Happy Mother's Day Easy to make paper flowers
EASY TO MAKE CHEESIEST SOUP PLUS Housekeeping tips for cleaning carpets
May 2018 $5.99 (Canada) $3.99 (US)
“A mother is clothed with strength and dignity, laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks her words are wise and she gives instructions with kindness.” —Proverbs
MAY 2018
THE BLEACHING TECHNIQUE A lot of us sometimes feel the need for a makeover, and going platinum always feels like a good choice as it can really brighten your look.
SAFE CLEANING Because of their fibers, carpets get dirty very fast. And cleaning the carpet at home often can help you maintain its condition and avoid spending lots of money.
18 LIPS SYNCING Lipstick is one of the best ways to enhance your makeup, but it’s also tricky to apply. Sometimes, your lipstick seems to fade or the color bleeds out. Or maybe your lips look chapped when applying a matte-finish lipstick.
30 THAT'S AWESOME BUT IT'S EASY Fish tanks and aquariums add a touch of light and color to a room, but their maintenance requires lots of time and effort
CHESS PLAY Chess has always stood out from other games and has been considered a choice of highly intellectual people. However, in reality, the rules of this game are quite simple, but you’ll still need your wittiness and slyness to checkmate your opponent as fast as possible.
CREAMY CRAVINGS Cheese soup is a tasty and unique dish. There are many recipes for how to cook it, but the classic recipe will help you to master the essential parts.
51 EGG CRAVINGS Shakshouka is a dish made of eggs fried in tomato sauce with chili peppers, cilantro, garlic, onions, and spices. Different countries have different variations of the recipe.
MOUTHWASH TIPS Mouthwash is a product for additional oral hygiene. It comes in handy when you need to get fresh breath, restore an acidbase balance after meals, and prevent the development of cavities.
MOTHER'S DAY DIY Paper flowers are usually used as a decoration. You can put them around your home, either in a vase or attached to the wall. They are also great if you want to wrap a present in an unusual way. And of course, they look great at any celebration.
MAY 2018
COPY & OPERATIONS EDITORIAL OPERATIONS & ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER Olga Goncalves Costa COPY EDITOR Stephanie Zolis CONTRIBUTING COPY EDITORS Ruth Hanley, Debbie Madsen Villamere ASSISTANT EDITOR Teresa Sousa INTERNS William Dixon, Thalia Gamage, Natalie Wong EDITORIAL DEPUTY EDITOR Jessica Pollack SENIOR EDITORS Ariel Brewster, Sadiya Dendar, Simone Olivero CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Claire Gagne ASSISTANT EDITOR Kevin John Siazon COPY EDITOR Kelly Jones PROOFREADER Janet Morassutti INTERNS Emily McDonald, Arisa Valyear ART CONTRIBUTING DESIGNER Colleen Nicholson IN-HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHERS Carmen Cheung, Erik Putz
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. 5 Minute Crafts is published monthly except January/February and July/August by Rogers Media, Inc. One Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5 or 1-800-268-9119. Contents Copyright 2018 by Rogers Media, Inc. may not be reprinted without written permission. Article proposals and manuscripts must be accompanied by self-addressed envelopes and sufficient postage; otherwise they will not be returned or acknowledged. While the publishers will take all reasonable care, they will not be responsible for the loss of any manuscript, drawing or photograph. ISSN 0128-1839. Single copy price $5.99 + tax. Full subscription prices: Canada, 1 year (10 issues), $15 + tax. In the U.S., 1 year $45 + tax; Other countries $75 + tax, Indexed in the Canadian Periodical Index. Printed in Canada. 5 Minute Crafts, it's affiliate and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, distribute, store and archive such as unsolicited submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensate of any sort.
Breakfast at Tiffany's M
any of us spend a lot of energy searching for a “big idea” that will change our lives, but often it’s the small ideas that make the most immediate impact. For example, I’d been fretting over an eight-inch gap between my prefab closet system and the side of my bedroom wall. What the heck was I supposed to do with a tiny space like that? “You have a collapsible ironing board, right?” commented a friend who, in fact, had faced the same conundrum in her home. “Slide the board into that space when you’re not using it. Then, when you need to iron something to wear to work, you can pull it out and iron right in your bedroom!” Her solution wasn’t going to make headlines, but it absolutely made a difference to my day-to-day In the same genius vein, this issue is jam-packed with small ideas that we think will rock your world, starting with our cover recipe. I love this month’s reinvention of two well-loved dishes: classic crêpes and the clubhouse sandwich.
did you know?
Early forms of chess originated in India around the 6th century AD. One ancestor was chaturanga, a popular four-player war game that prefigured several key aspects of modern chess. A form of chaturanga traveled to Persia, where the name of the "king" piece changed from the Sanskrit rajah to the Persian shah.
MAY 2018
THE BLEACHING TECHNIQUE A lot of us sometimes feel the need for a makeover, and going platinum always feels like a good choice as it can really brighten your look.
