CL - July/August 2022

Page 3

from the editors


This flirty knit tank top from Reitmans has become part of our summer 2022 uniform. Sweet and sophisticated, it goes anywhere, with anything—see our Fashion & Beauty Essentials, page 28, for proof!



What’s your favourite summertime treat—one thing you make room or time for every year during these hot months? Is it a fresh mani-pedi to sport when you put on your brand-new sandals? A week-long escape from the hustle and bustle (even if it’s in your own backyard!)? Watching the progress of your carefully nurtured plants go from seedling to bloom or to produce you can savour straight from the source? Or maybe it’s a simple ice pop—never to be underestimated for its sublime ability to transport you back to childhood and the endless days of summer holidays! What’s special about this time of year is the notion that everything is skewed toward simplicity, enjoying downtime and savouring the small pleasures life hands you on an outdoor plate. While spring and fall inspire action, summer is about the slow lane. So in WKLV LVVXH ZH¶UH HPEUDFLQJ WKDW LGHD DQG R̆HULQJ XS stories that take it easy. We’ve got amazing buys to EULQJ WKH ÀDLU RI LQWHUQDWLRQDO KRW VSRWV OLNH 0H[LFR 7XVFDQ\ DQG WKH 0DULWLPHV WR \RXU RZQ EDFN\DUG

(see “Destination Decor,” page 58); we’ve got tons of ways with just-picked fruits and veggies (check out the delicious recipes in our “Summer Sizzle” feature on page 76); we’ve handpicked the prettiest frocks for any occasion; and we’ve provided a primer on camping, so you can enjoy the best of everything the outGRRUV KDV WR R̆HU 3OXV GRQ¶W PLVV RXU SLHFH RQ applying sunscreen the right way, so you can be safe outside every day. With all that’s in store for you this issue, we hope that—whatever you look forward to during Canada’s most anticipated season—this issue of CL is along for the ride! CANADIAN LIVING JULY/AUGUST 2022 | 3

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