mr. Charlie Mitchell and Mrs. Katie Mitchell In honor of Rob and Laura Moore P ’04, ’06, ’09 Mr. Donald P. Armstrong, Jr. ’87 Ms. Alexandra Turner In honor of Luis Padilla Cummings Properties, LLC In honor of Sam Pelham ’83 Denise Korn-Nachmanoff ’83 In honor of Dan Scheibe P ’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Swartwood P ’23, ’23 In honor of Molly Shanklin P ’06, ’11 Suzanne Schiller Loonie ’88 In honor of Sean Sheehan ’87; P ’22, ’24 Mr. Taylor B. Sele ’02

In honor of Christopher Soloway ’93 Mr. Norman P. Soloway P ’91, ’93

In memory of Donald Holstrom ’49 Ms. Ann Holstrom

In honor of Elizabeth Thompson ’89 Eleanor Linton P ’89, ’90

In memory of Richard A. Jeffers P ’84, ’86 Mr. Stephen D. Brook ’89 Mr. Malcolm G. Caldwell III ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Delaney Mr. Paul N. Husted ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karp P ’15, ’17 Mr. Christopher B. Page ’71 Mr. James R. Reynolds II ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse F. Roma Tony and Rondi Saporetti P ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. and Karine D. Siles Mr. Edmund C. Szylvian ’72 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III ’82, ’84

In honor of George Thompson ’90 Eleanor Linton P ’89, ’90 In honor of Dick Tracy Mr. Vincent S. Chao ’68 In honor of Betsy Tyson-Smith P ’87, ’91 Suzanne Schiller Loonie ’88 In honor of Aleigh Wall ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wall P ’12, ’14, ’25 In honor of Sheighla Wall ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wall P ’12, ’14, ’25 In honor of Gar E. Weber, M.B.A., MS ’03 Dr. Lorraine E. Davis P ’03 In memory of Nicholas Bache ’77 Ms. Jennifer Booker ’77 In memory of Douglas M. Barlow ’73 Anonymous Mr. Jeffrey A. Hoch ’73 In memory of Mark Burkholz P ’07, ’11 Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 In memory of Robert M. Chambers GP ’20 Ms. Anya C. Brown ’20

Ms. Peggy J. Skerda Mr. Marius W. Starcke ’99 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 In memory of David Pickering ’72 Mr. James R. Reynolds II ’72 In memory of Richard L. Pickering Mr. Andrew M. Lybrook II ’71 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 In memory of Richard D. Pierce ’69 Mr. William B. Harvey ’69 In memory of Arleigh D. Richardson III P ’78; GP ’06, ’11 Mr. Malcolm G. Caldwell III ’80 In memory of Dr. Michael J. Robinson ’56 Mr. John J. Beades, Jr. ’56

In memory of John "Jack" Kirby ’56 Mr. John J. Beades, Jr. ’56

In memory of Lucian Rogers ’09 Mr. Tyler R. Davis ’09

In memory of J. William Mees Mrs. Shannon T. Atkeson ’09 David and Sue Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Susan and Jon Dunn ’60 Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson Hutton P ’06 Mr. Charles V. O’Boyle Jr. ’82 Ms. Victoria Reynolds, Ph.D. ’84 Mr. Gus G. Widmayer P ’25 Ms. Sophia L. Widmayer ’25 Michael and Carrie Wilczynski Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84

In memory of David J. Rowan ’62 Mrs. David J. Rowan In memory of Jonathan Schultz ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Howell, Jr. ’08, ’08 In memory of John B. Sewall ’71 Mr. Eric K. Reisman ’75 In memory of Vince Skinner Ms. Anna D. Koules ’73

In memory of Terry Murbach Suzanne Schiller Loonie ’88

In memory of Mrs. Francine Sorock GP ’04 Mr. Gary S. Sorock and Ms. Eleanor E. Shimkin-Sorock P ’04

In memory of Daniel and Nanci Dacko P ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Shayne P. Dacko ’91

In memory of Thomas and Florence Murray GP ’12, ’14, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wall P ’12, ’14, ’25

In memory of John Stone ’82 Mr. Michael L. Cormack ’82

In memory of Timothy Delehaunty Mr. and Mrs. James F. Delehaunty Mr. Peter D. Galvin ’08

In memory of Louis P. and Bessie D. Nikitas P ’79, ’82 Mrs. Martha Nikitas Stone ’82

In memory of Tom Warner ’75 Ms. Sandra Sweeney Gallo ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hardy Patrick Warner ’80