MAY 2018
What you will need Coconut oil A hairbrush A hair coloring brush Developer Bleach powder Toner Shampoo Conditioner Notes: Before bleaching, make sure your hair is in good condition. Also, it’s best if you don’t wash your hair for a couple of days before bleaching. There are 4 main volume levels of developer: 10, 20, 30, and 40. The darker your hair is, the higher the volume should be. Volume 10 should be used if you want to add a color tone to hair of the same lightness levels. This one is meant to be a color deposit, it will not lighten your hair. Volume 20 lifts the hair’s original color by 1 or 2 levels. This is also the best developer for gray coverage. Volume 30 works the same as the level 20 volume developer but lifts the hair color by 2 to 3 levels. It’s used for bleaching as well as dyeing. Volume 40 is the strongest of them all. It lifts the hair color by 4 shades. Use this one very carefully. It’s best if you want to go super platinum blonde. Never go beyond 40, it will burn your scalp. For previously colored hair, make sure to use a stronger filter treatment using products with ingredients such as ammonia, peroxide, bleach, and alternative chemicals that clear the hair molecules of color. Another recommendation for previously colored hair is to wait 8-10 weeks after you dye your hair so that your color has time to fade.
The bleaching process Step 1 Warm up some coconut oil and coat your entire head. Brush your hair so that the coconut oil reaches all parts of your hair. Step 2 Separate your hair into 4 sections. Fix the parts so that they all stay in place. Step 3 Mix the developer and the bleach powder until it achieves a pudding consistency. The amount you can use should be written in the instructions of each product. Please read it carefully. Note: Please avoid using metallic bowls as they may contain substances that can break down and make the bleach lose its lifting power. Step 4 Apply the bleaching mixture to one of the sections you previously separated, starting from the roots. Do it to both sides of the hair. Do that to all 4 sections of your hair. Always start from the top. Step 5 After applying the bleaching mixture to all of your hair, wrap it up with a plastic bag. Make sure you leave room for air. Leave it for around 20 minutes. Step 6 After waiting 20 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Step 7 Dry your hair lightly.
Please keep in mind that if your hair is already dyed, and even if you want enough time for it to fade, if you bleach it yourself, it will only allow it to go 1-2 shades lighter. If you want something more permanent, lighter, and less invasive, it’s best to visit a hair salon.
MAY 2018
Step 8 Mix some developer with toner (ratio 2:1) until it has a jello-like consistency. Note: Toner is needed for people whose hair is naturally dark because you will never achieve a platinum blonde hue the first time you bleach it, and it will actually look yellowish. The toner should be used, in a shade like light ash, silver or pearl, so that your hair can achieve a cooler shade. Step 9 Apply the developer and toner mixture only to the roots and then use your fingers to massage it. It will slowly start to turn purple (which is a good thing). Wait 5 minutes. Step 10 Now apply the mixture to the rest of the hair and wait for another 5 minutes. Step 11 Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner for the last time and then dry it. Results If you followed all the previous steps correctly, your hair is now platinum blonde and looking healthy.
LIPS SYNCING Lipstick is one of the best ways to enhance your makeup, but it’s also tricky to apply. Sometimes, your lipstick seems to fade or the color bleeds out. Or maybe your lips look chapped when applying a matte-finish lipstick.
MAY 2018
STYLE 1. Always exfoliate your lips before applying lipstick.
4. Hide your little lipstick mistakes with concealer.
Things you’ll need: Lip balm An old toothbrush Tissue paper Your favorite lipstick
Things you’ll need: Flat definer brush Concealer Here’s how to do it: 1. Apply some concealer on your flat definer brush and underline and cover over the areas where you made the mistakes. You can also apply the concealer all over your lip line to make your lips look defined and sharp. Don’t forget to blend out the concealer with your skin to make it look even. 2. Your bold lip look is ready. Always exfoliate your lips and apply lip liner before putting on any lipstick.
Here’s how to do it: 1. Apply a good amount of lip balm to your lips. 2. Then exfoliate your lips with a toothbrush by brushing it in a circular motion on your lips for 1-2 minutes. This removes the dead skin from your lips and leaves them softer. 3. Gently wipe away the lip balm on your lips with a tissue. 4. Apply your favorite lipstick for a flawless look.
2. If you have pigmented lips, dab concealer on your lips before applying lipstick. Things you’ll need: Concealer or foundation Powder brush (optional) Your favorite nude lipstick Here’s how to do it: 1. Dab concealer or foundation on your lips. 2. Blend with a powder brush or with your fingers. 3. Apply your favorite nude lipstick. 4. Your flawless nude lipstick look is ready. Always remember to exfoliate your lips with a lip balm before applying any lip makeup.
