6 minute read
Stuffedwithcheeseortoppedwithsalmon, we’relovingour waffles savoury
savoury WAFFLES
Warm and crispy on the outside with soft and fluffy centres, we need little encouragement when it comes to these gridded golden treats. But layered with salmon and herbs or filled with chorizo and cheesy goodness? We’re crossing over to the savoury side!
potato waffleswithsmokedsalmon and creamy buttermilk dressing
basic waffles
basic waffle batter
1½ cups (225g) plain (all-purpose) flour, sifted ¼ cup (35g) cornflour (cornstarch), sifted 1 teaspoon baking powder, sifted 1 teaspoon sea salt flakes 1½ cups (375ml) buttermilk ¼ cup (60ml) vegetable oil 2 eggs, separated
Place the flour, cornflour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl and mix to combine. Add the buttermilk, oil and egg yolks, whisk until smooth and set aside.
Place the eggwhites in a medium bowl and whisk until stiff peaks form. Add the eggwhite to the flour mixture and gently fold to combine. Makes 1 quantity.
kimchi waffles
1½ cups (300g) kimchi+, chopped
1 x quantity basic waffle batter (see recipe, left)
¼ cup (60ml) kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)++ ¼ cup (75g) Japanese mayonnaise 3 green onions (scallions), thinly sliced ¼ cup (25g) store-bought crispy fried eschalots (French shallots) micro (baby) purple shiso leaves, to serve
Add the kimchi to the waffle batter and fold to combine. Preheat a lightly greased waffle maker according to manufacturer’s instructions. Cook ¾ cup (180ml) of the waffle batter for 6–7 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Repeat with the remaining batter to make 4 waffles.
Divide the waffles between serving plates and drizzle with the kecap manis and mayonnaise. Top with the onion, eschalot and shiso leaves to serve. Serves 4. + Kimchi is a Korean spicy pickle made with cabbage and other vegetables. Find it in Asian supermarkets and grocers. ++ Kecap manis is a thick, sweet Indonesian soy sauce, available from Asian grocery stores and some supermarkets.
Cook’s tips
+ All our recipes are made using a waffle maker –there are many brands available cheaply from homeware and kitchenware retailers.
If you don't have a waffle maker, simply cook the waffles in a non-stick frying pan as you would a pancake. + We use a mixture of cornflour and regular flour in our batter – the cornflour helps to create waffles that are extra crispy on the outside. + Separating the eggs and whipping the whites means the waffles will be airy and fluffy on the inside. Buttermilk gives them creaminess. + Most waffle makers have non-stick surfaces, but we still recommend lightly greasing them with a little oil, especially for some of the more cheesy recipes!
Madewitheggplant,cheeseandherbs,whatcouldbeamore perfectbaseforthisspicyharissalambthanapuffy,crunchywaffle? Serve as a warming brunch, lunch or simple, crowd-pleasing dinner.
280gdriedchorizo,skinremovedandthinlysliced 3cups(75g)shreddedbabyspinach leaves 1cup(125g)gratedhaloumi 2tablespoonschoppedchives
1 xquantitybasicwafflebatter(see recipe, page 100)
2teaspoons extra virgin olive oil 2eggs sea salt and cracked black pepper
Addthechorizo,spinach,haloumiandchivestothe wafflebatterandfoldtocombine.Preheatalightlygreased wafflemakeraccordingtomanufacturer’sinstructions. Cook1cup(250ml)ofthewafflebatterfor6–7minutesor untilgoldenbrownandcrisp.Repeatwiththeremaining battertomake4waffles.Setasideandkeepwarm.
Heattheoilinalargenon-stickfryingpanoverhighheat. Addtheeggsandcookfor1–2minutesoruntiljustcooked. Dividehalfofthewafflesbetweenservingplatesandtop eachwithanegg.Sprinklewithsaltandpepperand sandwich with the remaining waffles to serve. Serves 2.
eggplant,fetaandoregano waffles with harissa lamb
1tablespoonextravirgin olive oil 500glambmince 1tablespoonharissapaste 2tablespoonstomatopaste sea saltandcrackedblackpepper 1cup(250ml)chickenstock 1cup(150g)char-grilledmarinated eggplant(aubergine)+,chopped ¹⁄³ cuporeganoleaves 200gfeta,crumbled
1xquantitybasicwafflebatter(see recipe, page 100)
1 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped
Heattheoilinalargenon-stickfryingpanoverhigh heat.Addthelambandcook,breakingupanylumps withawoodenspoon,for6–7minutesoruntilgolden brown.Addtheharissapaste,tomatopaste,saltand pepperandcook,stirring,for1–2minutesoruntil combined.Addthestockandcookfor4–5minutes oruntilslightlyreduced.Setasideandkeepwarm.
Whilethelambiscooking,addtheeggplant,oregano andhalfthefetatothewafflebatterandfoldtocombine. Preheatalightlygreasedwafflemakeraccordingto manufacturer’sinstructions.Cook¾cup(180ml)ofthe wafflebatterfor6–7minutesoruntilgoldenbrownand crisp.Repeatwiththeremainingbattertomake4waffles.
Dividethewafflesbetweenservingplatesandtop withtheharissalamb.Sprinklewiththeremaining feta, pepperandtheparsleytoserve.Serves4. +Youcanbuychar-grilledmarinatedeggplantinjarsfrom supermarkets or at delicatessens. If in oil, drain before using.