In memory of Matthew Padraic Curran ’74 Mr. Louis Brendan Curran ’70

In memory of David Falk ’56; P ’92 Mrs. Louis A. Wolpert In memory of Corey S. Finkelstein ’72 Mr. Michael T. McCartin ’72 In memory of Dr. Fredric Frigoletto, Jr. ’50 Dara Frigoletto ’83 In memory of Richard H. Gagné P ’85 Mr. Harry J. Nevil, Jr. P ’66, ’68 Mr. Robert M. Nevil ’68 In memory of Gerry Goodrich ’64 Mr. Edward J. De Saulnier III ’65 In memory of Norman Grant P ’49 Mr. Thomas J. Murphy ’60 In memory of Gina Smith Gray ’82 Courtney Cox Harrison ’83

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Peabody P ’84, ’86, ’88 Tom and Dorie Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson and Barbara W. Beard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mary Ellen Budny Mr. Steven G. Bull ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Comeau GP ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Linda Comeau Dr. Brian Drolet ’01 and Dr. Margaret Maclin Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Denise Honey Mr. and Mrs. John A. and Betsy A. Honey Mr. Andrew M. Lybrook II ’71 Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Leonard and Sarah McCaigue Ned and Mary Mitchell P ’91 Mr. Mark R. Peabody ’86 Ms. Marianne Reinhart Mr. Timothy T. Shaw

In memory of Alan L. Whipple Erika M. Whipple ’88 In memory of Kevin P. White ’96 Mrs. Kelley Duggan Sorrow ’96 In memory of Jerry Wooding P ’88, ’90, ’95 Steven and Trim Hahn P ’96, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Leonard and Sarah McCaigue Ned and Mary Mitchell P ’91 Ms. Michelle L. Ruby ’98 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Mr. Stephen P. Wooding ’88 The Family of Jerry Wooding

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 43

2022 Parents’ Association Spring Social Auction Our Common Ground We are very grateful to parent co-chairs Elizabeth Masterson (Nicholas ’21 and Caroline ’23) and Sarah Bast (Griffin ’23) for their leadership of the 2022 Spring Social and Fundraiser, Our Common Ground. The co-chairs, along with their amazing committee, worked hard all year to put together an incredible event. We were thrilled to have our celebration back in person this year, and we are grateful to the following sponsors and donors for their support of this year’s fundraiser. Co-Chairs Sarah Bast P ’23 Elizabeth Masterson P ’21, ’23 Committee Danielle Agabedis P ’22 Lyzbeth Best P ’25 Jeana Colangelo P ’25 Kylee Donelle P ’21, ’23 Gina Downing P ’23 Casey Hodnett P ’25 Nichole Janowsky P ’25 Robin Jones P ’25 Brenda Kline P ’25, Claudia Liberatore P ’23 Kathleen McKenzie P ’24, ’25 Lydia Moriarty P ’23 Donna-Sue Morton P ’24 Sandra Pellerin P ’25 Elaine Ristaino P ’23 Judy Schuster P ’22, ’23, ’23 Stacey Smiar P ’25 Heather Swartwood P ’23, ’23 Audra Vasquez P ’22, ’25 Carrie Walsh P ’25 Melissa White P ’24 Sponsors and Donors Mr. Robert Achtmeyer ’97 AG Landscaping Mr. and Mrs. James Agabedis P ’22 Ambrosia Skin + Body Bar Anika Skincare and Makeup Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza & Wings Gary and Hermine Artinian P ’02

Sr. Bernardo Babatz P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bast P ’23 Mr. Gregg D. Beloff and Ms. Elizabeth A. Masterson P ’21, ’23 Mr. Peter Benedict and Ms. Gina Perini P ’23 Ruthy Bennett and David Rosenbaum P ’24 Dr. and Mrs. Eric Berg P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Best P ’25 Bizzie Girl Mr. Charles E. Bois and Mrs. Melissa DeMarco Bois P ’22 Boston Bruins Foundation Mr. Brian P. Brennan and Ms. Christine Ayotte-Brennan P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Brown P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Caron P ’09, ’12 Dr. Theresa R. Cerulli-Banks and Mr. Peter R. DeCarolis P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Church P ’24 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cohen P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Colangelo P ’25 Columbus Hospitality Group Comina Ms. Valeria Contreras P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham P ’22, ’25 Voula and Peter Danas P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Davey P ’10, ’16 deCordova Sculpture Park & Museum Mr. and Mrs. James Downing P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Todd P. Driscoll P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. James Durant P ’24 Eddie V’s Prime Seafood Mr. Wayne Elibero and Ms. Kathleen McKenzie P ’24, ’25 FACETSetc Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrell P ’25 FCA Flight Center Mr. David Ferrick and Mrs. Jeanine Ferrick Mr. and Mrs. Scott FitzGerald P ’24 Ms. Lorre Fritchy and Ms. Susan G. Green P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gallant P ’20, ’24 Gate City Monument, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gaynor P ’24 Mrs. Barbara Gervais GP ’25 Great Road Nutrition Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Growney P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Haines P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallinan P ’24 Dr. Phenton Harker and Dr. Trinidad Tellez P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Harlan P ’16, ’18 Mrs. Althea Harrington ’92