5. Using translucent powder over your lipstick makes it last for longer. 3. Apply lip liner before applying any lipstick to get the perfect shape. Things you’ll need: Lipliner that matches with your lipstick Here’s how to do it: 1. Smile a bit and apply an X on the Cupid bow on your top lip. Ensure that your lip liner is sharp, for a smoother application. 2. Make 2 straight lines down, connecting the X on the top lip to make an infinity sign. Follow these 2 straight lines to mark points on the bottom lip. 3. Now connect the dots on the bottom lip. 4. Now make midpoints between the areas that aren’t lined yet. 5. Connect all the dots on the lip line, both on top and bottom. Make small lines instead of going for a straight long line. 6. Connect the dots on the cupid’s bow. 7. Then apply lipstick within the lines. 8. Your bold lip is ready.
MAY 2018
Things you’ll need: Translucent powder Big fluffy brush Tissue paper Here’s how to do it: 1. Apply lipstick and put tissue paper over your lips. 2. Pat some translucent powder onto your lips. Make sure to breathe out while patting the powder, you may not want to inhale it. 3. And your lipstick will last for longer. Always exfoliate your lips and apply lip liner before putting on any lipstick.
STYLE 6. 3 ways to apply a gradient lip color: Lip pencil method Things you’ll need: Lip pencil
How to apply lipstick according to your lip shape The tips listed above can be applied to lip makeup in general. But there are as many types of lip shapes as there are ways of applying lipstick. Just follow the dotted line on how to make your lips look fuller on the basis of your lip shape:
Here’s how to do it: 1. After you have applied your lipstick, take a lip pencil in a lighter shade and apply it to the center of your top lip. 2. Then apply it to the center of your bottom lip. 3. Press the lips together, and your gradient lip is ready. Always exfoliate your lips and apply lip liner before putting on any lipstick. Eyeshadow method Things you’ll need: Eyeshadow in a darker shade Here’s how to do it: 1. Choose an eyeshadow that is darker than your lipstick shade. 2. Apply it to the edges of your lips. 3. Your gradient lip is ready. Always exfoliate your lips and apply lip liner before putting on any lipstick. Nude lipstick method Things you’ll need: Nude lipstick Lip brush A darker shade of lipstick Concealer (optional) Liquid lipstick (optional) Here’s how to do it: 1. Apply a layer of nude lipstick on your lips. 2. Smudge or soften your lip edges with the help of a brush. 3. Apply a darker lip shade on the inner lips. Press your lips together to spread the color evenly. 4. Your gradient lip is ready. You don’t need to put on a lip liner for this method. If you want to mix only one shade of lipstick with your natural lip color to create a gradient, then dab some concealer on your lips before applying the lipstick on the inner lips. You can also apply liquid lip liner, instead of a matte lipstick.
MAY 2018
home SAFE CLEANING Because of their fibers, carpets get dirty very fast. And cleaning the carpet at home often can help you maintain its condition and avoid spending lots of money.
MAY 2018
HOME GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ON CLEANING CARPETS Cleaning carpets regularly can help you prevent them from getting too dirty. Wash light-color carpets about once a week, and dark carpets — once a month. It’s better to remove the stains while they’re still new. Old stains might be almost impossible to remove. Before cleaning the carpet, remove all the dirt you can: including pet hair and other little pieces of dirt. If you are using new ways of cleaning, try them on a small area of the carpet to see how it reacts to the cleaning agent.
CLEANING WITH A DETERGENT 1 tbsp of detergent 150 ml of hot water 1 tbsp of baking soda 7 tbsp of vinegar spray bottle sponge bowl of clean water 1. Mix all the cleaning agents in a bowl. 2. Use the spray bottle to put some of the mix onto the carpet and let it get absorbed. 3. Use a dry sponge to wipe the carpet and pay extra attention to the dirty spots. 4. Remove the rest of the cleaning mix. 5. Let the carpet dry.
CLEANING WITH SOAP soap 1 liter of water grater deep bowl sponge brush 1. Grind the soap on the grater and mix it with water. 2. Using a sponge, put the soap mix on the carpet and leave it for 30-40 minutes. 3. Wash the carpet with a brush, paying extra attention to the dirtiest spots. 4. Wipe the carpet with a clean sponge to remove the soap. 5. Let the carpet dry and clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
CLEANING WITH HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 2 tbsp of baking soda 100–150 ml of hydrogen peroxide small deep bowl sponge brush 1. In the bowl, mix the baking soda and the peroxide. 2. Put the mix on the carpet using a sponge and leave it there for 10-15 minutes. 3. Clean the carpet with a brush and let it dry.
RECOMMENDATIONS ON CLEANING CARPET, DEPENDING ON THE TYPE It’s important to take the material of the carpet into consideration before the cleaning. Carpets made of natural materials require more delicate or even professional care (for example, silk carpets shouldn’t be cleaned at home). Carpets made of synthetic materials are easy to clean and you can do this yourself. Pay attention to how long the fibers are. Use liquid mixes for carpets with long fibers. Don’t use very rough sponges. so you don’t damage the carpet. For shorter fibers, you can use clean and dry detergents. The color of the carpet also matters. If you have a light color, use mixes with salt, baking soda, and soap. For darker carpets, use vinegar and ammonia — the foam might leave stains.