12smallpinemushrooms (300g)+ 8 sprigsthyme 2teaspoonsextravirginoliveoil sea saltandcrackedblackpepper 2teaspoonschoppeddriedporcini mushrooms 1tablespoonboilingwater
1xquantitybasicwaffle batter(see recipe, page 100) gorgonzola butter
150gsoftenedunsaltedbutter 1tablespoonthymeleaves ½cupflat-leafparsley leaves, finely chopped 60g gorgonzola 1teaspoonseasaltflakes cracked black pepper
Tomakethegorgonzolabutter,placethebutter,thyme, parsley,gorgonzola,saltandpepperinasmallbowland mixtocombine.Transfertothecentreofasheetofnon-stick bakingpaperandshapeintoalog.Rolltoenclose,twisting theendstoseal,andrefrigeratefor1houroruntilfirm.
Preheatovento200°C(400°F).Placethepinemushroomsand thymesprigsonalargeoventraylinedwithnon-stickbaking paper.Drizzlewiththeoil,sprinklewithsaltandpepperand cookfor10–12minutes.Topwith50gofthegorgonzola butter andcookforafurther6–7minutesoruntilgolden.
Whilethepinemushroomsarecooking,placetheporcini andwaterinasmallbowlandsetasidefor5minutesto soak.Addtheporcinitothewafflebatterandfoldto combine.Preheatalightlygreasedwafflemakeraccording tomanufacturer’sinstructions.Cook¾cup(180ml)ofthe wafflebatterfor5–6minutesoruntilgoldenbrownand crisp.Repeatwiththeremainingbattertomake4waffles.
Dividethewaffles,roastedmushroomsandthymesprigs betweenservingplates.Topwithslices of the remaining gorgonzola buttertoserve.Serves4. +Pinemushroomsareavailabletobuyinlatesummerandearly autumn,fromspecialtygrocersandfarmers’markets.Ifyou can’t find them, you can use field mushrooms instead.
silverbeet and three-cheese waffles
¾ cup(90g)gratedvintagecheddar 1 cup(100g)gratedsmokedmozzarella 2cups(60g)shreddedsilverbeet (Swiss chard) ½cupmintleaves,chopped ¼ teaspoondriedchilliflakes crackedblackpepper
1xquantitybasicwafflebatter(see recipe, page 100)
finelygratedparmesan,toserve micro (baby) mint leaves, to serve
Add thecheddar,mozzarella,silverbeet,choppedmint, chilliflakesandpeppertothewafflebatterandfoldto combine.Preheatalightlygreasedwafflemakeraccording tomanufacturer’sinstructions.Cook¾cup(180ml)ofthe wafflebatterfor5–6minutesoruntilgoldenbrownand crisp.Repeatwiththeremainingbattertomake4waffles.
Dividethewafflesbetweenservingplatesandtopwith parmesan and micro mint leaves to serve. Serves 4.
Theslicesofvelvety richgorgonzolabutterwill meltovertheseroastedpine mushroomsandpiping hot porcini waffles.
potato waffles with smoked salmon and creamy buttermilk dressing
350g sebago (starchy) potatoes, peeled and grated ¼ cup tarragon leaves
1 x quantity basic waffle batter (see recipe, page 100)
½ cup (125ml) buttermilk ¼ cup (60g) crème fraîche sea salt and cracked black pepper 240g sliced smoked salmon 1 small red onion, thinly sliced ¼ cup (40g) caperberries 2 cups (30g) watercress sprigs finely grated fresh horseradish, to serve
Add the potato and tarragon to the waffle batter and fold to combine. Preheat a lightly greased waffle maker according to manufacturer’s instructions. Cook ¾ cup (180ml) of the waffle batter for 7–8 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Repeat with the remaining batter to make 4 waffles.
While the waffles are cooking, place the buttermilk, crème fraîche, salt and pepper in a small bowl and mix to combine.
Divide the waffles between serving plates, top with the salmon, onion, caperberries, watercress and horseradish. Drizzle with the dressing to serve. Serves 4.
Southern-style cornbread waffles soak in maple syrup under the spicy fried chicken –a sweet-savoury surprise!
cornbread waffles with fried chicken, maple syrup and jalapeños
650g chicken thigh fillets, sliced into 2cm strips ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons smoked paprika 1½ cups (375ml) buttermilk vegetable oil, for deep-frying 1 cup (150g) plain (all-purpose) flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1¼ cups (210g) instant polenta 1 cup coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 2 jalapeños, thinly sliced
1 x quantity basic waffle batter (see recipe, page 100)
maple syrup, to serve micro (baby) basil or coriander (cilantro) leaves, to serve
Place the chicken, cayenne pepper, garlic and half the paprika in a large bowl and toss to combine. Add the buttermilk and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Half-fill a large saucepan with oil and place over medium heat until the temperature reaches 180°C (350°F) on a deep-frying thermometer. Place the flour, baking powder, the remaining paprika and ¾ cup (120g) of the polenta in a large zip-lock plastic bag. Remove the chicken from the buttermilk mixture, shaking gently to remove any extra, and add to the bag. Seal and shake to coat the chicken. Deep-fry the chicken, in batches, for 3–4 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Drain on paper towel. Set aside and keep warm+ .
While the chicken is cooking, add the remaining polenta, the chopped coriander and half the jalapeño to the waffle batter and fold to combine++. Preheat a lightly greased waffle maker according to manufacturer’s instructions. Cook ¾ cup (180ml) of the waffle batter for 5–6 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Repeat with the remaining batter to make 4 waffles.
Divide the waffles between serving plates and top with maple syrup, the fried chicken, remaining jalapeño and basil or coriander to serve. Serves 4. + You can place the fried chicken in an oven preheated to 160°C (325°F) to keep it warm. ++ Once you’ve added the polenta to the basic waffle batter, cook the waffles immediately. The polenta will thicken the mixture if it’s left for too long.