44 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey P ’24 Hollis Street Nutriction Dr. and Mrs. Liam Hurley P ’23 J’aim Mr. and Mrs. David A. Janowsky P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Jones P ’25 Joy Street Life + Home KARMA Westford Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Seth Kirby P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kleider P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kline P ’25 Koukla Salon Rachel and Robert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lanagan P ’25 Mr. Josh Lee and Dr. Laura Lee P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. John Lentine P ’22 Mr. Christopher N. Leon ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Liberatore P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Livens P ’25, ’24 Mr. James Luening and Ms. Anne E. Bohan P ’25 Ms. Melissa E. MacIsaac P ’25, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Madigan ’85; P ’15, ’19, ’22 Mr. Mark Maguire and Ms. Elissa Benson Maguire P ’22 Mr. Richard Manuel and Ms. Cara Sterling P ’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Marken P ’23, ’25 Market Basket Mr. and Mrs. James Martindale P ’23 Ms. Roxanne McCorry and Mr. Frank Kotlik P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. William McCullen P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McGinty P ’23 Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna P ’26 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin P ’23, ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McLaughlin P ’22, ’24, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Brad McMillan Moe’s Southwest Grill Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Moitoso P ’25 Rob and Laura Moore P ’04, ’06, ’09 Robert M. Moran ’92 and Jessica Rowse Moran ’92; P ’24 Mr. Thomas C. Moran and Ms. Elizabeth A. Mongillo P ’22, ’23 Mr. Dennis G. Trainor and Ms. Dina M. Mordeno P ’18, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Morin P ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Murphy P ’14, ’16, ’17

Ms. Gina Mustoe Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nigro P ’24 Mrs. Sky Olander P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paone P ’25 Patina Green Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peabody P ’25 Mr. Roger J. Pellerin GP ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Pinney Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Potter P ’15 Kimberly and Michael Poulin P ’18, ’21 Mr. Neil Racanelli and Ms. Gina Szymanski P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. John Ragan P ’22 Mr. Michael Reed and Mrs. Sumner Rollins Reed ’97; P ’23 Revolutionary Concord Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ristaino P ’23 Saltbox Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Salvucci P ’22

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sawyer P ’21, ’22 Dan Scheibe and Annie Montesano P ’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Schuster P ’22, ’23, ’23 Serenity Spa and Salon Mr. and Mrs. Chad H. Simon P ’25 Starbucks Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Streeter P ’26 Mr. Jeffrey E. Sullivan ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Swartwood P ’23, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney P ’19 Taka Asian Cuisine Tavern in the Square Mr. and Mrs. JR Teto P ’24 The Concord Museum The Dotted I The Groton Inn

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Todd P ’21 Tree House Brewing Company Ms. Doretha VanSlyke P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wall P ’12, ’14, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walsh P ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ward P ’23 Mr. Eric Weiss and Dr. Kimberly A. Parthum-Weiss P ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock P ’23 Mr. Gus G. Widmayer P ’25 Mr. Benjamin D. Williams III P ’82, ’84 Woods Hill Table Mr. Patrick Yardley P ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Yeaton P ’20 Ms. Kelly Yetter Mr. and Mrs. Leighton F. Young III P ’22

LA parents and community members at the 2022 Spring Social

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 45

Volunteers Lawrence Academy benefits significantly from its many dedicated volunteers. The following groups of people are key to the operation and advancement of the school. We are truly grateful for their dedication, commitment, time, enthusiasm, and input.