MAY 2018
CLEANING WITH CITRIC ACID 0.5 liters of water 1 tsp of citric acid 0.5 tsp of salt deep bowl brush 1. In the bowl, mix the water, salt, and citric acid. 2. Put the mix on the carpet. You can use a spray bottle or a sponge. 3. Wash the carpet with a brush to remove the dirt and let it dry.
MAY 2018
CLEANING WITH AMMONIA 2 tsp of ammonia 0.5 liters of water spray bottle sponge 1. Mix the water with ammonia in the spray bottle. 2. Spray the mix on the carpet and wash it with the sponge. 3. Leave the carpet to dry and then clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
MAY 2018
THAT'S AWESOME BUT IT'S EASY Fish tanks and aquariums add a touch of light and color to a room, but their maintenance requires lots of time and effort. 5-Minute Crafts Magazine wants to offer you some simple ideas to make an artificial tank with affordable products. This colorful design is ideal for decorating your living room, your bedroom, or your study.
MAY 2018
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place the larger pebbles in the bottom of the container. 2. Use smaller pebbles of different colors to create layers. You can also add some artificial gravel. Lastly, arrange some shells on the surface. 3. Lay out the plastic foliage. You can also add plastic animals like crabs or starfish. 4. Fill up the tank with water. 5. Add a few drops of dye to the water. The quantity will depend on how light or dark you want the water to be. 6. Cut the invisible thread the right length, to make it look as if the fish are floating. One fish may have a longer thread than the other one. Use the liquid glue to stick one end of the thread to the lid and the other end to the fish. 7. Wait for the glue to dry and for the fish to stick firmly to the thread. 8. To simulate bubbles, pour in a few drops of either vegetable or baby oil, and gently stir. Finally, close the lid to seal the container.
MATERIALS 0.5 gal (2 l) of cold water 1 tsp of blue vegetable dye 1 glass container with an airtight lid — capacity: 0.6 gal (2.5 l) Colored pebbles and decorative seashells Artificial foliage 2-3 small plastic fish Invisible nylon thread Liquid glue 1 tsp of vegetable oil or baby oil (optional)
MAY 2018
health MOUTHWASH TIPS Mouthwash is a product for additional oral hygiene. It comes in handy when you need to get fresh breath, restore an acid-base balance after meals, and prevent the development of cavities.
MAY 2018
Mouthwash ingredients It’s important to remember that using mouthwash doesn’t replace brushing your teeth or flossing. You should perform these procedures as you did before. But with mouthwash, you can improve your hygiene if the product contains the following ingredients: Fluoride (sodium fluoride) reduces plaque formation and prevents tooth decay. If your toothpaste also contains fluoride, be careful when using an additional product with this ingredient. Perhaps it’s better to use only one product with fluoride and choose another one without it. Antibacterial ingredients (like ethyl alcohol and chlorhexidine) kill germs that cause bad breath, gum, and dental diseases. Whitening ingredients (such as hydrogen peroxide) help get rid of tooth stains and reduce plaque. Odor neutralizers (like menthol and eucalyptus) freshen the breath.
Step 1: Brush your teeth. Start with a basic oral hygiene routine — floss and brush your teeth. If your toothpaste contains fluoride, wait a few minutes before using the mouthwash. Otherwise, the product will reduce the effectiveness of the mineral. Step 2: Measure the right amount of mouthwash. 3 tsp to 5 tsp are enough unless the label states otherwise. Pour the mouthwash into the measuring cup that ususally comes with the product. Step 3: Use the mouthwash. Swish the mouthwash around in your mouth for 30 seconds. You can set a timer or just count in your head to 30. Never swallow the product — it can be dangerous for your health. Step 4: Take a pause. Spit the mouthwash out and try to refrain from food, water, and cigarettes for 30 minutes after the procedure. This is especially important for products with fluoride, which needs to remain on the surface of the teeth for some time in order to have the best effect.
MAY 2018
Tips 1. The mouthwash can be used twice a day during basic hygiene procedures or after meals to freshen up your breath and restore the acid-base balance. In the latter case, skip the first step and start rinsing immediately. 2. It’s not recommended to give mouthwash to children who are younger than 6 years old, especially if the product contains fluoride or ethyl alcohol. In large quantities, these ingredients can be harmful to children’s health. 3. If you’re using the product because of bad breath, it’s better to visit a doctor who will determine the reason behind this problem first. Mouthwash will mask bad breath, but the problem will still bother you if you stop using the product.
May 41
MAY 2018
Chess has always stood out from other games and has been considered a choice of highly intellectual people. However, in reality, the rules of this game are quite simple, but you’ll still need your wittiness and slyness to checkmate your opponent as fast as possible.
MAY 2018
How to set out the pieces correctly A chessboard has 64 squares. It has rows (called ranks) marked with numbers and columns (called files) marked with letters. Thanks to this each square has its own marking which consists of a rank number and a file letter.
At the outset, all pieces are set out along files in a strict order, the way it’s shown in the picture above. Pay attention to a couple of things at the initial setup of the pieces: The queen starts on the square of its own color. The white king always starts at the E1 square, the black king — at E8.
How the pieces move The rook moves only vertically and horizontally through any number of squares. If there is a piece of the opposite color in its way, the rook can attack by taking its square. The attacked piece is then removed from play.
The knight moves 2 squares vertically and one square horizontally, or 2 squares horizontally and one square vertically forming the shape of an “L.” It can attack the pieces of the opposite color that occupy the final square of its move. At the start of the game, white knights are standing at B1 and G1, black knights — at B8 and G8. An important note: It’s only the knight that can jump over other pieces while making a move. Thanks to this, the first move in the game can be made with the knight by jumping over pawns. Other pieces don’t have this privilege. For example, the move of the rook will be limited if there is another piece standing in its way.
The bishop moves diagonally through any number of squares if there are no other pieces in its way. Each player is given 2 bishops: one moves only on white squares (light-squared) and the other — only on black squares (dark-squared). At the start of the game, white bishops occupy C1 and F1, while black bishops occupy C8 and F8.
At the start of the game, white rooks are located on squares A1 and H1, black rooks — on A8 and H8.
MAY 2018
The queen has the right to move over any number of unoccupied squares in any direction vertically, horizontally or diagonally, combining the possibilities of the rook and the knight. This makes it the strongest piece in the game: being in the center, it can attack 27 squares at once if there are no obstacles in its way. At the start of the game, the white queen is on the D1 square, the black queen is on D8.
The king is the main piece in chess. Losing it means defeat. The white king starts the play on E1, the black king — on E8. Each of them can only move one square in any direction and attack other pieces located next to it, by following these conditions: The minimum distance between 2 kings should be one square. The king cannot occupy a square if the move would place the king in check.
The start of the game According to the rule, the whites always make the first move. At the outset, the rook, the knight, the queen, and the king are closed by the pawns and can’t move. That’s why the first move can be done either with a pawn or with a knight. However, when opening the way to other pieces, you should keep in mind that you need to think about how to protect them from your opponent’s actions. The chess game includes 3 stages: A chess opening — when all players unfold their pieces and make the first moves (the way that the game will develop depends on the latter). The middlegame during which the main actions of the game take place: the players defend their pieces attacking the opponent at the same time, they try to occupy the center and fight for unoccupied columns. The endgame is the final stage of the game. Most pieces have already been removed from the board, kings start to move actively, and the players try to promote pawns to queens. The pawn is the weakest piece that can be promoted to any other piece except for the king, by reaching the opposite end of the chessboard. Therefore, by the end of the game, each player can have up to 9 queens. Though sometimes it’s better to convert the pawn into a knight. At the start of the game, the row of white pawns occupies the A2 — H2 rank, black pawns occupy the A7-H7 rank.
The movements of pawns are limited by several rules: Normally a pawn moves only one square forward, which is located right in front of it, but it cannot capture the piece standing right in front of it. If it’s the pawn’s very first move, it can move either 1 or 2 unoccupied squares forward along its file. If there is the opponent’s piece one square diagonally forward (either to the left or to the right), the pawn can capture and occupy this piece’s square and hence change its file. The pawn has one more unusual movement that is called “the en passant capture.” Let’s say you are playing with white pieces and your pawn is standing in the 5th row. The pawn of your opponent moves 2 squares forward during its first move and occupies the square next to you. Now it’s your turn to move: you can move your pawn diagonally and capture the moved pawn “in passing” as if it had only moved one square forward during its previous move.
The objective of the game It’s required to put the opponent’s king in a position where it won’t be able to defend itself from an attack. By attacking other pieces you remove them from the board. The fewer pieces your opponent has, the more opportunities to attack the king and give check you have. Check- is a situation where you place a piece so that it attacks the opponent’s king with the next move. The king can’t be attacked without warning. If a player gives the opponent’s king check, the opponent must take it away from the attack with the next move by placing it on a different square, by defending it with another piece, or by attacking the threatening piece. Checkmate is declared when it’s impossible to defend the king and the game ends. The one who checkmates the opponent is the winner. An important note: The king and the rook can use the castling move. This move lets the player remove the most valuable piece from the center of the board where it is under the biggest danger. How it works: The king moves 2 squares toward any rook. The rook, at the same time, jumps over the king and occupies the square next to the king. There should be no other pieces between the king and the rook, and the king shouldn’t be in check. It should be the first move in the play for the pieces taking part in the castling. The castling is considered to be one move, even though 2 pieces make the move. The value of pieces Each piece has its relative value. The value of pawns is 1, the knight’s value is 3, the bishop has a value of 3.5, the rooks — 5, and the queen — 9. This classification helps compare the common value of each player’s pieces and understand which of them has the advantage. Useful tips for beginners The one who manages to occupy the center with their pieces has a bigger advantage. For that, make sure to move your pawns forward at the beginning of the game. It will make it difficult for your opponent to use all their potential and all the opportunities of their pieces. Don’t make impulsive moves, try to plan your moves in advance and foresee the moves of your opponent. Perhaps in some moments, you will have to refrain from attacking your opponent or sacrifice a valuable piece to eventually win.