2021-2022 Trustees President - Jason Saghir P ’19 Vice President – Phyllis Rothschild P ’20 Secretary – Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P ’16, ’17 Treasurer – David Stone ’76 Robert Achtmeyer ’97 Pamela Nwaoko Amusa ’06 Ronald Ansin P ’80, ’83, ’85, ’87; GP ’03, ’05, ’14 Deborah Barnes P ’13 J. Christopher Bernene P ’19 Melissa Bois P ’22 G. Randall Chamberlain ’79 Susanna Gallant P ’20, ’24 Courtney Cox Harrison ’83 Kiyohiko Hirose ’94; P ’22 Bradford Hobbs ’82 Samuel Liang P ’18, ’19 Douglas Long P ’15, ’18 Bruce MacNeil ’70; P ’04 David Mazza ’01 Michael McLaughlin P ’23, ’23, ’25 Peter Myette P ’00, ’03 Devin O’Reilly P ’24 David Santeusanio Taylor Sele ’02 Gordon Sewall ’67 Edward Steinborn P ’23 Alex Sugar P ’19 Richard Tyson Jr. ’87 Stephen Wilkins Honorary Trustees George Chamberlain III P ’79, ’81 Albert Gordon Jr. ’59 Albert Stone P ’74, ’76; GP’15 Benjamin Williams III P ’82, ’84 2021-2022 Head’s Advisory Council Kristy and Michael Beauvais P ’22 Elizabeth Masterson and Gregg Beloff P ’21, ’23 Bernadette and Michael Feeney P ’19, ’21

Janice and Scott FitzGerald P’24 Terri and Allan Frankel P ’22 Neil Klar ’64 Suzanne DuLong Prudente and David Prudente P ’25 Elaine and Michael Ristaino P ’23 Jeffrey Sullivan ’01 Irene Draesel and Christopher Todd P ’21 2021-2022 Former Trustee Advisory Council Lucy Crocker Abisalih ’76 Kevin Anderson ’85 Barbara Anderson Brammer ’75; P ’06 John Chiungos ’67 Judi Martin Cyr ’82 Catherine Frissora P ’95, ’96 Stuart Graham ’63 Samuel Rowse ’65; P ’92, ’94; GP ’24 Ruth Glazer White ’76; P ’15 2021-2022 Alumni Council Carolyn Balas-Zaleski ’84; P ’17 - President Marianne Crescenzi Balfour ’88 Pat Donoghue ’06 Victoria Wellington Hanna ’97 Christopher Hazzard ’03 Lindsay Latuga Howard ’00 Victor Howell ’08 Paul Husted ’64 Ann Steward McGuire ’03 Catherine Floyd McMenamin ’97 Clare Noone ’14 Benjamin Stone ’15 2021-2022 Alumni Class Agents John Beades ’56 Warren Reich ’57 Walter Davis ’60 Paul Husted ’64 Bruce Decker ’65 Gordon Sewall ’67 Bruce MacNeil ’70; P ’04 Kevin McDonald ’70; P ’10 Margaret LaVigne ’73 Richard Johnson ’74 Sandra Sweeney Gallo ’75 Benjamin Lord ’75 Charles Woodin ’78; P ’06 Jonathan Byrd ’79 Matthew Haynes ’80 David San Clemente ’80; P ’09 Timothy Locke ’81; P ’17, ’21

46 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022

Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82; P ’16, ’17 Bradford Hobbs ’82 Charles O’Boyle ’82 Gregory Boro ’83 Samuel Pelham ’83 Lauren Schwartz Nash ’83 S. Devlin Barron ’85; P ’14, ’17 Thomas McCuin ’85 Susan Meenan Barron ’86; P ’14, ’17 M. Nancy Tayebi Aiken ’87 Mary Phillips Gilbert ’87 Marianne Crescenzi Balfour ’88 Jennifer Rogers Knutel ’88 Elizabeth Frissora ’95 Valerie Cheney Nygren ’95 Kelley Duggan Sorrow ’96 Robert Achtmeyer ’97 Catherine Floyd McMenamin ’97 Douglas Birkey ’98 Michael Cataldo ’00 Christopher Milmoe ’00 David Mazza ’01 Nina Sheff Fish ’02 Ann Steward McGuire ’03 George Lovejoy ’06 Daniel Roop ’06 Quentin Smith ’06 Spencer Lovejoy ’08 Katherine Deschene Strebel ’08 Qaasim Ahmed ’09 Shannon Muscatello Atkeson ’09 Logan Gillis ’09 Danielle Pedra ’10 Kelsey Carroll ’11 Boyd Green ’12 Ryan Zapolski ’12 Jillian Thero ’13 James Murphy ’14 Clare Noone ’14 Nathaniel Sintros ’14 Cailey Mastrangelo ’15 Connor Melvin ’15 Marissa Anderson ’16 Paige Beede ’16 Glenn Smith ’17 Madison Dicks ’20 Kevin Weaver ’20