MAY 2018
Pawns are stronger when they are standing in a chain (like the one shown in the picture above). This way they defend each other from attacks. Connected passed pawns are an effective method of attacking. The knights are weak if you keep them at the edge of the board. But if you place them closer to the center, they will be controlling up to 8 squares. Moreover, this piece can attack any other piece, apart from a similar one, without the threat of getting a retaliatory strike. The bishops are strongest on long diagonals or the shorter ones next to the long ones. They are also effective for sustaining the base of the pawn chain of the player or destroying the opponent’s chain of pawns. The rooks have more influence on open verticals where they can help the pawns move to the opposite edge of the board and keep the opponent’s king from some segment of the chessboard.
How to quickly advance from a beginner to an expert player Learn different strategies for each stage of the game. Start with the endgame, then shift to the chess opening and finish with the middlegame. It will help you remember certain combinations of moves, learn to foresee the behavior of the other player, and plan your actions effectively. Learn the theory. Try various online courses, don’t hesitate to study from textbooks, especially if they are for kids — many things there are explained in simple terms. Practice by solving exercises. It’s beneficial for beginners to develop tactical skills. This will help you to see more opportunities while playing. Play with opponents who are a bit stronger than you, but not with a computer. It’s quite hard to find the right level with a computer as your opponent — the game might either be too hard or too easy. Analyze the game: Jot down the moves of both players during the game and study them carefully afterward.
The best place for the queen is in the center if there are not many pieces around. Many players prefer to keep it one move from the center and not block the way of other pieces.
What a stalemate is Stalemate is the position where the player has the right to move but can’t use it due to the absence of pieces on the board or due to the absence of the opportunity to move according to the rules, even though the king is not in check. According to the rules, if a stalemate occurs, the game ends in a draw. In the photo above, the player controlling the black pieces doesn’t have an opportunity to make a move. Their pawns are blocked and the king is trapped. This player will benefit that the game ends in a draw. Their opponent who plays with white pieces will not be happy that he lost the opportunity to win the game.
MAY 2018
food CREAMY CRAVINGS Cheese soup is a tasty and unique dish. There are many recipes for how to cook it, but the classic recipe will help you to master the essential parts.
MAY 2018
CHEESE SOUP Ingredients 850 g cream cheese 750 g of potatoes 650 ml 2% milk 650 ml light cream 500 ml of water 0.5 tsp of salt 1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces. 2. Boil the potatoes without salt for 15-20 minutes. You can add a small piece of thyme in the process — it will give a nice aroma to the dish. 3. Drain the water from the pot where you boiled the potatoes. 4. Pour milk into the pot with the boiled potatoes. 5. Cook them over low heat for 5-7 minutes. The milk should start boiling — small bubbles should appear. 6. Add the cream cheese to the pot. 7. Keep boiling everything over low heat for several minutes. The cheese should start to melt. Don’t increase the heat as the soup can burn easily. 8. Add cream and salt. 9. Keep boiling for several more minutes over low heat, stirring it constantly. 10. Blend the soup with the help of an immersion blender. 11. If the soup is too thick (this will depend on the type of cream cheese you used), add up to 500 ml of boiling hot water to it. The amount of water depends on the consistency you want to get. Mix thoroughly with a blender, whisk, or spoon. 12. Serve the cheese soup hot. Top it off with wheat or rye croutons, hard cheese flakes, or fried bacon shavings. How to cook wheat-bread croutons in the oven 1. Heat up the oven to 350°F on the convection setting or to 400°F in the “top-bottom” setting. 2. Cut wheat bread into similar-size cubes and put them on a baking plate or onto a baking tray. 3. Sprinkle sunflower oil over the cubes of bread. It is super-convenient if you can find it in a spray bottle. 4. Add salt. 5. Bake the croutons in the oven for 10-15 minutes. It’s recommended to stir the croutons once after 5 minutes so that they get baked evenly.
MAY 2018
EGG CRAVINGS Shakshouka is a dish made of eggs fried in tomato sauce with chili peppers, cilantro, garlic, onions, and spices. Different countries have different variations of the recipe. In Turkey, for example, it’s a sauce made of vegetables and chopped meat or liver that serves as the base of shakshouka, while in Tunis, this dish is cooked with an array of diverse spices. Typically, it’s cooked in some sort of metal cookware and served right after it’s been prepared.
MAY 2018
SHAKSHUKA Ingredients 4 chicken eggs 1 bell pepper 4 tomatoes 2 tbsp of tomato paste 1/2 onion 1 clove of garlic 1 tsp of ground cumin 1 tsp of paprika 1 tsp of chili pepper Black pepper and salt as per your taste 1 tbsp of olive oil Fresh cilantro as per your taste 1. Cut up some onion, tomato, and bell pepper. Finely chop some garlic as well. 2. Place the frying pan on medium heat. Wait until it heats up and add oil. Reduce the heat and fry the spices and garlic in the oil for 30 seconds. Put the onion into the pan and keep frying it until it becomes transparent, mixing it with spices and garlic. 3. Add bell pepper to the frying pan. Keep frying it for about 5 minutes, stirring it. After that, add tomatoes and mix it all up well. Stew them for several minutes under the lid, then add tomato paste and stir it well again. Advice: If the tomato paste tastes a bit sour, add a pinch of sugar or a bit of honey. 4. Once the mass starts to thicken, melding into the sauce, make 4 holes in it with the help of a spatula, and break an egg into each hole. You can carefully mix the white with the sauce, add pepper and salt, and cover the dish with the lid for 10-15 minutes, having reduced the heat to a minimum. Make sure to sprinkle the ready-to-eat shakshouka with chopped cilantro. It’s done! Useful hacks Try different combinations of spices. For example, try adding add nutmeg, Curcuma, and cloves. If you don’t like garlic, just crush 1 to 2 cloves and sauté them in oil, then remove them from the pan. This will create a fragrant, spiced oil without a strong garlic flavor. The dish will not lose its taste if you use canned tomatoes in their own juice instead of tomato paste and fresh tomatoes and a bit of hot pepper. Shakshouka can be cooked in an oven too. For that method, heat the oven up to 375°F. Fry all the spices and vegetables on the frying pan in order to get the sauce as was described above. If the frying pan doesn’t fit in the oven, pour the sauce into a baking dish, add eggs, stir slightly without touching the yolk, and place it in the oven for 10 minutes. Decorate the ready-shakshouka with fresh greenery and feta cheese. It’s ready!
MAY 2018
MOTHER'S DAY DIY Paper flowers are usually used as a decoration. You can put them around your home, either in a vase or attached to the wall. They are also great if you want to wrap a present in an unusual way. And of course, they look great at any celebration.
MAY 2018
HYACINTHUS You need: colored crepe paper scissors long stick green wire (there are special floral wires) glue Step 1. Take the crepe paper you will use to make the flower itself. Cut a small piece of it around 7-8 cm in width. Step 2. Put a wooden stick on the side of the cut and wrap the paper around it. Step 3. Carefully remove the stick and cut the wrap into similar-sized pieces. You should end up with fringe, like in the picture above. Step 4. Now you have all you need to make a flower. Step 5. Take 2 pieces of wire and interlace them to create the trunk for the future flower. Make the tip forked to make it easier to stick the ends of the flower to it. Step 6. Wrap the end of the trunk as the photo above shows, to make the bushy top of the Hyacinthus. Step 7. Keep wrapping the trunk going down from the top. Step 8. Glue the end to the wire. Step 9. Take green crepe paper and cut out 2 identical pieces that look like triangles. Put the sheets on top of each other and against the wire where you will secure them. Step 10. Apply the glue and wrap the wire with the paper as the photo above shows. Step 11. Fold the sheet at the bottom to make it look more realistic. The flower is done! You can make several flowers this way and make a bouquet!
CLOVES OR ASTERS You need: white napkins scissors wire Step 1. Unwrap the napkin and cut it in half. Do it again with the other napkin. Step 2. Put the cut napkins on top of each other as the photo above shows. Step 3. Make a fanfold. Step 4. Use wire to press the fanfold in the middle, then fold the wire at the bottom of the future flower. Step 5. Open the fanfold by stretching the edges. Step 6. Open up the napkins to make the flowers more voluminous. Step 7. Make 3 more of these flowers. Step 8. Connect them at the bottom and wrap them together. The flower is done.
MAY 2018
SIMPLE HYACINTHUS You need: double-sided colored paper (it should be pretty thick) scissors ruler and pencil sticky tape and glue stick Step 1. Take a rectangular sheet of double-sided colored paper. Fold it in half horizontally. Step 2. 2 cm away from the edge, draw a line. This is the line where you’ll need to stop your cut. Step 3. The other edge of the folded sheet should be cut into thin lines but don’t cross the line you drew. Step 4. Open the sheet and put some glue on the lower edge. Then, stick the other edge to it. It’s important to make the cut fringe very voluminous, like the photos above show. Repeat the process with one more sheet of paper. Step 5. Make a tube using a green sheet of paper. Step 6. Using sticky tape, attach the tube to the bottom of the flower. Step 7. Start wrapping the future flower around the tube, going top to bottom. Step 8. Attach the second part of the flower and keep going around the tube. At the end, carefully secure the edge at the bottom and make the strips look really big, bigger than they are at the top.