2021-2022 Parents’ Association Executive Board Cyndi and Jeff Abbott P ’25 Sarah and Steven Bast P ’23 Kristy and Michael Beauvais P ’22 Elizabeth Beloff and Gregg Masterson P ’21, ’23 Gina Perini and Peter Benedict P ’23 Chuck and Melissa Bois P ’22 Jeana and Adam Colangelo P ’25 Francine and Anthony Coston P ’20, ’24 Terri and Allan Frankel P ’22 Sacha and Terry Gregory P ’21, ’24 Molly King and Rob Hoyt P ’24 Amy and John Kelly P ’23 Leslie and Sean Lanagan P ’25 Marla Wagman Maisel and Bruce Maisel P ’22 Jenn and Pete McLaughlin P ’22, ’24, ’24 Debie and Timothy McSweeney P ’24, ’24 Sky Olander P ’24 Elaine and Michael Ristaino P ’23 Judy and Chris Schuster P ’22, ’23, ’23 Heather and Thayer Swartwood P ’23, ’23 2022 Senior Parent Gift Committee Kristy and Michael Beauvais P ’22 Chuck and Melissa Bois P ’22 Kiyohika Hirose ’94; P ’22 Susan Jackson P ’22, ’23 Melissa and Danny Mahr P ’22 Christine and John Maraganore P ’22 Kathy and Bill McCullen P ’22 Becky Mongillo and Tom Moran P ’22, ’23 Judy and Chris Schuster P ’22, ’23, ’23 Sarah and Trey Young P ’22 2021-2022 Parent Fund Committee Cyndi and Jeff Abbott P ’25 Elizabeth Masterson and Gregg Beloff P ’21, ’23 Jim and Lyz Best P ’25 Jeana and Adam Colangelo P ’25 Kristin and Mark Gaynor P ’24 Sacha and Terry Gregory P ’21, ’24 Peggy Davis and Bob Hallinan P ’24 Robin and Tripp Jones P ’25 Amy and John Kelly P ’23 Jenn and Pete McLaughlin P ’22, ’24, ’24 Kristen and Bill Murphy P ’23 Sky Olander P ’24 Elaine and Michael Ristaino P ’23 Taliah Williams P ’25

2022 Reunion Ambassadors 1952 Philip Tierney 1957 Warren Reich 1962 James Sokolove 1967 John Chiungos Gordon Sewall 1972 Chuck Anton Geoffrey Cronin P ’04 Richard Peet James Reynolds II Eliot Tucker 1977 Jane Axelrod Davis P ’19 Christopher Foster Stephen McCabe 1982 Karen Mitchell Brandvold P ’16, ’17 Maureen Coleman Judi Martin Cyr Christie Hager Bradford Hobbs Charles O’Boyle Elizabeth Wieland Veidenheimer 1987 M. Nancy Tayebi Aiken Mary Phillips Gilbert Nancy Hamilton 1992 Jessica Rowse Moran P ’24 1997 Robert Achtmeyer Lindsey Moran Dempsey Victoria Wellington Hanna Catherine Floyd McMenamin 2002 Nell Achtmeyer Kristin Adams Achtmeyer Nina Sheff Fish Laura Gustavson Sarah Klopfer 2007 Clare Curran Gribi Nina Serach Lauer 2012 Ryan Zapolski

2021–2022 R ECOGNITION A WARDS Each year, Lawrence Academy recognizes outstanding students, alumni, faculty, and staff for their contributions to the school, the local community, and the global community. This year, these awards were proudly presented to the following recipients: Amos Lawrence Award 2022: Karen Mitchell Brandvold ’82 Faculty Appreciation Award 2022: Jim Holmes, former faculty Founders’ Day Award For extraordinary service to Lawrence Academy, awarded at Founders’ Day 2021. John “Jay” Beades ’56 Greater Good Award For service to humanity, given at Founders’ Day to a student. Fall 2021: Robyn Glaser ’86 Spring 2022: Kaitlyn Nguyen ’22 Kathy Peabody Book Award For service to Lawrence Academy students; given at Founders’ Day. Dave Ofgant (food service) Department Chair for Excellence in Teaching Recognizes innovation in teaching methods, the ability to inspire creativity and independent thought, evidence of staying current in one’s field, intellectual energy, and commitment to teaching and to the intellectual development of students; given at the end-of-year all-school assembly. Jarred Gagnon ’03 Award for 25 Years of Service to Lawrence Academy Kevin Weircinski P’21 ’23

*Please note, Lawrence Academy tries to ensure accuracy with all names and giving levels listed. If there is anything published in error, please accept our sincere apologies and contact Ben Rogers ’02 (Director of Annual Giving) at brogers@lacademy.edu.

2017 Anh Vy Hoang Subin Kim Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 47

Endowment Funds The Lawrence Academy Endowment helps to secure the long-term financial sustainability of the school, and the draw on those funds typically provides 6 percent of the school’s annual operating budget. In contrast to the LA Fund, endowment funds are permanently established, and their annual growth provides revenue to LA in perpetuity. Each year, the Lawrence Academy Board of Trustees approves a 4 percent withdrawal against the value of the endowment and directs that money to the school’s operating budget. With some funds established more than a century ago, we wish to gratefully acknowledge alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends who have created — and continue to support — a lasting legacy honoring their relationship with Lawrence Academy and their deep connections forged here today and throughout the decades. The market values of Lawrence Academy’s endowment funds reflected below are as of June 30, 2021. Each of these funds offers ongoing endowment gift opportunities to support Lawrence Academy with a vision to secure its future.





Established in 2008 by Henry and Mary Lee P’08,this fund provides financial assistance for students who need tutorial support and cannot afford to absorb the entire fee. It also provides LA’s academic support director with funding to maintain a substantive program.





Established by Albert Clear GP’98, ’01 in 2003, this fund affords the Lawrence Academy arts program the opportunity for growth and expansion.



Established in 2014 by an anonymous young alumna, this fund honors Brian Feigenbaum while allowing his most daring and motivated students (regardless of their ability to pay) to be able to travel with him to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.



This fund was established in 2016 by Mark Stein and Rosa Hallowell P’18 in support of professional theater workshops, visiting artists, and student experiential learning and travel. The fund may also be used to enrich theater technical facilities and/or to support other faculty initiatives in the theater program.



Established by Hyuk Joo Koh and Sung Min Lee P’17 in 2015, this fund affords our arts program the opportunity for growth and expansion and allows for students to receive top-level instruction.



Established in 2001 by parents of the Class of 2001, this fund provides support for curricular development.



Established in 1999 by John Patton ’88, this fund is used to support international studies in the history department.



This fund was originally established in 1996 to provide care and maintenance for the Franklin Mint coin collection donated to the school by William Livingston ’45. The endowment now supports the history department.



This fund was established in 1979 by LA faculty members in memory of Robert W. Darling, former dean of faculty (1954-1978) at Lawrence Academy, to support the McDonald Library.

KATHRYN AND JOSEPH GILL MEMORIAL FUND Established by Thomas Gill ’49 in memory of his parents, Kathryn and Joseph Gill, this fund supports library acquisitions and helps to provide new research resources and books for the McDonald Library.

48 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022




Established by Thomas Gill ’49 in memory of his aunt, this fund supports library acquisitions and helps to provide new research resources and books for the McDonald Library.



This fund was established in 1993 by Edward Cadogan Lockett ’57 in honor of his parents, Levi and Hilda, and supports the Lawrence Academy library.



Established in 1976 by Norman and Natalie Barlow in memory of their son, Douglas ’73, this fund was established to support guest speakers at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established in 1969 in memory of Clive Wilson ’61 and supports guest speakers at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established in 2011 in honor of retiring teacher Bill Mees (who worked at Lawrence Academy from 1977 to 2010 as a Spanish teacher, French teacher, and the dean of faculty) and funded primarily by trustees Ron Ansin and Al Stone with a $50,000 matching gift from the EE Ford Foundation. This endowment is used to engage a visiting scholar to spend a few days on campus working with students in classes, making a presentation that is open to the public, and offering workshops for students and faculty. The fund is also intended to ultimately provide a stipend for a Lawrence Academy student to pursue summer work in his or her field of interest.



Established in 1997 by Suzanne Schiller Loonie ’88, and voted on by the alumni, the Alumni Faculty Appreciation Award is given annually at Reunion to a current or past faculty member for commitment and dedication to the students of Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established by Ron Ansin P’80, ’83, ’85, ’87; GP’03 ,’05, ’14 in 1997 to provide sabbatical support to Lawrence Academy faculty.





This endowment was established in 2005 by Donald ’87, Tim ’89, and John ’93 Armstrong in honor of their parents, Donald and Patricia. The fund supports faculty salaries at Lawrence Academy.



Established in 2002 by parents of the Class of 2002, this fund provides faculty salary support.



This fund, established in 1976, supports faculty pensions and helps Lawrence Academy provide retirement income for its faculty.



This fund was established in 1979 by LA faculty members in memory of Robert W. Darling, former dean of faculty (1954-1978) at Lawrence Academy, to recognize and support excellent teaching. Each recipient will hold the award for five years.