DANDELION You need: double-sided colored paper (it should be pretty thick) scissors sticky tape Step 1. Cut yellow paper into stripes that are 2-3 cm in width. Step 2. Make fringe using scissors. Step 3. Using green paper, cut the shape as the photo above shows. This will be the green part at the bottom of the flower. Step 4. Take another sheet of green paper and make a roll. Step 5. Attach the edge of the yellow sheet to the green tube so the fringe is at the top. Wrap the tube with the yellow sheet. This will be the bud. Step 6. Take the green shape you cut before and wrap the bud with it. Step 7. Fold the ends to the bottom. Step 8. Make some more flowers this way.
MAY 2018
CHRYSANTHEMUM You need: double-sided colored paper scissors stapler wire Step 1. Take sheets of blue paper, put them on top of each other, and make a fanfold. Step 2. Press the folds to make the paper hold shape. Step 3. Use a stapler to fix the paper in the middle. Step 4. Make a semicircle with the edges. Step 5. Carefully open the future flower into a semicircle. Step 6. Lifting the sheet from the center to the top, make the future flower look big. Secure the bud on a wire and put it into a vase to make an unusual decoration for your home.
SIMPLE ROSES You need: double-sided colored paper scissors CD (or any other round object) pencil wooden stick glue Step 1. Put the CD in the center of the colored paper and trace around it with a pencil. Step 2. Going along the line, cut out a circle. Step 3. Then, start cutting it in a spiral going from the edge to the center. Make sure that the start of the spiral is a sharp tip. Step 4. In the center of the circle, don’t cut the spiral and leave a rounded end. It will be the base for the future rose. Step 5. Take a wooden stick and put it on the sharp end of the strip you have. Now, wrap the end of the strip on the stick. Step 6. Keep wrapping the strip until you have the bud. Step 7. Open it up a little bit. Step 8. Put a drop of glue at the base of the bud. Step 9. Put the bud on the top to glue it and secure it. The rose is done!
You can use the roses to decorate a wrapped gift — they will look great.
MAY 2018
ROSES MADE OF COFFEE FILTERS You need: coffee filters double-sided colored paper scissors pencil wire (floral preferably) glue glass bowl of water paints that you can dissolve in water Step 1. Take a new coffee filter. Step 2. Draw the future rose petal. Step 3. Cut it out going along the line. The number of the petals will determine the size of the flower. Step 4. Split the filter into 2 parts. Then put a little bit of glue on the wire and wrap one of the petals around it. You now have the base part for the bud. Next, wrap another petal. Step 5. Keep adding the petals along the wire. Wrap the base of the petal tightly. If you want, you can use more glue. Step 6. When the bud is done, secure the edges of the petals at the bottom of the flower. Spread the petals. Step 7. Add a little bit of paint into the bowl of water. Dip the flower into the water. Step 8. Depending on the paint concentration, the water will make beautiful colors that will look like a natural rose color.
MAY 2018
HOW TO WASH STRAWBERRIES About 48 million people get sick every year from eating food that has been in contact with bacteria or germs that could potentially be dangerous to the human body. Fruit, of course, is no exception to the rule.
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO AND KNOW BEFORE WASHING After buying the strawberries at the market, it’s advisable to cool them to 32°F to 34°F to stop any possible growth of larvae and eggs. Do not wash the strawberries or remove their stems until they’re ready to be eaten. Avoid leaving them soaking or wet because strawberries act like sponges. They absorb water and this, in turn, will speed up the deterioration process.
METHOD 1: WASH THEM WITH WATER. 1. Select the strawberries you want to eat. You can hold them in your hands or place them in a strainer to wash them all together, but only wash the ones you’re going to eat. 2. Wash the strawberries with clean, cold water from the sink. Be sure to toss them a bit so that they get thoroughly washed and you’re able to remove any remaining dirt. 3. Remove any excess moisture by placing them on a dry surface, like on a clean cloth or kitchen towel, and pat them dry. METHOD 2: USE A MIX OF VINEGAR AND WATER. 1. Mix 3 cups of water and 1 cup of white vinegar. This mixture will help eliminate bacteria and mold spores, which will prevent the fruit from spoiling. 2. Soak the strawberries in the water and vinegar mixture and wash. 3. Place the fruit in a strainer and rinse under running water. 4. Remove any excess moisture by using a paper towel, a clean cloth, or by placing the clean strawberries in a dry strainer to let the vinegar and water mixture drain away.
MAY 2018
MAY 2018