Established in 1979 by Walter E. Heingartner ’48; P’73, ’75, ’78, this fund supports pensions, health insurance, and life insurance for LA faculty.



This fund supports salaries and benefits at Lawrence Academy.



This fund supports salaries and benefits at Lawrence Academy.



The Williams Family Chair, established in 1984 to honor Ben Williams’ (head of school, 1969-1984) retirement by members of the Williams Family and the Lawrence Academy community, recognizes the extraordinary contributions that the LA faculty have made to generations of students. The income from this fund is used to support faculty sabbaticals.

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 49



Established in 1999 by parents of the Class of 1999, this fund provides professional development for faculty.



Established in 1999 by Wesley and Patricia Stimpson P’96, ’00, this fund is used to support faculty professional development in the area of understanding how young women learn.



Established in 2001 by parents of the Class of 2001, this fund provides professional development for faculty.



Established in 1994 in honor of Charlotte Doe (Latin and Greek teacher, 1973-1987), this fund provides professional development for faculty.



Established in 1993 by the EE Ford Foundation, this fund provides professional development for the faculty.



Established by a grateful Lawrence Academy family, this fund was established in 1994 in honor of Arleigh Richardson (English teacher and dean of faculty, 1977-1991) to support faculty professional development.



This fund was established through the generosity of all the school’s endowment donors who wished for their donations to support faculty salaries and benefits.



This endowment was established to provide an LA education for high-achieving students from underrepresented communities, support financial aid, and help diversity, equity, and inclusion programs that enhance the lives of students and the broader community.



This fund was established through the generosity of all the school’s endowment donors who wished for their donations to support financial aid.



This fund was established in 2010 by Adrien Chen ’92 to support financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established to support financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established to support financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



Established in 1987 by Barney and Doris Blood P’77, this fund provides financial assistance to Lawrence Academy students.



Established in 2002 by David and Nancy Bradbury P’84, ’86, this fund provides financial aid to students residing in Littleton, Mass.



This fund was established in 1998 by Alden Briggs ’54 to support financial aid for Lawrence Academy students.

JOSEPH ’36 AND LOUISE BULKELEY ENDOWMENT FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIPS This general endowment fund was established in 2015 by the estate of Joseph Bulkeley ’36.

50 Lawrence Academy Annual Report 2021–2022




Established in 1995 by the estate of Godfrey and Stella Chen P’92, this endowment supports Lawrence Academy financial aid.



The fund was established in 2020 by the members of the Class of 1970 in recognition of their 50th class reunion. It was renamed by the class in June of 2021 in honor of Kevin J. McDonald for his extraordinary leadership as class agent for over fifty years, and for his commitment to each member of the Class of 1970, as well as his enduring loyalty to Lawrence Academy. Income to be directed to financial aid.



Established in 2014 by Patrick Cunningham ’91, this fund supports financial aid.



Maureen DeMarco GP’22 established this endowment in 2019 to provide tuition assistance to students in need at Lawrence Academy.



Established in 1987 in memory of Arthur W. Ferguson (head of school, 1958-1969), this fund supports financial aid for LA students.



Established in 1982 by the EE Ford Foundation, this fund provides financial aid for LA students.



Given in memory by her husband, Dr. Frederic D. Frigoletto, and her sons, Dr. Frederic D. Frigoletto, Jr. ’50 and Dr. Robert L. Frigoletto ’52, in 1981, this fund supports financial aid for LA students.



This fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gordon, Sr. P’59 in 1998 and supports financial aid for LA students.



Established in 2017 through the estate of Eli Gordon ’54, this endowment supports financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established in 2017 by Raymond Handfield’s estate to benefit a Lawrence Academy student who has an interest in music.



Established by Jonathan ’79 and Richard ’61 Jodka in 2003, this fund supports financial aid for a student from Ayer, Mass.



This financial aid fund was established in 1977 by Mrs. Lucy W. Lawrence in memory of her husband, Carl A.P. Lawrence ’10.



This fund was established in 1998 in memory of Jose Marranzini ’88 to help support financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



This financial aid fund was established in 1998 in honor of Sarah McCaigue (associate director of athletics, 1986-2002).



Established in 1995 by Victoria Bowers Lamb P’96 and Richard Merz, this fund was created to provide financial aid support for Lawrence Academy.



Established by Dana Messina ’79 in 1998, this fund supports students at Lawrence Academy with financial aid.



This fund for financial aid was established through the estate of Edward P. Morris ’36 in 1973.



Established by the Estate of Donald Pickering ’39 in 2016, this fund provides financial aid to Lawrence Academy.

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This financial aid fund was established by the co-founders of Reader’s Digest magazine.



Established in 1973 by the Mabel Louise Riley Charitable Trust, this fund supports financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established to support financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established in 1992 by the Roy Foundation to provide financial assistance to Lawrence Academy students.



Established by Gordon Sewall ’67 in 2018 in memory of his wife, Elizabeth, this fund provides financial aid to Lawrence Academy.



Established in 2001 by the Stone Family, this financial aid award is given to students of high academic potential who also have a strong likelihood for involvement in other areas of school life such as the arts, athletics, student leadership, or community service.



This financial aid fund was established in 2017 by Kelley Duggan Sorrow ’96, family, and friends in memory of Kevin White ’96.



This financial aid fund was established in 1999 in memory of Margaret Price White by her husband, Robert White ’40, her son Richard ’69, and her daughters Nancy ’75 and Janet.



This financial aid fund was created by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Foster P’76, ’77, ’79; GP’10, ’12, ’13, ’16 in 1971 in recognition of Mr. Williams’ leadership of Lawrence Academy (1969-1984) as a school that seeks to help its students develop their individual strengths and talents to their fullest potential in academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities.



This memorial scholarship fund was established in 1985 by the Yeutter Family.



James S. Gilmore III ’71, Gweneth R. Gilmore ’08, and Marcia S. Glassie P’08 created this fund in 2019 in memory of Jacqui Glassie ’08. This award, which will be presented every two years to a sophomore or junior student, enables the award winner and a friend, accompanied by an LA teacher, to attend a dinner in Boston followed by an evening with the Boston Symphony or Boston Pops. They will travel by private limousine from LA to Boston and back.



This endowment was established by Devin and Leslie O’Reilly P’24 in 2020 to provide financial assistance to high-achieving Lawrence Academy students of color from underrepresented communities.



Established by the Alumni Council in 1999, this fund provides support for Winterim financial aid.



Established in 2017 in memory of Andrew K. Riseberg ’88 by his mother, Marilyn J. Riseberg, and sister, Jocelyn Riseberg Scheirer, this fund provides financial aid support for Winterim.



Established in 1974 in memory of Claire Saltonstall ’76 by the Saltonstall Family, this fund provides Winterim financial aid.

THOMAS B. WARNER ’75 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established by friends and family of Tom Warner ’75, this fund provides financial aid each year for two rising seniors to help pay for their senior-year Winterim. The balance of the income from the fund will go to general Winterim scholarships and school books and supplies.

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Established in 2003 by the family of Sanford Williams P’77, ’79, this fund supports Winterim financial aid at Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established by Jim and Ann Conway P’98, ’01, ’03 in 2001 to give full Winterim scholarships to deserving students each year.



This fund was established through the generosity of all the school’s non-restricted endowment donors.



This general endowment fund was established in 2003 by the estate of Alden Briggs ’54.



This fund was established in 2012 to support the operations of Lawrence Academy.



This fund was established in 2019 by John and Peg Royse in honor of Peg’s parents, Fred and Elizabeth Gray P’45.



Established in 1999 by Norm Shanklin ’76, this fund supports faculty compensation and buildings and grounds at Lawrence Academy.



Created in honor of Steve (head of school, 1984-2003) and Trim Hahn in 2003, this endowment supports extraordinary opportunities for Lawrence Academy students to develop and apply leadership skills within the Lawrence Academy community and to participate in workshops, conferences, and activities that promote individual leadership and the leadership of LA students in a global context.



This fund supports the maintenance budget at Lawrence Academy.



Established in 1980 by former trustee and former faculty member Peter Mark ’64, this fund supports the student center and student lounge.



This fund represents all the prizes historically given by the school to its students.



Established in 1999 by parents of the Class of 1999, this fund provides support for senior leadership opportunities.



Established by the Dunn Family Charitable Foundation in 2001, this fund supports the Greater Good Award and community service Winterim opportunities.



Established by families of the Class of 2021, this fund supports special activities and events for seniors in their final year at Lawrence Academy.



Established in 2022 by the Class of 1972 to honor their 50th reunion and Richard Jeffers, teacher, coach, and dorm parent. Income will support and maintain the Richard A. Jeffers Heritage Center, the LA school archives, in perpetuity.

Annual Report 2021–2022 Lawrence Academy 53

Together, we reached a new milestone for LA! Thanks to our wonderful community, we raised $1,705,573 for the LA Fund surpassing our goal of $1.7 million. THANK YOU!

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